How fix amerilards?
How fix amerilards?
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Develop youth programs around kids with talent, not the ones whose mommy and daddy can afford youth travel leagues and the newest cleats.
You don't. Let the MLS and sport fold and start over from scratch.
get poor black kids to play soccer instead of basketball. We would be better than Brazil
We dont. Soccer is probably the least popular sport around here. Nobody cares to fix it
Pump money into NASL.
Maybe start caring, but for what purpose? We would never challenge the power house countries.
Fold the mls
Pull out of fifa because of "corruption concerns"
Continue spreading the culture that surrounds soccer in this country as being a sport for young children, women, and homosexuals
Encourage cord cutting, but especially for NBCSN and FS1
>Turn them off
>Turn them on
>Repeat until the problem is solved
>be american
>BLACKED at home
Soccer fucking blows
dont fucking give pullistic a big contract for mls. just fucking realize that you should keep the young talent in europe.
Antofagasta esta en llamas desu.
t. Colombians
>americans actually enjoy spandex
destroy the mlels
spread youth soccer
teach technique and ball control not just muh athleticism
then youll get a team full of wetbacks who just jumped over the border tho
>destroy the mlels
this desu
That's what made our Baseball teams some of the best in the world, it'll probably work the same.
Why is Chile so obsessed with the US? Honestly
the stats werent bad 2bh
more possesion
more passes
one less shot
We just need to murder zardes and Bradley
Nice damage control burger.*wink*
you have the best boreball teams because there are too few countries that play that professionally
you have a bigass country, with a huge population; yet cant come with 23 decent football players, something is wrong and the solution you suggested may turn the tides, but the one thing you need the most is play against actual strong NTs instead of having that safespace called CONCACAF
Answer the question. You have done this for years.
they want us to annex them, thats why they stole texas flag
>having a team full of foreigners
It works for the french though.
>Shots on target
That's pretty bad
Brazil doesn't have many black players, most are mestizo, blacks can't last 90 minutes.
Raw athletism is secondary in futbol, you need skill you learn only from playing all day long.
>lose match
>"w-we don't care, I swear!!"
>w-Why is Chile so obsessed with the US? Honestly
they are technically french, but you have a point
We need more blacks and spics in the talent pool.
Why are you so obsessed?
Would rather have real Americans and suck insead of have these half german fucks and suck.
Some decent competition would probably be good for us. If I hear about how it was a tough match against Jamaica one more time...
Stop getting mexicans though, they are the irish of the hispanic comunity, can't do anything right.
Not blacks, spics only.
What country in the world isnt obsessed with the US m8? This is the only time chile can hold their head proudly because theyre better than the US at something. God knows theyre shit at everything else
Answer the question. Why? This isn't a new hobby of yours.
its not a matter of MUH GENETICS
over here you learn to kick a ball at the same time you learn to walk, and im not even kidding
And it was the only way for Trezeguet to win a world cup too.
HAHAHAH >W-why they are obsessed with us? right g-guys? ;___________________;
poor people play it here, but probably not as religiously as south of the border.
but doesn't matter if their parents can't afford the travel and shit, none of that is paid for here, all out of pocket. which basically stunts our talent pool.
>its not a matter of MUH GENETICS
its partly genetics, if you think anyone could be as good as messi if they just kicked the ball a bunch youre delusional
Answer the question.
There is a bit of genetics at play, but it's not the only thing, not even the 3rd most important thing, listen to us.
>check mls standings
how about a usmnt culled from players that are, you know, winning the mls?
That matters if you are uruguay and have 2 million people, out of 200+ people, it's not a question that you will have someone as good as that.
Messi is more of a matter of skill gained through autistic determination than athleticism, you murrikans have to learn that being athletic is not so relevant in this sport.
And they say >W-why they are obsessed with us? right g-guys? ;___________________;
>autistic manlet
Answer the question.
eat cheese pizza and drink sprite and you can become the best
usually we stuff our autists with pills, maybe giving them a soccer ball would work better for us.
wena nido
Nice try.
And they say
>W-why they are obsessed with us? right g-guys? ;___________________;
>a-answer the question reeee ;_____;
Answer the question.
messi is pretty athetlic desu, excellent agility and acceleration
i think you're right though generally
And they say
>W-why they are obsessed with us? right g-guys? ;___________________;
>a-answer the question reeee ;_____;
Ke bonito ess ganarr KJAJKAKJKJAKJAKJAJ
Answer the question.
same thing happens here
small neighboorhood clubs must sell cakes and shit to afford for a trip outside the city
the ones who play it more are the poors, rich kiddos goes for rugby or polo here
but messy isnt even on the top of the genetic pool mate
genetics only matters if youre a solid 6ft striker who can play aerial balls and hit like a donkey kick like Batistuta, or a sneaky little bastard who must play at ground level like Messi
pro players here start playing before kinder
is chile actually autistic?
¿y qué se supone que son los gringos? ¿masas de grasa?
Clearly. Cannot even answer a simple question without sperging.
you're too retarded to handle the bants.
chill out amerispergs, stop being so angry about everything
>juntada /latsp/ en Buenos Aires
jkajjkajkajk gringos humillados por sudamericanos jkJKAJKJKAKJAKJKJA.
That constitutes as bants?
You should visit us sometime, friend. :)
Non-shitposting answer
We need creativity badly
Why was Bradley having to be the driving force in the attack?
Last two years really proved that's not what he is
>be unitedstatian football team
>literally get shot during match
nice goal desu
Juntada en julio. En Buenos Aires capital. Si visitas /lat/ en estos dias te vas a enterar.
cono sur are basically aussie tier of shitposting.
any qt south american girls itt? i will get you a green card
Australia is top tier though.
cono sur is more the autistic type.
Va a ser muy canceroso? Yo estoy en un rango memístico por encima de todo eso
fotos? :(
>dando por hecho que el autismo TEXTUAL de /lat/ no esta hecho a propósito
Somos autistas """peligrosos""" en papel nada mas
Build wall
>be chilean
>get earthquaked
is not really that abnormal atleast for me giving a ball to kids is not that rare
What wall should I build?
Kill Bradley tbqhfam
is not rare in any country with a football legacy, but then you have the american saying we NEED spic and niggers because theyre more athletic which isnt true at all
keep the rapist penguins out
Te gusta argiefriend :)
>be huezilian
>get dilmaed
the reason we need the spics and niggers is to put more depth in out talent pool pham, not because they are more athletic.
as it stands, only those who can afford to pay travel, team fees, etc. can play competitively at the youth level in this country.
need to change that shit if we want a better national team.
It's because all their other sports realy more on raw physicallity, and their microcosm of sports only they play makes it worse, it's almost impossible for murrikans to realize that being athletic is not that important.
I hope they do get better though, seeing mexicans lose to even them would be hilarious.
football is about skills and teamplay, no nanny coaching or indefinite time offs
>I hope they do get better though, seeing mexicans lose to even them would be hilarious.
agree, I would like USA to become stronger too
As someone who only pays attention during the WC or odd tournament here or there it seems like Jurgen Klinsmann hasn't done fuck all since he got here. On the pregame show the commentators said this was the first game with that particular back four playing together. Shouldn't there be a concrete line up after five years in charge of the team? I appreciate that he wanted to come here but it all looks about the same as it ever has. Going behind early really fucked us obviously, I wish that hadn't have happened.