What's wrong with Oakland, sorry, Golden State fans?

What's wrong with Oakland, sorry, Golden State fans?

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I don't know?...What?

This happened in texas kek

Eyebrow game strong


She was a teacher who got pregnant from fucking some middle school kid and then turned herself in

Would you?
I would

This didn't happen in California though

>be american
>go to school
>get shot

What's the problem with California as a whole?


I would too


Haeli Noelle Wey, a former math teacher, was arrested in mid-December 2015 for allegedly having an improper relationship with two of her students, reports CBS affiliate KEYE.

Wey, 28, was reportedly charged with two counts of improper relationship between educator and student. Wey had been teaching at Westlake High School in Austin, Texas, until Oct. 30, 2015.

how was school today, honey?

Damn can you imagine being in 8th grade and your 24 yr old teacher that is EVEN REMOTELY ATTRACTIVE wants to fuck you on the regular to the point where you knock the bitch up? This kid's dick game must be Lil B level.

Mexicans will fuck anything that moves. It's not hard.

Wouldn't have even been able to do it at that age. Probably would've came and passed out the second she touched my dick

>tfw all your teachers were old and ugly.

it's like winning the lottery.

>13 year olds are getting chicks and I'm an adult attorney who can't even find a decent girl to date

>tfw remembering one blond TA/college intern chick for a middle school class was pretty attractive and always showed cleavage and would constantly bend over tables or desks to show off her ass

>tfw she got busted for fucking some old teacher and got fired after like 3 months, and every guy in the class got depressed for like 3 weeks afterwards

>you will NEVER be raped by a semi-attractive pedo woman in middle school

why even live desu...

Why couldn't it have been me?

Was I not cute enough?

What did I do wrong?

>tfw the only reasonably hot teacher in middle school was a hardcore catholic

hell yeah nigga

why the fuck didnt this shit happen to me in school god fucking damnit i woulda kept it so fucking low nigga what the fuck man shit fuck the jews fuck the cops no one is allowed to have sex unless it's them molesting boys right fuck em all

Fuck catholics that dirty satanic spinoff of christianity fuck em all for ruining sex for billions of people bc theyre so averse to human happiness

>tfw in 16 years of school i've only had 3 attractive teachers

You okay there Justin?


>when you crave the bbc so hard you dont care how old they are

they were white

implying fucking hot teachers isnt the greatest gift

No they weren't. The teacher in OP picture fucked some beaner named jesus.

The OP picture and the one you quoted are two different people.

Fucking females would never understand. This is every teenage dudes fantasy. Where were these 'pervs' when I was in middle/high school?

God I wished a sexy teacher would have fucked me as a kid

> Knocking up your super hot latina teacher at age 13
> This will never be you

why even fucking live?

I bet you work too much.

Physical health and social health come first user.

> Implying religious women aren't the biggest sluts of all


>tfw no busty latina gf

For you.

that's a fine ass girl I wanna fuck in the mouth

lucky kid

Shout out to the WNBA


God damn she was only 24 and already got job teaching MIDDLE SCHOOL?

What I don't get about this is that the girls are ALWAYS pretty. I don't get it. They are usually mid 20s-mid 30s pretty women. They could have any guy they want. Yet they go for kids. Why.

>get free pussy for your super hot teacher on the daily
>end up with a passing grade by the end of the school year
>turn her to the cops

What's wrong with kids these days?

Even better. The kids parents knew what was happening and approved of it. She'd pick him up at his house after school, they'd spend the night at her place and she'd drop him off the next morning in time to catch the bus to school. His parents were supposedly excited when they heard she was preggo. Man, what I wouldn't give to have had that kid's teacher and parents.

>implying straight shota isn't the purest form of love
baka desu senpai

Shit like this irks me. Switch the genders around and the dude is locked up for at least 6 years. A woman does it and it's a slap on the wrist. So much for equality.

>tfw fucked my high school English teacher my junior year
thank you based Ms. C, your ass was a blessing


Yeah I don't get this either.

I have not one time in my life known a 20-something girl who seemed she was even remotely interested in a teenage boy.

mirin them jaw aesthetics

3 of my teammates on the football got head after beating our rivals, only one other fucked her

at least that I know of

ITT: Anons with mommy issues

What are some good Nina Hartley related teacher episodes?

>tfw live in the bay area
>tfw reasonable latinos are assimilating
>tfw huge latina fetish
>tfw some girls told me I was ugly once when in highschool and have been unable to approach non-ugly women since

All I want is for a thicc, feisty latina to sit on my face and call me a pinche judío

I was going to post this exact thread a few hurs ago

but then I got high

I remember senior year HS, some dude who was friends with a buddy of mine would always be hanging out with this one teacher. She was high test af. Everytime you passed by her class, he would be there talking to her. During the last period she didnt' have a class and typically she would hang out in her classroom with that dude all the time.

Everybody kinda suspected he was smashing. Never found out. But makes you wonder...

Catholics are scum though

Protestants are a mixed bag. Lutherans are cool, Methodists and Presbyterians are mostly alright, most Evangelicals are terrible though.

It only irks you because you never got laid by your teachers.

Back page. Com is your only hope if you're ugly


Not even hideous, just got a hooked Jew nose.

mulats getting laid b/c of clay and curry

>They could have any guy they want

no thats just the illusion you created for yourself because youre a virgin. what you meant to say was they could have any loser they want

ooooh. hooked noses are tough, i got a big nose but i dont think it hinders me. no gf tho


wtf are you talking about

this is weird and pathetic

I'm glad they're being arrested, they should get the same punishment male teachers receive for the same consensual acts
Tired of bitches getting away with shit

No u

ken starr is still a professor at baylor after covering up a number of sexual assaults by his athletes as chancellor, this is hardly a gender thing

i already busted one just thinking about it

Spinoff from the original cults before the bible was composed?


>give me the D, user, or I'll give you an F

female detected

I have a male friend that's taught at middle school and high school in Houston. He says all the female teachers talk all the time about what they would and would not do with male students to each other. They just never act on those impulses.

>has the biggest hissy fit in the history of politics over clinton fucking an intern (which was 100% consensual)
>covers up multiple rapes for his college

Female detected.
Bitch this is most definitely a gender thing. Women in general get lighter prison sentences especially in situations like this. Keep bitch about "muh equal rights" and you just might get em.

I live in Houston. Two teachers after I left for busted for fucking students. Both were hamplanet females. My friend Brian fucked his music teacher at a party after he graduated. Again from the same school.

ken starr didn't have the hissy fit, he was assigned the task. he was just considered overly thorough.

spotted the virgin

and did the report and then went on all media outlets calling for clinton's head and calling him a scumbag.
it got so bad that even republicans distanced themselves from him.

to this day i have no idea in hell why he took it so personal.

That is a completely different situation than a teacher fucking an underage student, what are you talking about?

Mexicans, man.

If they never got caught, there would have been a shotgun wedding.

>tfw no mentally unstable attractive teachers when I was young

>Citing the court documents, KHOU reports Vera told investigators she had sex with the boy almost daily for nine months

this kid is 14 and he's already had more sex than I will ever have in my entire life

I live in the bay and you can find some fat Latina to fuck you easily, man. Especially if you have money.

this user is weird and pathetic

>Be a high school teacher
>Three years ago the school hired a super cutie to teach French
>Two years ago she's mysteriously absent first day of school
>I ask around what happened to her
>Every teacher I spoke to refuses to answer
>She was arrested over the summer and I wasn't even aware for having sex with a boy from a neighboring school
>She wouldn't even eat lunch near me in the faculty room

brb sudoku

She probably mistook him for steph curry

Consensual or not, he lied about it, and that is what got him fucked. Most of the others before that were not though.

>kid has sex once at 13
>knocks her up

Where are the n00dz

>>Citing the court documents, KHOU reports Vera told investigators she had sex with the boy almost daily for nine months

hey kid wanna ss I love the golden state chuckers just like you

is there anybody here not jelly of this kid?