>Brazilian "men"
This is just pathetic. My girlfriend from England had a better swing the first time I took her to the batting cage.
>Brazilian "men"
This is just pathetic. My girlfriend from England had a better swing the first time I took her to the batting cage.
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You have a britslag? Does she have big tits lad?
No unfortunately. She's got a nice rear though. Her mum is a milf and a half though
I think by girlfriend he meant his right hand.
>baaaawwwww, neymar can't play boreball like I wish he did
nobody cares about baseball, deal with it.
why the fuck would he care to play this 'sport' well, he plays the single best sport already.
Doesn't make up for the fact that he swings like a limp wristed faggot.
A man should be able to swing a stick with dome force
>neymar is a twink faggot
what's new?
Not him, but neymar has injun ancestry, put a bow and arrows on his hands and you will see it the fury of the forest.
you don't get it: why would he want to impress anyone?
one can injure itself the most idiotic way. why would he tear his shoulder trying to pitch a ball impressively? what does that add to him?
I doubt you can juggle a ball either, and that's basic stuff.
you get gayer every day, so I heard.
that's all the news I got.
Swinging a stick like a man is not difficult
>getting injured throwing a ball or swinging
Jeff cavaliere tore his shoulder doing exactly that, and he's a PT.
and more of a man than you'll ever dream to be, most likely.
he wasn't swinging a stick, btw, he was throwing the ball.
also by the way, you still don't get the point: why would he want to impress an amerifat? he has absolutely 0 reason to.
Why are you so autist? OP has a point, stop defending Nerman like he is your cousin.
Ronaldo is a boss
Skip to 1:30
Swinging the bat like a limp-wristed homo is more likely to get you injured than swinging it like a dude who prefers the touch of a woman
How do I get a Bongolian gf?
I live in Arizona
I met mine at work
Her family moved to NY when she was in high school
Does she keep talking about how superior britain's politics are while you laugh along like a cuck?
Not really she's pretty conservative. Her dad fits in well with your standard amerifat Midwesterner
I'm not defending anyone, but I'm glad that what I'm doing upsets you.
This to be honest
He was batting left when he's right handed.
Huebhue hue
what the fuck, how hard can it be to swing a stick
though with how awful basketball americans are at just throwing a fucking ball I guess I shouldn't be surprised at "athletes" failing at the simplest of physical actions