Sup Forums told me that they were a chucking meme team that wouldn't win anything if it wasn't for the arbitrary...

Sup Forums told me that they were a chucking meme team that wouldn't win anything if it wasn't for the arbitrary 3-point line.

If we abolished the 3-point line, and every field goal counted as 2 points, the Golden State Warriors would still have won yesterday's game by double digits.


If we all had gfs we wouldn't be on Sup Forums

if there was no 3 point line they wouldn't base their offense around it, so no we have no idea what would have happened.

No one on this board has ever dribbled a basketball or watched a game prior to this playoffs season.

Lies. I do and I'm here.

>Popular team becomes dominant
>Sup Forums dislikes it
>Film series becomes dominant
>Sup Forums dislikes it
>Video games becomes dominant
>Sup Forums dislikes it
I wonder if every board is like this

This is the redpilled response.

Stupid hypothetical, OP.

the warriors aren't a popular team though. that's why their bandwagoners are so much more noticeable and annoying.



they would have even better FG%
even wasting distance shots all night they'd still win 95-82, imagine if they didn't waste those shots.

This. It's like when every faggot started wearing a Seahawks jersey.

No because any trap becomes popular and Sup Forums loves it

I swear it's like you dorks think basketball is a video game where you just run up to the line and press A or something.

Most of Sup Forums is white and teenaged so they learned about NBA through 2k

I live in the bay area. Three years ago you wouldn't have even known the warriors existed if you were in the city. Now every cunt is a super fan. Worst sports fans in the world bar arsecucks.


Straight out of a cartoon lmao

Lived in the bay until recently. Three years ago every BART ticket I got had a Warriors player on it. Do you go outside?

would they even be in the finals if there was no 3 point shot?

>I consider people on a chinese cartoon board experts on basketball (or any sport)

Tisk, tisk, tisk. For shame Lucio, you should know better.

I never liked the warriors. Curry doesn't have that appeal, you know what I mean?
Yes, his range is incredible but I rather watch players like Rose and Westbrook.

>Sup Forums doesn't know what they're talking about

No way get the hell outta here

>rose and westbrook

Thats the sound of one hand clapping, Pancho.


t. Alberto Barbosa

BART tickets are literally for tourists, which explains why the warriors wanted to promote themselves on that medium; at that time everyone on the peninsula was in giants gear. If you ever ever come back, buy a Clipper card you casual.

You're mistaken

>videogame exists
>Sup Forums dislikes it
>videogame doesn't exist
>Sup Forums dislikes it


Explain to me what is wrong with liking athletic black people?

Raptors would have put up a better fight tbqh famalam


Obviously there's going to be more attention from everybody when they're having history making seasons you fucking idiot

what Sup Forums says is that the 3 point shots shouldnt count only for the warriors but yes for the other team

i live in the PNW every faggot wore one anyway. At least here.

The saltiness of Sup Forums is unbearable.
The saltiness of curry the goat is unbearable

Waaaah waaaah team is playing within the rules to win games and geting three point's waaaaaaaaaaah sniff sniff curry is shit


>Lifelong btw


pls stop

So Sup Forums, which team with no fans do we want to meme into a 3-point spam fest ultrabandwagon next?

I vote the Pelicans

Sup Forums is full of hipsters who hate anything popular cause "normies"

Trump is popular and he's beloved by Sup Forums so your argument is invalid.

Yeah but he's like alt-popular

Never listen to Sup Forums

Outside of of Sup Forumstards, opinions on Trump range from dislike to no one gives a shit.

> i'd rather watch someone sustain a season ending injury every year and jar jar binks diving off a cliff every time he drives.

This is so wrong. Where in the bay if I may ask? The Warriors have always been extremely popular amongst Bay Area locals. What else are we going to watch during this time of year (the Sharks but they usually crush dreams).

Clipper cards weren't even around then you fucktard. This is how I know you aren't an actual Bay Area resident.

You are several years late.

This is accurate
>why can't I quit you