Is the NFL too dangerous?
Is the NFL too dangerous?
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In all honesty. If it isn't banned in 15 years it will be regulated to death
As long as they keep tossing money and fame at the people who play the game it will always attract players. I'd risk dying early to set my family up for a couple generations.
yes but nobody is forcing them to play, we/they know the risks
that cartoon is stupid, the NFL is always talking about concussions
you have to be a massive faggot to defend anything the NFL does
At what age do they start playing?
your mom didn't think so
most NFL players say peewee league so like 7-10 years old when your brain is still developing. around my area most kids who played hs football started around 12-13, I started my sophomore year of hs at 16
youngest leagues have 5 year olds in them. most kids don't start playing until junior high school though.
The NFL is always talking about concussions because they're desperately trying to distract from the research showing that sub-concussive head impacts can be just as dangerous.
Who. /wasn'tallowedtoplayfootballgrowingup/ here?
Played one year of flag football sometime in elementary school
Then in junior high the coaches literally begged me to play football
Can't they just design a helmet to fix the issue?
Or better yet, train the teams better so they don't try to clean someone's clock every hit?
Remove helmets and pads
Players less inclined to spear and go after big impact hits
Reduce concussions
This simple
The NFL will probably die in our lifetimes. Too many safety fags and sports personalities now have too much influence. It won't be long now until the league becomes professional flag football.
Will MLS finally rise?
Realistically yeah. The problem is that dumb players don't understand the risk, and will just keep on playing unaware of what is at stake. Whereas smart players play for a few years and get the hell out when they've got enough money to make it through other routes. You can't tell me for example, that marshawn lynch understands the long-term impacts of the sport he's playing he's as dumb as a brick
Merge with Rugby
The NFL isn't the problem, since they're grown ass men who are arguably well-compensated
College and high school players, on the other hand...
the players are already well trained, helmet to helmet hits are extremely rare compared to what it was like 20 years ago. all these guys that have CTE that we're finding out about now, they played in the old NFL. we need to wait another 30-40 years to see if the new training is improving their health.
Or just play Rugby.
liberals are too dangerous
I'm coaching 5-6 year olds here in Oklahoma. The worst thing about youth sports anyways are the parents and the grown men with high egos
What about better helmets?
There's only so much a helmet can do to reduce the deceleration of the head during a tackle.
Yes, but so is mountain climbing and auto racing. Hell, so is soccer for that matter. Seems like a guy dies of a heart attack on the pitch every six months or so.
Yes, but the lives of football players (really athletes in general) are inherently expendable.
Concussions are caused by your brain bouncing around in your skull due to a sudden stop or change in motion, no helmet can stop that.
commercial industry that pays for most sports cant capitalize on a sport that takes little to no breaks between plays for 3-4 hours
they are, this new company is actually doing revolutionary stuff compared to Schutt and Riddell who already make "safer" helmets
>britbongs know their shit about our sport
Soccer and Baseball senpai
same I was 6 feet in the 7th grade and they wanted my shota cock
if you think concussions treatment advocay is the most liberal thing in the NFL then you are a cuck. Have you not see how the entire league is nothing but blacks with white qb's? Now they are pressuring for more blacks in coaching and management as if there is a white supremacy issue in those things.
Yup, but athletes sell their souls for that dolla dolla bill y'all.
See: All the old football players who can hardly walk, and ex-boxers who are nearly walking vegetables.
With that said all occupations have their health risks - even sitting behind a desk and letting your body atrophy of old age and disuse.
this senpai a concussion can only do so much when your job is to get BTFO in the head every day for 6 months
I think he's just saying liberals are dangerous in general. but to work on your point, I've noticed there's more and more white skill position players in college and in the NFL, its not like were dying off from the sport
actually you are whites are smart enough to pull their kids from youth football in america. It is only dumb niggers and spics who still let their kid play football
>spics playing football
there's more whites in the NFL than spics
He didn't say they were any good, and he was talking children not pro.
Right, all the kids who grew up playing contact sports are now limp-wristed, unhealthy betas. Playing sports as a boy literally makes you healthier, stronger and more attractive as an adult. Pro athletes, who play their whole lives, are almost always at least a 7/10.
Sure, you could also break your back rock climbing, or get hit by a car cycling, but nobody is asking people to shelve those activities. Soon it'll be illegal for your kids to exit their SafetyBubble(TM) or go outside.
>complains about liberals
>says whites are smart to not allow kids to play football
literally 1 in a 100 of the pro players that played decades ago have CTE
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>Playing sports as a boy literally makes you healthier, stronger and more attractive as an adult
>[citation needed]
playing team spsort doesnt make you healthier. you can be fat as fuck and play team sports. if you want your son to be healthy make him do lifting. /fit/ has guys that hate sports but love lifting.
If you played sports as a kid, and continued to play sports all the way through high school, depending on what sport it was, you would definitely be in great physical condition and no doubt swimming in pussy. You would know this if you actually did it
Only baseball and to a certain extent football would be OK with you being fat as fuck. Every other sport you would definitely be in good physical condition
team sports is all about everyone getting a medal now. lifting is strictly personal. also your son will thank you for getting him jacked when he has stacey's lips wrapped around his cock. there are virgin losers on high school sport teams now a days.
>depending on what sport it was
>You would know this if you actually did it
Clever girl.
who is a high school chick gonna find more attractive, the skinny steph curry looking twink on the basketball team or the guy who is jacked from lifting instead of playing a sport that requires cardio all the time?
When did this mentality develop that we suddenly have to regulate what other people willingly put themselves through like a nanny looking after children? If the people playing thought it was too dangerous for them they wouldn't play. It's their choice. If the players want the game changed, then change the game. But as far as I can tell most of them don't want it changed. So long as the information is readily available it should be up to the players who actually play the game and no one else.