Dingers already edition
Toronto Blue Jays @ Boston Red Sox
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I was thinking how price was doing pretty well recently
well not anymore
It's the first inning, the Jays can only do damage in the first inning and then don't do anything after that against good/decent starting pitchers
Gonna be a lot of Sox dingers off the memeballer too
Do you guys ever get srprised by what a baseball player actually sounds like? I heard JBJ the other day and didnt realize hes a soft spoken monotone.
>2 run 1st inning
Well I'm done, I'm not doing 3 days in a row of this shit
June is gonna be rough for us unless our bullpen can fucking get a day off.
is he Asian?
Is this the Ellen tred?
Wasn't Dickey gay raped or something?
he was molested by a woman babysitter or something
>linking to your own shitty post in the other thread
I'll stay here m8
Garbage that can't be found quickly through a catalogue search deserves to die
pretty sure it was a dude
remind me again why Russell martin can't just catch the knuckleball
Pretty sure they just use it to give Martin an off day
>Injuring Big Papi
Time for Price to throw 98 at Bautistas head
I miss Pedro so fucking much
>Price hitting any targets
please keep the ellen posts limited to 2.5D at max
this was the image I used on facebook to post on that story about that smoking hot teacher who banged a 13 year old student and got pregnant
that kid will be the coolest guy in school
>its another dickey doesnt make it out of the first 2 innings episode
>keking to a kek
Kek Kek kek
good job travis, no need to swing on any fastballs near the strikezone
nice strike zone there
Fucking Canada making 2 game threads. this is why we take your sports teams Canada, you dont know what you're doing
>2 outs already
firesale when?
>Umps routinely give Price a strike zone roughly the size of the sun
>He's still shit
>unable to locate strikezone
>umps helping Boston
Someone needs to teach him how to use google maps
time for dickshit to get fucking shelled and lose us this game in the first 3 innings
5.2 era
how is this possible with such shitty offense
>below average defensive SS
Two hundred and seventeen United states dollars
>shitty offense
You mean the best offense in the MLB you fucking retard?
What is the average defensive SS? I thought all of today's SS were shit
So if Bradley still had his streak but went out on paternity leave would it end then if he missed those games?
>other thread is just a dickey shitpost
pick one
Boston is 1st in runs scored bruh
We all know you're chowing down of golden grahams, jose
>meme tier offense
>"""best""" in mlb
>Its a Sox go 1-2-3 for 6 innings episode
thole is supposed to be the knuckleball catching specialist
catching it isn't as easy as it sounds
the second dickey gets pulled martin will be in, just watch
Youre a moron
>best team average
>most runs and 30 more runs than the second place team
>best OPS
>best OBP
>best SLG
>not the best offense in the MLB
stop before you start
based buck only eats the finest quality
>yfw he calls his meals
>this piece of steak is a lil looper into my mouth
big papi is a bigger whinier than Bautista.
>Its a every Sox member gets injured episode
Stop I dont need to see this again
>can't beat them
>just hit them
>Bautista memeing his way on base
Why are you quoting all these stats when you can just use wrc+ you stupid cunt.
>claims best offense
>get cucked by birds from baltimore
Price is kill
bucks is just getting fucking wasted 20 minutes before every game isnt he
Are these the fucking backup NESN announcers? They're fucking awful.
You mean split the series with the team above you in the standings?
>st louis that high in every stat with a team full of literall whos
hearty kek
Jesus how old are you?
it would be nice to have one pitcher
omg strike out already
jewnoldson working price's pitch count
at least hes working prices pitch count
inb4 pop up
Don't you mean pop out?
we literally do, Wright
can Lindsey teach clay to be decent at fucking ball
I'm not a Red Sox fan, but I'm used to the color guy with the really thick Boston accent.
Whoever's doing color commentary tonight is too busy choking on Price's dick to say anything meaningful, and has an annoying voice to boot. F.P. Santangelo-tier.
edwin will have 5 home runs tonight
first time in mlb history
cap it
How the fuck did Clay bag her?
>Starting a pitcher who repeatedly practiced with most of Toronto's current players
>josh popupson
can he stop being a fag already and adjust?
>2+ popups every single fucking game is just a coincidence
>people litteraly thought blake had a week arm
eat your heart out
That's Dennis Eckersley you idiot
fire 3rd base meme coach for calling in bautista
>popupson popping up in any way a surprise
Shut that semon demon up already
>outfield throw in a beer league park
Not giving a cent to anything with Buchholz in it's name
>put out at third playing left field
>strong arm
I hope that's a joke
What's that white stuff on price's cap?
We literally threw our catcher out there and told him to do his best so I thought that was pretty decent
Price aint making it six innings huh?
We're getting no- hit by R.A. "Cy Young" Dickey
>throwing at someone with exploding knees
There are no more hi drapers the messiah returned during the night.
tbqh with you joe
thank you based price saving our idiots from swinging on obvious ball 4s
Oh boy is the bullpen totally fucked, its the 2nd inning and he's hitting 60 pitches
Dumb warning tbqh