EUROS soon edition


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10/10 OP

Where's the old thread? I can't find it

dead m8, put this one up in desperation

>bundes in the name field
Can't search for it in the catalog. This is the worst /bundes/ I've ever seen.

>not wanting a secret /bundes/ thread

the other one died with this one guy not wanting to go to a Junggesellenabschied tomorrow

You're right

Sorry for my mean words

this is "muh special club" edition

And Denmark has seen every bundes so this means this one is literally the worst. You should be ashamed of yourself, OP

Looks like I missed that (had to unplug my PC because of a thunderstorm). What happened?

You know that nothing can happen during thunderstorms to your PC because of based Überspannungsschutz, right?

i think she is on her period, just ignore her!
is this the best song in existence?
Shut in anime nerds from Bavaria need not apply.

If you live in a big city you'll see that Jungesellenabschiede are literally the worst. Especially the female ones. I cringe so hard every time I see 30-something women wearing pink tutus and a vendor's tray filled with penis shaped sweets and tiny liquor bottles (Klopfer).

Know that feel bro, live in a big city in NRW with a cosy Altstadt, Dorftrottel literally ruin this city at the weekend.

mite be going to Berlin Atonal hope i won't get my skull crushed by one of you

actually found it on the catalog

no problem

so is lewandowski leaving bayern?

Don't think so. There's no replacement in sight, so why should they sell? But he might be testing the waters for a move next year.

when the money is right (>85m €)

read something about lewa forcing a sale, it's probably just bullshit.