Why do we have this flag on Sup Forums?

Why do we have this flag on Sup Forums?
It makes no sense, it's not the UK that's going to participate in the EURO. It's Wales, England and Northern Ireland. They all have their own flag and they should have their flag here too.

Other urls found in this thread:


You forgot Scotland OP..

Oh wait

If England loses I'm Welsh
If Wales loses I'm Northern Irish
If Northern Ireland loses I'm Scottish

>scottish flag during the yuros

yes please

Norn Ireland technically doesn't have a flag anyway


I want to banter you and I never know what to say it's not fair.

Do we have one?


yes, but IIRC its link is not /image/country

You are right but they use this one at sporting events (and at other stuff too so it's their flag).

Why do we have this fag on Sup Forums?

that's egipt son...

its just an english flag with a crest

true but their flag nonetheless

like how yours is just a Peru flag with a fucking leaf

Poor bait bogan.



95% of "it's coming home" threads are written by Scottish/Welsh people pretending to be English. It's fun and let it stay like that.


Which UK country has the best slags?

who /bangor/?

[ ] not rekt
[x] REKT

Canadia BTFO

How do you know though?

I made that suggestion on the feedback page like 6 months ago, they didn't respond

Look at that beautiful flag. God bless them Norn Irish crazies. Visited my cousins there and have never drank or partied so much in my life. Hearing my geordie accent with their Norn Iron one was a thing of pure beaut-ness.

it's not a question of slags, but cities. england would win purely on account of having more cities than norn iron/wales/scotland.

Lesotho take your proxy off

Flags are allocated based on your IP. All 4 UK countries share a block of IPs - you can't tell which of the 4 countries someone is posting from. You wouldn't be able to assign the correct flag to people.

Poland. You have previous there Hans. Be careful chummer.

It works for that plugin

You manually choose that though.

/Donaghadee/ fella.

Unlucky mate.

If IP comes from geographical area A use flag A
If IP comes from geographical area B use flag B
If IP comes from geographical area C use flag C
If IP comes from geographical area D use flag D

what's so hard about it

You can know what region a computer is located at through the IP example

They only responde to shitposts. If you shitpost enough about it they will do something.

I heard Glasgow is full of sluts

I also heard that if you go there and say that, you'll get stabbed

will they stab me while i fuck them though?

With your skin colour they'll think your a Muslim and you'll be stabbed for even saying hello.

fuck off m8
i'll be pretending i'm english all summer, posting english delusion and troll threads every hour and you can't stop me

>implying im not white

that flag is the english flag senpai

those other countries dont really exist. when you see that flag you think england

i would love to split them though the banter would be unreal

Thats their flag because they are not countries, which is why they all use the english flag


stay away from scotland you english ally cunts youre not walcome here ever

Gookmoot would need to completely change the way flags are identified on Sup Forums to do this which would be a decent amount of work. That's not gonna happen.

i agree with this wholeheartedly.

pretty much every relevant sport we play, we do so as seperate nation states.

there's literally 0 point in a UK flag in Sup Forums. its really unfair actually

You're browner than the average Scot, I'm not trying to make you mad, but they'd call you a muzzo bastard.

I welcome this 2bh.

I pretend to be Scottish in Scotland gamethreads, it was fun as fuck derailing threads, especially during the Ireland-Scotland games.

I do it in 6N threads too. I don't even watch rugby.

m8 i don't even like sports at all, i'm just here for the false flagging and funposting

i was initially attracted to the board because of the amerifat v yuropoor threads in the late 00s

nah it's best this way, the falseflagging in the england wales game will be amazing

Having the Northern Ireland flag would piss off every SJW left wing liberal fenian over there it would great to watch from my Welsh Valleys.

Imagine the fun you could have if every Euro country had the Euro flag. Shitposting to the highest level.

Way more likely to get stabbed in London. The amount of completely unmotivated and fatal stabbings in London is ridiculous. In Glasgow no-one will kick your head in unless your looking for it, but in London there's every chance a feral blud will shank you for no reason at all


The Italy flag with a bird on it. OOOH HOW DIFFERENT JUAN!

>tfw you are shagging a glaswegian bird
feels good mang

enjoy every disease in the book

yeah it literally just hit me how fucked up the england v wales matchthread is gonna be

nah she went to private school, it's all good

What's a blud?

...or if there were no flags at all

I lived in Ireland for several years and was always given the UK flag, fuck was that all about.

your ISP was stealing glorious British IP addresses

confirmed for never been to London

Ireland never got its independence afterall

Dwi'n siarad Cymraeg.


England wins by sheer numbers alone.

If you can get a Guernsey proxy you can just about pretend to be English with how small the flags are on here.

This is the only way the Scottish will be able to enjoy the tournament on Sup Forums.

good luck telling brits apart by IP

Because you can't accurately track where someone lives with their IP

>Because you can't accurately track where someone lives with their IP

My IP traces to London even though I live in Nottingham

Wales or Down?
