So what happens if LeBron wins it for da land?
So what happens if LeBron wins it for da land?
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The Hell mouth opens up, evil balances and then overtakes good in the world, and the End Times are upon us.
We're not even sure anymore...
Not going to happen, ever.
LeBron WILL win it for da land though.
yeah we know what will happen if the Warriors win
but OP was asking about da land
riots will break out, I imagine the people won't have any idea what to do with themselves as drunken celebrations turn violent and someone gets shot and killed
The protection period of our earth with the galactic alliance expires, and the advanced civilisations of the universe descend to absorb us.
I have lived in both areas, and Oakland is considerably worse then Cleveland.
The curse is broken. Cleveland becomes a dynasty in all 3 major sports
The city of Cleveland finally gets to build a trophy case.
>da land is now oakland, not cleveland
>mfw curry wins one for da land
I support this new wave of shitposting
>winning anything since 1964
but the warriors play in da land you retard
I live in Cleveland... No one really knows how the city would react if the Cavs won a championship. Are you really that triggered by the word "we"?
The Browns will move or be removed from the league before they win a title post 2000
Trump will be elected President.
>da land
If singles Cleveland will win
lebrons coming to england?
Fuck you I'm running with it, you can't stop me. Oakland is now da land, cleveland is not.
i like it. might make some people mad
everybody is going to call you a retard
[spoiler]but you probably already know that[/spoiler] [spoiler]you are one[/spoiler]
People keep talking about Cleveland being cursed - what about Oakland?
It's not like the Warriors, A's and raiders have a history of being great winners recently.
I really hope it happens, I'm tired of golden state and their bandwagon of soccer moms and soccer dads. It would be big for Cleveland too though, for some reason I kind of expect Lebron to leave for a new team next season though
>steal the fuck steph curry beat and make a boring rap with it
>steal Cleveland swag to sound cool
More humiliation fodder before the absolute SACRUFICE of Curry before LeGod.
I'll be making a collage of tears
Paris Hilton will be vice president
The difference between Oakland and Cleveland is that Oakland has had intermittent success and has a decent amount of championships. Cleveland hasn't won a championship since 1964. The youngest person to see a Cleveland championship is 52 years old.
more like 60 because you cant really remember it at 0 years old
and finally nobody in cleveland lives to 60
What the fuck are you talking about?
All of those teams have plenty of championships.
Are you 12 years old?
Cleveland has been waiting 52 years for anything...
The average male life expectance in cleveland is 57. Its literally a slice of third world hell. They dont have clean water or reliable electricity in many parts of the city. The waters in the rivers that flow through the city are so badly contaminated that they can cause chemical burns with prolonged contact.
>both end in Land
>only one can be Land
lol, k...retard
>Hey you guys have been calling it "The Land" for a while, but now we think it's cool, so we are now The Land
fuck of you fucking cunt
It's been more than 50 years since Cleveland completed a championship.
It will literally be the greatest event in Cleveland history
More like they're just using it to trigger people like you. Don't let them bait you man.
>The average male life expectance in cleveland is 57.
source, please