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What the fuck is this
Oh fuck Kirin Cup is back
wew lad
>tune in
>we're already 1-0 down
>Japan are playing world record hot dog eater man up front
happy for okazaki desu
good save Wapanese GK
Japan never beat Blugaria, but..Kagawa makes Japan 2-0!
>letting a manlet score a header on you
>the city of Bulgaria
Stream link ?
Thanks familia.
Holy shit 3-0
нaшитe ca ce paзбили cъc caкe вчepa yceщaм
Wew lad
and we gonna win
Thank God we didnt qualify to the Euro
is nippon STRONK or is bulgaria just so fucking shit?
>married to the daughter of the football union president
>overrated youngster
>born with a card
>Palermo reserves
No wonder we're losing so hard with this team
NIppon too strong
and Kagawa looks injured
English stream lads?
Just on my lunch break
Wow is everyone trying to kill BvB players off season? I suppose if you can't buy them you just injure them
>Kirin Cup
are you implying we have better players than the clowns currently playing
Kitanov, Makendzhiev, Gamakov, Kolev, Venci Hristov, Ivo Ivanov, maybe Zehirov off the top of my head, if i sit down and think i'll probably come up with a few more.
Is this the same Bulgaria team that beat Portugal?
What the fuck happend to Bulgaria?
This game is so boring
You suck nips.
Fucking hell, they scored some shit goal while losing 6-0 just to fuck up my bet. I hate that team.
out of these only hristov and ivanov are genuine improvements and not significant ones
zehirov is good but right back isnt his position, he has no idea how to defend
yeah pretty much
Do you enjoy the game lads?
Baltanov igrae dobre naposleduk.
I think Kitanov and Makendzhiev are much better than Mihaylov, Mitrev and Iliev. They will never be first choice anyway, because we have Stoyanov, but still, they provide better options in the reserves. The others are all youngsters, I'd rather have us lose 6-1 with a bunch of youngsters so it can at least seem like we're trying to improve.
hoping 7-1
hoping for double digits desu
no mercy
i hope that faggot gets his shirt taken off of him again
based usami
superb cut by usami
classic japan spaghetti.
Fuck Japan.
Third bomb's the charm.
How many members can substitute in this friendly match?
************Goal AGAIN************
Bulgaria BTFO in Japan now. haha
holy shit this ref
evens up the non-penalty a minute ago
Are Bulgarians still breezing?
lolwat Bulgaria
2 digits
3 more to go
go minaaa
wew lad
You did your best. Good game.
Why Nippon hasn't invented us but
wtf i hate japan now
It's the Kirin Cup alright.
Jesus, what happen to bulgaria? They used to have a great team?
Is Nippon elite?
>we sent Denmark to Kirin Cup
underrated post shane
>tfw stilyan petrov
there is pretty much no club football in Bulgaria
Ludowho play with Brazilians
>We lost to bulgarias 10 men
>Japan beats them 7-2
my sides
FIFA RANKING says 53 >>>>>>>power gap> 69
>a team scores 7 goals
>brazil starts posting
you cannot make it up
that's my shinji
Also, how and why is there a Brazilian in the Bulgarian team
Is this another Costa/Pepe situation?
he played in Bulgaria for 4-5 years and he got a citezenship
>Oт дocтa вpeмe гoвopя, чe тoзи нeкaдъpник нямa мяcтo в бългapcкия фyтбoл. Киpo Дoмycчиeв гo изгoни, в Кипъp cъщo гo paзкpихa, a ниe гo взeхмe дa oпpaвя Бългapия. Toвa нямa кaк дa ce cлyчи. Пeтeв дa взeмe двa пиcлoлeтa и дa ce гpъмнe. Знaeтe ли къдe e Бaхoвицa, близo дo пoдхyйoвицa. Hямaшe ли тpeньop oт Coфия, чe взeхмe нeгo.
>born in east europoo
>living shitty life
>get 7-2
Am I late lads? Is it already over?
This is funny because it's a wordplay on a stereotype.
There's more Kirin tomorrow.
I would be disappointed if I had any faith in the national team.
Burn BFC hq when?
Don't worry we're gonna avenge our Slavbros.
Do people still watch bulgarian football?
there are 20 people in the stadiums
and they made you pay extra to watch on TV so the viewership went from 1000 people to 37
japan will CRUSH everyone
We are without our best players: Begović, Pjanić, Bešić, Lulić, Ibišević, Džeko. But I'm still pretty confident we will either win or at least you'll have a pretty hard time beating us.
Who's cuter, Bosnia or Herzegovina?
Trifon Ivanov didn't die for this shit.
lolwtf, how did japan bounce bulgaria 7-2? japan SUCKS
World Cup 2018 winners desu
literally Mickey Mouse cup