
Spieth finally got la cabesa back.

My game is on right now aside from my putting.

How's your game going?

Yes, I know asking for help on your game is shit on this board...

Post your golf wins. I wanna hear them.

I'll start as OP.

Shot my 3-5th best rounds in West Texas in the past 2 weeks.

It's been wet, but fantastic lately.

Pretty good until I crack open the 2nd six pack on the turn.


I like golf too guys!

>I almost tripped h-heh


Hinge and hold, my friends.


had the most bipolar fucking putting game of all time last weekend
>1 under par on the green
>1 under par again on the next hole
>3 over par
>1 under
rinse and fucking repeat all damn day. ended up 2 over on putting alone.

graduate in about 2 weeks.

I pulled out one set of clubs a couple of weeks ago and it came back fast.
Thinking ill work at my local country club again and may work on my pga cert before i start on my career

really stoked to golf again


Seeing as his sister is full blown autistic, Spieth definitely has a little autism in his blood.

played for my local country club. never won a title. made it to the division finals but was never a bride sadly

I had to put my clubs down for a bit cause I started shanking the ball after having a bad pull. I hit balls the other day and was striking the ball great, been working out to, and really he some great lag with my driver and woods.

i dont understand the shanks. fucking hit the ball right and this shit doesnt happen



Have been traveling the past year or so and haven't played much when I was on the road since I was hiking and camping most of the time. Came back and shot an 85 and a fucking 97 (56/41). Anything inside of 80 yards my touch is completely lost and my putting is atrocious. Hopefully I'll be playing more now that I'm back in the real world and can get back down to an 8 or 9 handicap where I belong. Would love to get down closer to a 5, but that's gonna take some serious work.

Been there.... Shanks are the worst. Golf is like anything else, sometimes it helps just to set down the sticks and hit the reset button.

I just started playing again. Treated myself to a bunch of new clubs and i'm striking the ball great. If I was a decent putter I could put together great scores.

What kind of clubs did you get? I got the Calloway XRs last year, and they are fantastic. They never leave my car.

Shanks are usually the result of not keeping the club on a vertical plane through the swing. Slowing things down and focusing on the problem usually fixes it right away. The bigger problem in golf is that for the one thing you fix, two other things go wrong.