Ali is about to die

>Ali is about to die

How will you deal with the passing of the GOAT?

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Think, "huh, that's crazy" for about 10 seconds then continue living my life


be surprised that a boxer was able to live another 35 years after he stopped boxing

that's not tyson fury

the new generation of spee knows nothing of this man

i want to die with the champ

fuck this


thats not floyd mayweather

old people die, not giving a shit tbqhfam



also who cares? UFC is king, ronda would destroy peak clay in the cage in about 20 seconds

top bait

Atleast you said Fury and not Mike Tyson

He'll be fine.


you're probably a muzzie lmao


Tbh, Frazier dying hit me pretty hard already. Ali isn't even that old right now.

Shitposting is life.

>you will never see SJWs set up a fight between Ali and Rousy and watch Rousy be completely and utterly destroyed without mercy by the GOAT

Ali would rekt Tyson

>muslim nigger

Good riddance tbqhwy senpai

Ali's a fighter baby, he'll be ok. Dude's performing his classic rope-a-dope - he's so mean he could make medicine sick. He'll be ok guys, he's got this.

ali going in on cucks and race traitors

>Real combat
Pick one.

The only thing boxers are good at is..wait for it.. boxing.

Source: I trained at a boxing gym for 6 years, fought competitively for 2 years (won 5 fights out of 5) and then trained 14-18 year olds for a further 2 years after that.

>look mum i posted it again

Meme fighter. Bruce Lee or Conor McGregor would wreck prime Ali.

>Ali is of African-American descent, with Irish and English heritage
>mixed guy against interracial relationships

>Irish is a race
>English is a race
>African is a race
>American is a race

0/4 but nice try

holy shit

>everybody is dying this year

>Caring about rich celebrities that die

I don't even care about poor people who die. So God knows how your minds work.


I guess having empathy is a blessing and a curse.

I might pause for second when Tyson dies

>laying on top of your opponent

pick one

>Doing the thing that is most likely to win the fight and render your opponent completely incapacitated

Pick two.

Holy shit, this the first time I watched this video, even though I've seen it posted. Ali fucking napalmed racemixers here. Sickening.

But that's not true you faggot. Not only does it not incapacitate your opponent, even if it did, it incapacitates yourself too.

Besides, MMA is even more frivolous than boxing because at least in boxing, you have to touch your opponents face with your loves to score a punch. That's miles ahead of "I won cuz I pressed him against the fence :^)"

Alvarez, I'm looking at you.

>But that's not true
Uhh. It literally is. If you're a soldier behind enemy lines and you come across 2 guards, what are you going to do? Put on some pillow-padded gloves and put your hands up ready for a fair and square punching match? And when you down an opponent are you going to stop and wait to see if he gets up again before continuing?

No you fuckhead. You're going to use ANY AND ALL MEANS POSSIBLE to take your opponent down. Knees to the face, elbow strikes, you're going to try to snap their fucking necks if you can, choke them out until they can't move.

Boxing is for pussies and poor people.
UFC is the ultimate combat sport. It's literally in the title. UFC ULTIMATE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP.

If we had to pick a human being to fight an alien in a anything goes brawl to the death, no weapons allowed, with mankind at stake, then we'd pick a UFC fighter.

>How will you deal with the passing of the GOAT?
joe frazier died a few years ago

>Uhh. It literally is. If you're a soldier behind enemy lines and you come across 2 guards, what are you going to do?

Shoot them, maybe knife them. If none of us have guns then we're soldiers of two very shitty armies.

Also UFC is a shit sport, the fact that so many fighters are done once someone sits on them is proof enough of that.

If Sup Forums doesn't have this playing on every page when he dies it will have failed.

>Shoot them, maybe knife them. If none of us have guns then we're soldiers of two very shitty armies

Confirmed for retarded Amerifat. Not every problem has a solution which is shoot everyone you brain-dead fuck.

What about situations where you're undercover? What about situations where you have to maintain a low profile? What about- you know what. You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about so I'm not even going to bother.

Not every military or intelligence operation is fucking Rambo you retard.

dont really care
not interested in boxing and havent seen any of his fights

Can't consider him great when his fights are fixed


Ronda thinks feminism is bullshit and cucks the SJW narrative so she would never fight for them.

There's a show called 60 days in where normies go to jail for 2 months undercover, but are treated like regular inmates and only a few cops know. His daughter was on the show. She literally walked around with a towel on her head for the whole show's duration.

What exactly has happened to boxing that makes it so damn uninteresting nowadays?

Boxing of 20+ years ago seems 100 times more interesting than this shit that we get today.

citation needed

heavyweight division is shit and theres around 300 different belts across 50 weight divisions

>manlet who can't deal with a jab, clinch and dirty fighters

Ali of the 70s would beat him Tbh

Are you talking about Liston? Because he's the one that had the Mafia backing him and threatening his opponents if they didn't take a dive.

You didn't say you were an undercover intel-gathering faggot, you said you were a soldier, which is a general term that usually brings to mind armed combatants. Maybe you shuodl be more specific in your words you floorhugging faggot.

2016 is the year all the cool people die leaving us with more fags

Welp, he's gone.

Much the GOAT for much more than just being an athlete.

Not yet but soon

By praying to the one true Christian God. Ali needs to make it to Heaven so he can get BTFO again by Frazier.

Buzzards and eagles are a different species, you fucking idiot, and we are all humans, so if people of different race fall in love, there's nothing wrong with creating a union, it's possible and should not be frowned upon.

>buying into the Tyson myth

Dust in the wind, OP. All we are is dust in the wind.

>should not be frowned upon.
Lmao ok

I'll continue frowning at the coalburning race traitors, thank you.

he kilt'em

Wait, is that delle Alli's dad?

Good athlete, shit human being.

literally the GOAT of sports and banter

>one more Mudslime down the drain


Not sure if shitty trolling or legit retardation.

Probably both.

>Tyson was on the same level from start to finish


Btw, how can ANYONE call Tyson a manlet? Pacman is a manlet. Tyson isn't.

>he doesn't know that species was defined deliberately to shit on anti-racemixing conservatives


Are donkeys and horses different species or the same?

>some piece of shit human being who was successful at a dead sport is going to die

literally who cares

I would legit castrate you if I could get away with it.

You may not respect that other Muhammad, but you will respect this one.

You can't be the greatest of all time if athletes are getting better and better. Even 2001 Lewis would have won against him.

No, I won't lol

Islam is a false religion and deserves no respect

Seriously, what cloaca did you vermin spawn from?


By what definition is the sport of boxing dead?

Tournament jousting is a dead sport. Boxing isn't.

>this knuckle dragging bible basher

I'm talking about the boxer you ziocuck.

>Ali's daughter ended up racemixing and he has a white looking grandson

>defending the religion of murder, rape, torture and enslavement
>mfw Germany is this cucked
>mfw at least Ali got to live out the twilight of his life without a terrible, crippling disease... oh wait he didn't

>someone basing Islam can only be a Christian

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fuck off Hitler

Oh, my bad. I thought it was the other way around. Forgive my mistake, I was confused because of your flag you see

I wasn't even the guy you responded to. I have no problem with Muhammad Ali. Just thought you were some Muhammad Jihad on the loose with a computer

Mah nigga.

Islam objectively instructs its followers to murder, rape, torture and enslave non-Muslims simply because they are non-Muslims. Don't believe me? Actually read the Koran, Sira and Hadith in their entirety.
Anyone who follows that religion like Ali, whether it be through ignorance or malice towards humanity, deserves zero respect.

Unfortunately not many fellow Americunts appreciate what he did for boxing. Boxing is dying here because these faggots would rather watch M.M.A. (Man on Man Action) Guys rolling around on the ground playing footsies. Or handegg (NFL) or basebore. I love my country, but we have the worst fucking taste in the world.

>mfw I heard the announcement during an Eagles game

>How will you deal with the passing of the GOAT?

but mike tyson is still young though

Old testament says all kinds of shit like that too

The UFC heavyweight champ is a boxer, faggot.

>defending the religion of murder, rape, torture and enslavement

What the fuck are you even talking about?

I know Muslims' existence causes you buttpain, but despite your hysterics, there is no "religion of murder, rape enslavement bla bla" because that's what every tribe worth a damn did. It's why your fat fucks got to dominate North America.

>mfw at least Ali got to live out the twilight of his life without a terrible, crippling disease... oh wait he didn't

Let's be honest, how many of your peers, employers (pretending that you have a job) or family members would not spit in your face for faux enjoying that another man that didn't wrong you got a debiliating disease?

You silly little tween.

>not admiring all forms of combat sports

You purists are the worst and I boxed for 12 years.


Not really, no

REAL combat? lol. In "real combat" you can throw elbows, rip out eye balls, bite, etc. The only legal move in UFC is the Mongolian man-fuck

Yes it does

Who's the better athlete, Ali, or Jordan?

You're literally still defending the dumbest major religion of all time lol


>Islam objectively instructs its followers to murder, rape, torture and enslave non-Muslims simply because they are non-Muslims.

1. No it doesn't. Besides, 90% of the whole "infidels" talk refers to the non-Muslim Meccans who DID do something to deserve that.

2. Read the Talmud sometime. You will be suprised.

>Anyone who follows that religion like Ali, whether it be through ignorance or malice towards humanity, deserves zero respect.

Well, there is a saying in Brazil, you have respect, you don't lose your teeth. At least that's what Mr. Wanderlei Silva said. :^)

Where. Show me


The difference here is that most of the fucked up shit like that in the bible is contextual and contained within its time period, whereas Islam's instructions to murder, rape, torture and enslave non-Muslims are eternal. The Koran says to do as Muhammad did. It is documented historical fact that Muhammad committed or ordered the murder, rape, torture and enslavement of non-Muslims just because they were non-Muslims. It is also documented historical fact that he molested a 6 year old girl in the bathtub then married and fucked her when she was 9. This is why 9 is the legal age of marriage in Sharia law.
Ali was either aware or unaware of these things. If he was unaware of these things, then he's an ignorant idiot who followed a religion he didn't even read in its entirety and thus deserves no respect. If he was aware of these things, then he held deep malice towards innocent people and thus deserves no respect.

>Boxing is dying here because these faggots would rather watch M.M.A. (Man on Man Action) Guys rolling around on the ground playing footsies.

MMA fighters are genuine fighting machines that would destroy every single boxer in history with minimal effort. I mean, even females have an outside chance, especially grapplers.

Boxing is highly artificial, it bans people from grabbing your opponent, something everyone would do in a fight.

Buttblasted bitch.

The current UFC HW champ is a boxer faggit