Do non-Americans tailgate?
Do non-Americans tailgate?
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I know for sure that yuropoors don't because they can't afford food
illegal in some places
Or cars or gas
So they riot with hooligans
They don't have trucks, no.
my country is a piece of shit.
We meet in pubs before the games or get drunk on the fan buses/trains.
No because there isn't a hundred million acres around each stadium.
here we don't do it with footy because stadiums are in big cities and there isn't a lot of space for setting up a big camp, but argie Turismo Carretera (oldest stock car competition still active) attracts thousands of people each week, and because the race tracks are usually in the urban zone peripheria a lot of people that follow the races from province to province (thousands of miles) set themselves in the motorhomes and stay the weekend there, specially since you can watch the practices on friday, the quali on saturday and the race on sunday, it's pretty comfy overall.
Knocking back a few pints in a traditional pub with the lads and then walking down the street to the stadium is way comfier than tailgating in a fucking carpark tbqh
Yuro stadiums tend to be in the cities, rather than surrounded by miles of nothing, so there are no parking lots.
looks comfy tbqh desu
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Not enough Defense chants mate, also where is the jumbo tron telling people what to chant? Is it behind the camera?
>his country doesn't have endless amounts of land to build a parking lot over so he has to resort to going to the local "pub" to drown his sorrows
Why even live in such a shitty place?
M8, stop embarrassing us, they clearly got the better deal going here
I have no idea what that is
Seems fun, but I cringed a ton watching this.
I think they are probably both fantastic, but I have no idea whey you think your opinion is valid
There's tailgating at CFL games. But it's not as big obviously because the stadiums are smaller.
It's more just drinking and barbecuing a few hours before the game so you don't have to buy any overpriced shit in the stadium.
America has no sports culture outside of college games, so they have to hang out in concrete wastelands miles from their cities with their shitty cars and play shit like cornhole and hang out with ugly midwesterners.
Fight and Win America!
>trying this hard
Why are you such a faggot?
Why not just move to England then?
>He's triggered
...Does America not have bars...or....what are you saying?
Still have 2 years left on my visa brev
I lived in Calgary during their 04 run. Shit was nuts! Lots of tailgating before the game, and TONS after. Red Mile 04 is seriously untouchable for NHL playoff party time. After game 6 vs Detroit is was done after every single game.
Shirts off for Kiprusoff :)
All NASCAR races have tailgating
So are you from England then?
Why are you here if you don't like it?
>Jumbotrons telling people what to say
>No away fan section
>Fight and win
>Hanging out in parking lots
>this is supposed to be a positive example
I love it, Professional Sports culture just makes me cringe desu. I only ever go to college games because there I at least feel like there is a proper fan culture, but even then it feels like a slightly watered down version. Also I exaggerate on 4chins for the (You)'s.
found the hipster wannabe euro who has never actually been to a sporting event
tailgating is amazing
bring all your own booze, avoid paying $5/beer at some shitty bar
bring all your own food and grill it up, not wasting money on some shitty bar food
have fun with fellow fans and get drunk as fuck by noon before the game
Yes, if another driver is pissing me off I will tailgate the shit out of him
Yuros are dirty commies or they are ruled by a queen
Does it have something to do with deflategate?
Was that actual tailgating though? I mean parking your truck or camper outside of the game with a bbq and case of beer.
We do it for Blue Bombers games, I've never seen it for hockey though.
Yes. People were set up with truck tents, booze flowing, and ball hockey being played by drunk adults. It's way to tame now days, not nearly as much fun. They try setting up multiple beer gardens last year....Just wasnt the same.
Shouldn't you be in your cuckshed?
Go the pub
Go the game
Go to town
Yuros tailgate the shit out of WRC races. Drivers say you can smell the hotdogs while running the course in sweden.
That's good at least. If you're not going to tailgate a race what's even the point imo
disgusting savages
>Drivers say you can smell the hotdogs while running the course in sweden.
thats not a very progressive atmosphere
This is absolutely true.
People also go crazy over rally here
I feel bad for anyone who has never tailgated an SEC football game.
Looks like a fucking car boot sale. We have them mate.
How do you pay at tailgates?
HAHA. Get it, amigos?
Hotdog is slang for muslin dick in sweden.
lern 2 yuro
dumbest shit in history
Yeah I had no idea it was so popular in Portugal but I caught a bit of the WRC on the tv the other day and it was in Portugal, and they said how they all loved it
I always thought rally was most popular in Scandinavia really.
British people go the pub with the lads, have lots of bants, chase after gash, and shag some slags. Otherwise you're an absolute sadcase.
America is a continent you hick!
Motor sports in general are pretty popular here.
I think F1 and rally have the biggest following and it's common to see places organize motocross and trial bike competitions.
Aren't those far from civilization? Makes sense, there are no pubs around
>soccer is not gay enough so euros have to add showtunes
its hard to have away fan support when the fucking anaheim angles play the miami marlins considering they are 2700 miles away from each other I agree
Genuinely kill yourself.
But all Americans are bandwagoners, at least 50% of them aren't a fan of the local team.
Never heard of this
It's an unfortunate result of some states not having major teams and viewing locations