Did you know the romans used sports to distract people from actual problems and that people who enjoy them are literal plebians?
Enjoy forever being blue pilled slave class.
Did you know the romans used sports to distract people from actual problems and that people who enjoy them are literal plebians?
Enjoy forever being blue pilled slave class.
Other urls found in this thread:
reminder there have been 186 shootings in schools since 2013
the latest one on the UCLA campus
the Brazilian national team who was practicing soccer there for Copa America had to switch locations because of the lack of security on US campuses
Did you know you're the last person to realize this?
did you know i fucked your mom in the ass
I also fucked OP's mom. It was stank but cheap.
How is wasting your time on the internet, watching tv, or even reading fiction any different?
pleb or no, the distraction of sports is more fulfilling than the distraction of their pleb tier problems.
>talking to a plebian 101
Oh, wow. 186 in 3 years? There's been more fatal car accidents in the last 3 hours.
>work my ass off for years including nights and weekends to afford a move out of my crime ridden hell hole
>get a new gig when I get there that's nicer and lets me work days
>be active in politics at national and local levels
>stay current on various horrible shit that's happening
>happen to enjoy watching sports as a way of relaxing in between all that
>see this thread
OP is a fag.
enjoy DA GAMEZ
while these people rule you.
>The front seats were reserved for senators, magistrates and other important officials. Behind them were separate enclosures for patricians and soldiers, followed by another one for the ordinary citizens of Rome. At the top was a gallery for women. The emperor had his own private box with a special staircase that enabled him to enter just before the performance started.
Come on fampai. Let's not pretend that only the plebs were interested in the games.
>claims to know better
>can't handle reality
Pick one.
I already voted for Trump. Go be a Sup Forumstard somewhere else.
the games were a method to distract the senators and officials from the problems the king was building up
>I'm of the lower class
>How dare you point this out
Fucking plebeians man.
>this number is less than another number and thus is acceptable
what is context.
why did obama and hillary give guns to syrian rebels?
he wasn't implying that, i don't think. He was saying that school shootings aren't a serious enough issue that we need to create sports as a distraction. And he's correct. It's way more of a headline problem than an actual problem.
>shootings being the only thing you need distracting from
are you a real human being?
>implying you're old enough to vote
>implying you would even show up if you were
what sport is this?
tell me more about your projection and impotency
in the last 10 years over 3000 people per year have drowned and about 20% of them were kids
guess we better ban water
The only one that matters retard
i have had zero (0) gf's in the past 20 years
Exactly, we should all be watching/reading the news instead, getting caught up on all the hot topic issues are trustworthy friends at CNN/fox news/Reuters/Times/etc.decide to..inform us on. Oh wait
Exactly, we should all be concentrating our free time towards battling the injustices and evils in the world utilizing social media to rally our strength. Oh wait,
Exactly, we should stop watching, reading, and buying anything that is tied to advertising. We should go outside, breathe the air, walk, run, play, and generally live simpler lives. Because they don't own air and our time,
They do own the land though, so there is that, and the police...
How old are you OP? I have a feeling you're underage.
OP sounds like my edgy younger brother
>anything recreational is a distraction used to placate the sheeple
le autism face
PROTIP: You can actually focus attention on more than one thing during your life
>tripfag supporting 'mr. dude wreck the economy lol'
somehow this doesn't even shock me
>implying I didn't know this
You think I actually want to think about my shitty life and this shitty world? Lol, no thanks fammo
>anonymous on the internet doesn't understand economics
somehow this doesn't even shock me
that wasn't implied either, retard
Is that Gary Johnson on the bottom?
>I understand economics
>Look at how well socialism fixed Venezuela's economy
did well enough for Norway. Typically in this discourse people will simplify things to the point of uselessness. Not to say I think Norway's policy is applicable for the US, but your argument was embarrassing.
>Gary "libertarianism is socialism" Johnson
>controlled opposition in charge of staying in control
found the spook, great work letting this shitbag get the only third-party nod that matters by the way
Norway is a petrostate just like Nigeria.It's economy has been in free fall since oil fell off from $100. America innovates and creates new things and new ideas. It does not base its economy on hoping commodity prices don't fall.
the well-being of americans outside of a small percentage near the top of income potential is based largely on the well-being of government subsidized industries like construction, real estate and in turn services. Our manufacturing isn't something that can spread wealth through employment, and we don't have any competitive advantage in low or medium skill labor.
>le so red pilled XD
Kys faggot
70% of the economy is in the services industry. These are not subsidized by the government. Many service businesses don't even need a set location to do business. They don't need 2,000 square feet of factory floor.
>muh bread and circus
Babbys first redpill
>dont enjoy the games
>stew in my anger
>shitpost online (im an activist)
>these people still rule me
Gonna need you to be a lil more SOLUTIONS ORIENTED, my dingus.