Who are the good guys?

who are the good guys?

Other urls found in this thread:

topuniversities.com/university-rankings/latin-american-university-rankings/2015#sorting=rank region= country= faculty= stars=false search=

USA are always the good guys.
We're the greatest country in the world yet when it comes to soccer, the plucky underdogs.

By the way, anyone got the webm of this?

Do You still have Donovan?
great 10

he is kill

Not the country that bombs MSF hospitals

>losing to Guatemala

USA are never the good guys


How come yuros can't even come up with their own chants?

apparently colombia are wearing a white kit now

what the fuck



there is no good guys in this game

it's like the eastern front in WW2


He's been busy

t. World war 2


guys? Colombia is more like a qt trap senpai desu baka


Colombia because their women are hot


Germany are never the good guys


USA t bh

Colombia is a puppet state and a USA military base in southamerica. They literally suck jew cock. So more like evil/good, this is a Landlord/vassal game. And of course the landlord must make the dirty peasant know who is boss.

the answer is me

>says the Chilean cuck

you do realize everyone in South America hates you right? Argentina has been cucking you for centuries. Go get trapped in a mine.

When trump says they're bringing drugs, Columbia is where they're coming from

>Argentina has been cucking you for centuries.

they literally come here every time they go bankrupt to not die for starvation.

Also, you have to go back, colombians are the worst inmigrants. All narcos and niggers.

>he believes this
Tell that to your chilean poorfags who come here to study in FREE universities.

jokes on you here universities are FREE too now for the 50% poorest students, so get fucked. Also your universities only accept our rejects :^) here all the good students get schoolarship.

topuniversities.com/university-rankings/latin-american-university-rankings/2015#sorting=rank region= country= faculty= stars=false search=

>he doesnt have a single university in the top 10 in latinamerica

>Those french accents


Stay salty parkinson's

ok, but dont come here again when Macri lose all the state money again. Well your girls can come, they are good prostitutes :^)

Hope you don't come here running when the next tsunami comes and kills half your population.

oh yeah, the last one killed like 14 persons. Thats the amount of argentinians dead in Fuerte Apache in a single day. Too bad niggers dont come only every 10 years :DDDD


>every US match will be gamethreads with nothing but /lat/ memes

Welcome to the neighberhood.

Wait and see lad, that giant Tsunami is inevitable.

>Thats the amount of argentinians dead in Fuerte Apache in a single day. Too bad niggers dont count*

all /lat/ posters from Sup Forums should be banned. I agree with you.


Do you think that the USMNT can beat the south americans and their champ?


maybe. We always seem to outperform expectations when nobody believes in >us

fuck off, commie


the country that won't flood the board with shitpoasting if they win

Both of our shitty confederations for set up this blatant cash grab of a tournament.

Nigger, shit's been like that since Pablo

Fuck off lad, picardy is Sup Forums hottest meme atm

Im ashamed youre my countryman

>Tfw my university is there

Feels good man



The south american posters are unironically the funniest posters, Mexicans ruin it

>Says the german

USA is the greatest country in the world


Out of all countries Chile says that

Yeah that's funny, they're the biggest cucks when it comes to burgers

>sudacas fighting over who America likes the most

If it makes you feel any better, we view you all with more or less the same indifference.

uruguay is the only cool one

Uruguay is gay as fuck. It even has gay in its name.


Uruguay is pretty cool.

this is interesting.

I was expecting Mexico to have more and Argentina to dominate the list.

>not remembering wesley or whatever that fat fuck's name is

>destroyed europe in WWI
>destroyed europe in WWII
>destroying europe in 2016

go to bed, germany

I'm disturbed by how accurate that picture is

Youre a hipster princess.