It's pronounced 'spuh'
It's pronounced 'spuh'
Other urls found in this thread:
Who /espee/ here?
Spee, always has always will
reporting in
>He pronounce the initials instead of just saying sports
estop ese
how do the hues pronounce it though
una vela
Let's settle this once and for all.
Shut up.
poll be damned
>spuh all day, erry day
Poll results don't lie.
You're in the wrong here.
I'm saying spuh and you can't stop me.
spuh spuh spuh spuhspuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh
espee or spee
anyone who's not a retard
it's a potato
Then you're stupid.
spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh
>damn, i just spit all over myself
>1 (one) vote
Holy fuck OP BTFO
yes. you pronounce a seperate capital S and P. hence, /espee/ it's the thinking man way.
>boards that are spelled out
All single-letter boards
>boards that are pronounced like a word
Inb4 Le hot pockets man deletes this fun thread
what about ?
spuh btfo
It's there, under spelled out.
The only one I left off was because I honestly don't know.
spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh spuh
Fuck you Spuhmp
It's pronounced "ace"
You just woke up Janny "I do it for free" Hotpockets
>tfw ass threads were the norm before 2012
is the only board I read as a complete word (Advice) in my head.