Faggy Euro Soccer tournaments shitting up the board
Faggy Euro Soccer tournaments shitting up the board
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good thread
Great thread
Agree they need to go to their own board and we will make them pay for it.
Fuck soccer :) too much diving and acting like a sissy
americucks need to fuck off to /asp/
we discuss real sports here, fucking dumb fat cunts
dont say that stuff about my favourite sport
very mean of you ;-(
Another copa, another year messi doesnt bring you a trophy.
Just wait for the Euro to start. Gonna be great
better than amerilard "sports"
Americans on pooicide watch.
>mfw an American was fat near me
dumb fatso
>flopping around on the ground
>""""real"""" """""""sport"""""""
Why are you mad? Because we'll have a copa America before messi has one? Kek
>people are discussing the most popular sport in the world on the sport board of the most popular imageboard in the world
>waa waa eurocucks ruining my board waa waa
neck yourself
remember to sage anti-soccerfaggot threads
>soccer goat is 5'7 140lbs
Do you prefer bears?
And he isn't the GOAT.
This is an American imageboard and insufferably smug Yuroslurps will not be tolerated
You guys don't have any sports boards in Europe and are forced to use ours or what?
Are Wales the real dark horses? Will this be a repeat of 2004 with Wales and England instead?
do you think we sneak onto american soil before coming on Sup Forums?
Actually Sup Forums is hosted in Europe and owned by a Jap
There's nothing "American" about it any more.
you know what, yurocuck, your mom sneaks onto american soil before i come on her
>insufferably smug Yuroslurps will not be tolerated
You faggots are the only ones being insufferably smug here, asshole
I start following soccer until this year and /mls/ has been one of the most bro generals in explaining everything to me, they're not the ones doing the constant shitposting about all the other sports, its you. So how about you pull your head out of your ass and accept that this sport is not only the most popular in the world, but will also become the most popular in this country in the coming years
I'm gonna come sneak into your mum before I soil on her m8
>become the most popular in this country in the coming years
But that's delusional. And Yuros do shitpost about Americans and American sports. Usually not even sports related. I don't make useless threads though like this OP
>A sport
>where you can't use your hands to move the ball
>where there is no sudden death to decide a game
>where ties are common place and not a freak occurrence.
>Where a champion is decided by a point system and not a playoffs
>Where flopping is encouraged as 'strategic'
>Where there is no no stoppage of time and refs are given incredible leeway over adding minutes
>Where the 'eternal' cancer threads started
Yeah, I remember watching some African Country playing in Mexico and the player was kicking the ball in was being pelted with bottles while having lights and lasers shined into his face and the refs didn't stop the game to get them the Spics to stop. This one's an actual semen slurping sport.
why are americans so insecure over nobody caring about their sports?
Scooby do is more leddit than shitposting
We're not though
cadfael and misha makes me kek every time
More like the fact that the game is to slow and you only have 5 minutes of actual action for the entire match at best. Hockey basically does what Soccer should do which is a back and forth to score a goal, but it's much more high tension because any little slip up can mean a goal scored as opposed to Soccer where it takes a major fuck up for it to happen.
Why are Yuroslurps so insecure about Americans not liking their sports?
I really like this new meme
My favorite sport is baseball though, which is even slower paced than soccer
Soccer's just not that great
Did you even read what he posted? How does any of that equate to the braindead memes your spouting because you have no defense lol
Well Lard, looks like you finally decided to move your arse and shitpost. I guess that's your exercise for today.
>only 5 minutes of action in 'soccer'
>in american football there's literally 5 minutes of action per game, rest is big black men looking at each other and running into each other without the ball
Nigga fuck u
Soccer is based
Nba later tonight you minging twatlet
Soccer never sleeps bitch
Deal with it
After two weeks american sports are dead anyway
The difference is every play matters and can turn into the play of the game, as opposed to soccer where players are on the field constantly which makes the quality of play suffer
You're trying to compare a dash to a marathon.
are soccer fans white? honestly ive never seen a white person enjoy watching soccer
>inb4 brits are white
lel no they arent
>comparing a marathon to a sprint
>this man doing either
>Implying that man wouldn't flatten any one of your lanky soccer players.
>implying there's straight lines
>implying he would get anywhere near anyone in reasonable shape that isn't forced to just run straight ahead and into this tub of lard
>Implying a good lineman would fall of a juke and not stay on target
>the entire world cares about something except you
>it must be bad
I know America is a good country and stuff but jeez
That last panel is so perfect.
Hey look Europeans took the bait again
Preach on, brother.
kek you so fucking are
Most aren't. Go look on Twitter. Bunch of Arabs and shit
board was full of all these weird basketball threads yesterday
you forgot the olympic tournament bro
Why would be insecure when people come from all over the world come to play in American leagues of multiple sports
You guys have...what? One significant league? Have fun with that
>"you're insecure"
>but we're not
>HURR yes you are I said so!!!
Lol, good one delusional Yuroslurp
I can't fucking hide them fast enough.
Olmpiad starts in august
>people imply Americans are dumb
When suddenly someone posts this, highlighting a herculean effort to be completely ignorant of all things related to sports and what makes sports good.
t. David Garcia "border hopper" Guzman
>keeps polar bear vs grizzly thread
I can see where your priorities lie, my porky pal
>implying Grizzly vs. Polar Bear isn't the matchup of the century
Grizzly would get merked m8
>Americans getting bootyblasted because no one cares about their sports
please don't confuse real Americans with basketball-americans.
thank you.
>replying to this low effort, untrue post
>Implying American sports don't have an incredible amount of flopping.
>implying it happens anywhere even close to being as common as soccer
You're either ignorant or purposefully lying
>W..why does everyone like relevant sports? Pander to my n..niche tastes
cry more
If he isn't, who is then?
>Actually hiding threads
How do we fix soccer? THis shit is so boring.
4 times of 10' each one
more 120kgs chocolate-americans
Half-time jingoism
Needs more naked women and violence
I put all of these on my Google Calendar (at their right times too). What's the timeline in Chile? I could share it with you.
Warm beer, terrible food, cheerleaders, shouting deeeefence every so often instead of chanting, wear pads and helmets, more adverts, bigger seats for fat cunts, stop play every 5 seconds so the chubby cunts on the field can have a wee rest.
Yes it happens as much as soccer.
Fucking shit tier sport that takes a 30 second break between every play. Literally autistic faggots with no attention span like this shit. Add in any amount of flopping and you have the most boring sport in the world.
Nah, thanks for showing where your bias lies though lol
uh huh.
>It's another "Americans can't stand being the niche minority on Sup Forums" thread
>Warm beer
huh? I could have sworn hearing euros brag about how good beer is served warm and that americans are dumb for serving it cold?
football is just incredibly esoteric, if you played HS football and were there for the two-a-days at the closing of summer, you'd understand how fucking tiring it is.
from afar I can see how stupid it must look "oh look they are crashing into each other and going nowhere, how interesting"
but in reality, they are starting a sprint from a stationary position and then exerting massive amounts of force through their legs to push and out-outmaneuver other players
>soccer is totally bad guys
>the entire world is wrong this sport is so boring !
stop these threads you stupid children
agreed, if you're shitting on either sport you're a moron
the only real discussion to have is the playoff system vs. league titles