What does Sup Forums think about golf?

What does Sup Forums think about golf?


Not a sport

Depends on what part of Mexico they're doing this.

I doubt this is outside of the most rich areas.

Unless gangsters are specifically targeting PGA members during the tour there.

Giant alligator avoid is my favorite sport desu

non-sport for retirees

Trump has the best bants

You are literally Hitler if you are voting for anyone else besides him

Best sport currently being played behind playoff hockey and baseball. Wish there were more threads for it. I end up having to hide about 90% of threads on Sup Forums every day. Mother fucking millennials.


Based trump

Why wouldn't they?


Nice covert MAGA thread

>literally get cucked by Mexico
Sup Forumsturds are idiots

Golfing is a game of skill, not a sport.

Not sure if it's a sport.

But it's great fun and takes a lot of skill.

Every man should get out for a few rounds with the boys every summer

It's definitely a sport. Any one who has ever walked 18 holes in the Summer heat knows this. And Trump is a petulant, emotionally stunted man-child who is wholly unqualified for the office he's seeking and has only an infinitesimal chance of actually winning in November.

>cowgirls fan
>voting for trump
Yeah. That seems about right.

>racist to Mexicans
>supporters claim he was only being racist to /illegal/ Mexicans
>now he says something about all Mexicans

Trump-supporters BTFO. He's racist. Which makes you racist.


Based Trump

>now he says something about all Mexicans
No he hasn't.

>now he says something about all Mexicans

Kys chicano


>tfw just did a full 18 today in 90+ weather with 80+ humidity
Tired as fuck lads

Chicanos get the fuck out.

I know half of all American posters aren't even white FACT

belongs on /asp/

fucking chicanos

Outta this fucking country it's a white country

>racist to Mexicans
Mexican is not a race

No one gives a shit bout golf.
This is now an /NBA/ thread.


>by 2043
What? I remember this happening like 20 years ago, that was big news. Are you sure this isn't one of those polls that doesn't separate whites and mexicans properly?

Trump cucked by Mexico kek
What a butthurt faggot

It's in Mexico city

California just tipped over into no-majority race a few years ago, but not 20 and certainly not the whole country. Dunno what you've been smoking these last couple decades.

The white category includes " white hispanics " and Arabs.

I think whites will be a minority by the late 2030's

>tfw its raining every fucking day for the last fucking ever and infinitesimally into the future here in Texas and I havent played golf in 3 weeks

Was throwing down 90+ holes a week not that long ago

