Can someone tell me what the appeal of this "sport" is?

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once in awhile you see a wreck. Sometimes parts go flying into the crowd.

Turning left

Turning left

You drink and watch cars go fast. What's not to get?

I can bring a lawn chair and a cooler to a highway overpass and do the same thing.

Tailgating, Infield parties, parties in general, heavy drinking, drunken sluts, Bristol, fighting in the stands, camping and partying with hundreds of strangers, literally everything involved with the race outside of the racing, and massive crashes.

I'm pretty sure the people who could try are too stupid to operate complicated technology like smartphones or personal computers.

I never really cared much about it either way till I started coming to Sup Forums. The threads are usually fun so even if the race is kinda lame it's still enjoyable. Probably the only regular threads on Sup Forums that haven't been overtaken with cancer.

And once you pick a favorite driver it's a lot more fun since you're rooting for and against ppl.


Probably the only game threads on Sup Forums with tolerable levels of autism.

Because it's exciting.

it's the offseason tailgating season for when college and professional football isn't on

>Because it's exciting.
>Only two road course race

Ok that was pretty cool

Not all of the ovals are bad. And this aero package has given better racing.

Cars go fast
They bang off each other when they race alongside
Sometimes they crash and sometimes someone wants to beat the shit out of someone else
It's pretty rad in person

I don't see what's not to like tbqh


Either you get motor sports, or you don't.

NASCAR is actually pretty competitive compared to other motor sports, and there's actually some pretty good competition for positions from 1st through 10th, and as far back as 20th.

I enjoy the physics aspect of the sport, as it's essentially trying to drive at the limit of traction for 400-600 miles under changing conditions.

I also enjoy the fact that the cars are racing consistently at some of the highest speeds in all of motor sports, which means that the drivers have to understand and be able to use drafting techniques more than other series.

Motor sports, and NASCAR, ain't for everyone, that's for sure.

>And once you pick a favorite driver it's a lot more fun since you're rooting for and against ppl.

That's the one aspect I hate and loathe about NASCAR....aside from Brian France.

It's racing, but rather than respect and appreciate the drivers getting shit done on the track any given race, you have petty lame ass people shitting on drivers because they're not their "pet" driver.

>It's pretty rad in person

I think this is why I still watch really, my grandfather took me to Daytona as a kid and there's nothing better than the feeling of an oval, no other type of racing is like it when viewed as a spectator. Sometimes the arbitrary point systems and obvious team favoritism is a bitch much, but you see that even in F1 and most sports in general (if they can get away with it)

That shit was bad ass.

This season has definitely improved with the new aero package.

There's some things about NASCAR that aren't good

- DW with his boogity boogity bullshit
- broadcast cutting to commercial after 5 minutes of broadcast for 10 minutes of commercials
- Duhbree cautions with no Duhbree
- Danica and her learning coverage

and then there is some fantastic things about NASCAR
- Racing for the win with the leaders beating and banging on each other
- Cars pushed to the absolute maximum, turning through an oval at near 200 MPH, watching the car slide up the track because its going too fast for the tires to grip the pavement
- The skill of a driver reacting to events unfolding around them in split seconds
- At the race, the tailgating, the environment, the smell, the vibration in your chest as the cars go by, the drunk guy with a huge beer belly with Dale Friggin Earnhardt tattooed on his stomach

Cars going 200 damn miles per hour, OP.

>Motor sport

F1 is a motor sport
NASCAR is not

kevin pls go

It's still a southern US thing. There were no professional sports in the south when they started NASCAR. It's national now, but not as popular as in the south and lots of the midwest.
I've been to Indy500 timetrials and if NASCAR sounds anything like that live, hell yes.

I watch both.

F1 always has too much of a tech dependency, so it's more about the cars than anything else.

There's more parity between the teams in NASCAR and Indy, which makes for better racing.

Because once in a while you see an impressive crash

watching cars turning left

Yeah and every other track isn't the same. They have different shapes and bank angles, as well as different lines where the cats drive the best. You don't have to have 87 turns in one lap to make excitement.