With the god emperor declaring war on Chicanos and SJWs, that almost certainly means all American soccer fans will be kicked out of the country.
The question is, what will be the meme sport of the US once Trump kills soccer once and for all?
With the god emperor declaring war on Chicanos and SJWs, that almost certainly means all American soccer fans will be kicked out of the country.
The question is, what will be the meme sport of the US once Trump kills soccer once and for all?
Lacrosse. It's the whitest sport.
Equestrian is clearly the whitest """""""""""""""sport"""""""""""""
>Invented by Indians
>Whitest sport
Thats not Ice Hockey
We've been doing nothing but stealing from Indians for hundreds of years might as well take their sport too.
Wow this really made me think I am now a #Clintoris
But Trump loves Hispanics!
When will this trump meme end? Getting really tired of it tb h lads
In november when he gets BTFO
>people will call me a liberal for stating facts
when he loses
>EU hate speech laws go live in less than a week
Can't wait to report 90% of Euros on Sup Forums to the authorities
Pls don't tell me Hillary is actually going to win
I would unironically prefer you electing the Socialist jew
He literally has no shot to win. White men love him, but he's seen unfavorably by like 60% of women, 75% hispanics, and 81% blacks. Not to mention that Asians lean to the left. It will be over soon, and dormant for at least 8 years. Hopefully he'll die by then.
It's tempting to think that Sup Forums is being ironic, but the majority of them truly believe this mongoloid will be president of the US.
>box lacrosse
Yeah, I thought it was all for the memes too, but there are apparently people out there who honestly think things will be different if he became president lol. Implying the world isn't doomed to failure and that politics aren't a complete joke to make us feel like we're in control of things
US national team supporters are the biggest Trump fans in the country
1. Only facebook, twitter and google agreed to it.
2. The "punishment" is literally just the deletion of posts.
We're here to stay Ameribro :3
We're here to stay forever....
>tfw democrats keep importing illegals to vote for them
>tfw we're less than a decade away from being another Cartel-gangland posing as a country
I'm not edgy enough to say we need to strip women or minorities of their right to vote, but we should go back to needing to own property. Keeps the urchins and welfare leeches of society from voting for gibs, and really it makes sure only those with skin in the game get to vote.
>oh em gee, it's all because of the illegals
How about you retards solve the drug consumption problem first?
Thanks to OP I reminded myself to check the twitter of the Trumpinator.
I wasn't disappointed, fresh material
Get your wallet ready Pedro, you're paying for the wall
Why don't you give me an answer instead of using this overused meme?
I acknowledge that drug use and trade is a major problem in this country. Why does that mean I'm not allowed to also acknowledge illegal immigration is a problem as well?
They're both heavily related as well. If we clamp down on one, we improve the other issue at least somewhat.
Right now, it's easier to clamp down on the supply of drugs than it is on the demand. That simple.
Stopping illegals won't stop or weaken cartels or other criminal groups, that's idiotic.
The criminals will still continue infiltrating the US and supply drugs even with something as retarded as a wall.
i get worried that if Trump is president he'll make a nickname for like Kim Jong Un (Fat Kim or something like that) that will tick Kim off and cause him to do something