Why are most athletes on average from middle America?
Why are people on the coasts so short and weak?
Why are most athletes on average from middle America?
Why are people on the coasts so short and weak?
Nordic/Germanic genes, corn-fed, less crowding and minorities to limit their growth. All the good stuff a white man needs to grow.
Why are flyover white trash and niggers so obese and unathletic?
A woman would rather date a chubby tall guy over a skinny manlet
> American athletes
> white
Good one bubba
Because people on the coasts are all faggots
>Poor, uneducated KFC heart attacks actually believe this
>muh per capita
Are you serious bro? Dude nobody wants a manlet, they aren't desirable mates. Sorry.
why do you make this thread every week?
Its obviously because of the fact that coal miners and farmers had the best genes
Because it infuriates both manlets and coastcucks.
And when you call out a coastlet about how shrimpy they are they rage.
>must be healthy
Healthy is subjective. A measuring tape isn't.
>this scale is subjective!
>obesity is a cultural construct
Embarrassing yourself unnecessarily
You're supposed to just stop replying when you get btfo
You can lose weight, you can't gain height Tiny Tim
>diabetes is subjective
>clogged arteries are subjective
>heart failure is subjective
Lol. Okay Tyrone Cleetus
Because exercise is the only thing that makes the voices go away.
>making this thread twice a day
Typical obsession and fetishization of superior coast dwellers by flyover trash
Nothing new
>Californians are so poor they can't even afford food
Does not compute
>still obsessing
Lol. Thanks for proving my point
Not even one southern or Midwest state other than Minnesota has a higher average income than California lol
>broke manlets
Top kek
Yet they live more comfortably. Seems you aren't aware of price inflation in the coasts.
>I make 3 grand more, nevermind that my housing costs 3 times as much and everything else is 50% more expensive
>what is salary/cost ratio
You fucking retard. Midwesterners don't have to pay 3000 dollars a month to live in the closet.
At least the West coast and north east have major cities that are expensive to live in. What fucking excuse does the south have for living paycheck to paycheck? Living in the shitiest, least important parts of the country ought to be cheap as fuck.
Nah, I get it lol. The only downside to having slightly more cash on hand is that you live in a southern/Midwest shithole lol
Do you know what costs are?
Yeah free of drastic air pollution and beaners everywhere, the horror.
My fucking sides, you're really scrambling now.
You're money is worth less, you live paycheck to paycheck, you're shorter.
Hey at least you can buy oranges when you're stuck in traffic though
Do you know what reading is?
>flyover so shitty that it costs infinitely less to live there
>says I'm scrambling
>talks about buying oranges
Lol, k
You have officially went full retard.
Do you?
>that feel when a Californian was dumb, illiterate, poor and short near me
I live in Hawaii lad. At least it's smarter than the south lol, even with a bunch of Pacific Islander and Asian immigrants
How's that?
You've posted enough retarded responses the conclusion is obvious
>not having a deluge of illiterate, short, illegals to lower your state avg on everything
>California is literally dumber than Alabama
Beaners on suicide watch
>Be Californian
>Apple costs $15
>Gallon of milk costs $45
>Get worked to starvation and not eat
Being skinny is easy when you can't afford to eat
Holy shit, coastlets BTFO
Yet you can't even answer the question lol
You haven't made one post of value, what would I argue with?
Then why are you arguing over my posts if there's nothing to argue about
Shitty places cost less to live in. This is a known fact I posted and contains infinitely more information than any of your posts which add literally nothing lol
Also I'm done posting in this pointless thread so feel free to not respond
Hahaha coastal faggots are devastated when people tell them how shitty their quaity of living really is.
>mfw coastlets, commiefornians in particular, getting BTFO up and down this thread
>being outperformed by Alabama
>tie with Mississippi
>the shanty-town of California
>the spic infested, nigger ravaged shit hole that is california.
>US black population: 14%
>CA black population: 6%
Why has this troll still not figured out what a coast is?
Wow. The south is dumb. Big shocker.
KEK coastlets btfo
>44% of residents don't even speak English at home
What's cool about living in an overpopulated overpriced dump that half the people don't even speak English?
Short, stupid, broke retards.
What a life lmao
Lol, I knew this would trigger some fucking retard lol
What does that have to do with black people?
Who cares what language Asians and Mexicans speak when they're at home?
What we're you insinuating with your initial post is the better question
>even the dark red is only 6 feet tall
face it, we're all manlets
Which post? The one that showed California has way less black people than the national average?
Isn't Missisippi the poorest state in the country? Why so many fatties?
because in the US, unhealthy food is the cheapest, and it's the only thing they can afford
>burger costs $1
>pack of grapes costs $3
welcome to the 'first world'
you seem to be the one who's triggered here, friend. I don't blame you, after all you live in a state full of illiterate, poor, and retarded manlet a who are liberal cucks to boot
I live in Hawaii bro. It's legit. Have fun being triggered in shithole flyover land lol
>low iq
>huge percentage live paycheck to paycheck
>full of manlet pacific islanders
>expensive as shit
sounds awesome man
good one PFC Bullet Shield
Yeah, it's literally one of the most beautiful places in the world lol
yep, that's why real people fly there on vacation when they feel like it. living there sounds awful t b h
>getting rekt by volcanoes and tsunamis every now an then
>majority non white
>no sports teams other than a CFB squad that's unimaginably shitty and has a homosexual name
>no relevance whatsoever
>their only claim to fame is Obama and getting bombed by the Japs in WW2
And literally more expensive than NYC and full of hobos while being completely irrelevant, unlike NYC
HI will pay homeless peoples plane ticket home so they will leave theres so many
I love it so whatever
I don't see many hobos and I live comfortably. What do I care about being "relevant". What does that matter?
I'll just leave this here
There was an autistic tranny tripfag from Hawaii that rooted for the 49ers years ago, is that you?
>move to San Francisco for job
>expect it to be filled with qt3.14159s cos muh California girls
>instead it's filled with disgusting slags with potato faces
What a fucking letdown. Even Wisconsin girls are better looking on average.
you could assign the same map the label "population by state" and it would look about the same
Because women in rural flyover land tend to be of white European extraction and not some weird ugly Mexican / Armenian / Jew / Filipino racial clusterfuck like in Cali.
Well it only shows that Illinois and Ohio are overachievers.
Nah mang
>states with the most people have the most gold medals
Why is middle america so obese?
Why does new York have only half of what California does then you fucking faggots?
is this a troll? jew york has almost exactly half the population of california
Literally nothing to do but play sports and fuck your sister
6'3" from New Jersey here
I gotta say that map is right because I'm surrounded by tiny mexican and asian immigrants. I feel like Gulliver sometimes.
Has anyone pointed out that football has like 3x the number of people playing it as any other sport and they're all from non-coastal parts of the country?
You should still be able to see that California has a higher amount of medal winners per capita than almost all of those states. Also California wasn't very populous early in the century compared to the east coast, I'm pretty sure
Explain Texas faggot. More population than NY and less medals
Face it, California represents the USA in the Olympics more than any other shit tier state. Stay mad
>they're all from non-coastal parts of the country?
Far from it. You just think they all come from flyover country becasue the big college programs are in flyover states. That's only because they're too irrelevant for NFL and try to make up for it.
1. California 225
2. Florida 186
3. Texas 184
4. Georgia 95
5. Ohio 74
6. New Jersey 63
7. Louisiana 62
8. Pennsylvania 58
9. South Carolina 54
10. Virginia 50
11. Alabama 48
12. North Carolina 46
13. Michigan 43
14. Illinois 37
15. Tennessee 35
16. Mississippi 32
17. New York 28
18. Maryland 25
19. Missouri 24
20. Wisconsin 22
21. Washington 21
22. Arizona 21
23. Indiana 20
24. (tie) Colorado 19
Oklahoma 19
26. Connecticut 18
27. Kentucky 17
28. Arkansas 16
29. Kansas 15
30. Iowa 13
31. (tie) Massachusetts 12
Oregon 12
33. Minnesota 11
34. (tie) Utah 9
Hawaii 9
Nebraska 9
Montana 9
38. Nevada 6
39. Idaho 4
40. (tie) Alaska 3
Delaware 3
South Dakota 3
Wyoming 3
44. (tie) New Hampshire 2
New Mexico 2
West Virginia 2
47. (tie) Maine 1
Rhode Island 1
Washington, D.C. 5
American Samoa 3
Canada 11
Germany 1
England 1
Estonia 1
Australia 1
Ghana 1
Notice the excellent representation from New Jersey.
oh and source. 2013 but it still gives a very good idea to where NFL players actually come from.
No it wouldn't lol
Learn to math faggot