NRL Super Saturday Football

New Zealand Warriors vs Brisbane Broncos.

Game starts at 3:00PM at Mt. Smart Stadium.

North Queensland Cowboys vs Newcastle Knights.

Game starts at 5:30PM at 1300Smiles Stadium.

Melbourne Storm vs Penrith Panthers.

Game starts at 7:30PM at AAMI Park.

horrid formatting, kys

>Warriors ACTUALLY want Brad Arthur

Just get Cleary back you stupid cunts

don't really see an issue

Literally spam. First thread here


Posting in the real thread.

This is the thread we will use.

Gonna post in this thread lads

>literally nobody posting in walkcunt's cancerous reddit thread
>he proceeds to sperg the fuck out

Kys Sean

Broncucks Ltd will lose today.

Sean literally stays up all night until 5am in order to get the last post in, and post garbage like "last for walkgod".

He is absolutely pathetic.

Just woke up in a display home and took a shit in its toilet lads.

Playing Uncharted 4, lads.

Not gonna post in today's thread, but if I did it would be this one that I use.

Based matt out.

comfy setup lad. PC as well?

McGuire is playing hooker, buddies.

Feeling uneasy about the Broncos tip.

Elena dies lad

How is it m8? Is it worth buying a PS4 for?

I'm either going to spend the money on a PS4 or a prostitute desu

First few chapters are slow and boring.

It's also a lot "darker" and more "serious" than the other ones.

no 1 game is worth a system unless you are going to play it for months. And an action, interactive movie, as good as Uncharted is, will not keep you interested long enough to justify a ps4.

I also want to play the new MGS too desu.

Those are the main reasons why I would buy the new system. Then after that maybe just the odd sports game or something once every couple of years.

thinking about making a RIP ali thread 2bh

make one with a photoshopped BBC News tweet saying that he died

but he has died

seems like the perfect day to marathon season 5 of Girls lads, what do you reckon?

Will Newcastle even get any points on the board today?

They will win.

Mundine>Ali 2bh

Feminist nu-male spotted.


lets see how the Warriors can infuriate me this week

Roberts vs Kata has me interested in this game

This kiwi play by play commentator makes me want to kill myself.

his voice is fucking grating as hell

This kid yelling “WARRRRRIORSSS” is pissing me off

I know these feels too well, bro

>200mm of rain

What the fuck.

Fucking hell that was great

Best try I've seen this season

Magic Johnson.

Warriors deciding to start their season during the Origin period once again

Luke and Johnson doin thangs

>You NOW suddenly remember Roger Tuivasa Sheck

still way too late

Warriors on making the eight watch.

>Broncos playing worse with their origin squad back

Good one. You just know they will slack off in this game or next.

milford and hunt have been shit for the past couple of weeks

fuck my life cunt

>not forfeiting the first 13 rounds and starting now
>RTS would still be healthy

seriously why even bother with the meme opening rounds when you don't even need to to make the 8

This is very therapeutic

Thank you warriors

Warriors are blowing them off the park

>Broncos BTFO

I bet on them but I'm still happy about this

Based Warriors, the top ranked NZ based team year after year.

Surprised the news haven't told everyone Wayne's killed himself yet.


You got me

If anyone can blow this it's the Warriors. They'll collapse from the 60 minute mark.

broncos on freefall watch

kys maranta



You give them too much credit. 50 minute team at best.

>The fucking city of Browncunts Unlimited

SJ playing Maranta like a fiddle and he is the fiddler on the roof

Broncos will get at least one try in before half time.

Yeah or the 30 minute mark.

JUST maybe they start winning games from here.
Make the 8.
And RTS makes a miraculous recovery to star in and win the grand final..

Calling it now.


Just watch Bennett blame this on the Origin schedule


only gets picked because of his dad

It's not like it was a good game of origin anyway. Three entire days and nights of rest should be plenty.

>warriors starting to choke already

Mannering needs to retire.

And the arduous travel schedule all the way over the ditch.

Warriors on 30 min collapse watch

International sign of choking

How are the Broncos getting killed like this?

Is the Broncos being good a meme?

Broncos will get another try before half time.

was alex glenn just eating a zooper dooper?

>eating a zooper dooper

Hydralite things I assume. All of the players have them.

Yes. Wayne Bennett forces all of his players to eat zooper doopers moulded in the shape of his thin cock


half of it poor discipline and giving away penalties the other half is maranta

Heard that Taylor swift just split up with cuckvin harris.

My turn to make a move on her. Wish me luck.

How many high profile celebrity boyfriends will she have before she kills herself?

She's overrated 2bh

Great legs though

WalkGOD blesses you with charismatic witty banter.

Reed and Maranta delivering the laughs

I don't. Taylor Swift is a corporate whore.

What do you even mean by this?

Will the broncos come back?


warriors wont keep playing this hard for the full 80, and they came back against the sharks so its possible

they will put on 5 or 6 tries in the 2nd half after bennett tears then to pieces in the sheds.

What do you think Vonny is doing today on her day off lads?

Bad call

That was fine

sniffing the players dirty socks from last nights game

is the fix in lads?

refballed hard

Fucking bullshit and i despise the Broncos

>forward pass again
