9pm - Do they even want people to watch?

9pm - Do they even want people to watch?

its honestly disgusting that every game starts at 8pm or later

no kids will be able to see any of these games, it should be on at accessible times for children to watch the finals

they do this with the world series too and its sad, they are more concerned with prime time tv ratings than accessibility

Guess that's a no.

>What are time zones, grandpa

It's on at 6PM in the only timezone that matters.

>tfw watched all the finals from 2003-2008 as a child in my parents comfy Oregon house

Sure is nice living on the best coast.

I'm taking timezones into account.
8 isn't so bad. 9 sucks.

East coast is huge and they are fucking themselves in the ass with this.

Very selfish arnt we?

You could get on the floor and suck my cock.

Your mom

>Prime watching time for all west coast markets with a game that features a west coast reigning champ coming off a monumentous comeback (which had the highest ratings of any game during the year) who are heavily favored to win...

Yea I think they are going to get some views you fucknut.

Fuck off least coast or flyover bitch babby
>inb4 liberals, gays, minorities...
Not in my beautiful beach town, which is easily affordable to anyone making poverty wages.

They'd watch regardless, east coast doesn't have as much incentive and 9pm turns it off.

Earlier means more ratings.

Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you. So angry for no reason. Calm the fuck down.

>least coast

9pm is a great time slot. Except when your program is over 2 and a half hours long

Well considering most black people get up at 5pm...

>worst coast

>using racist statistics

why are IQ tests so racist?

Oh come on guys, i am watching it at 3AM.

>least coast


it takes place on the west coast

so 6 PM

the wageslaves have to literally fight rush hour traffic to get to the game straight from work

Pretty comfy time for NEET Aussies like me (11am), much better than having to wake up at 4:30am to watch the Champions League

They know that the least coast shitters won't watch anyways because none of their teams are still in it. If it was the Knicks in the finals, you can bet your ass it'd be on earlier.

im passing this year friendo

staying up until nearly 6 almost killed me last year, even as a NEET

mah nigga

lol i'm a 33 year old NEET

fortunately i type from my bed so it doesn't matter what time the games come on

>40k for floor seats

>least coast

Fucking drains on society. Neck yourselves and save your families the shame.

>his parents didn't let him stay up late to watch all the important sporting events
Were you also one of those kids who got participation awards?
Also, it's fucking summer