Burguer/bros/ get in here

So after a sad day for America, we need to choose a country to cheer for, let's meme Columbia to win the cup.
>mexico and argentina hates them
>qt girls
>not mexico
>having your first match dream shattered by the champions
>not mexico
>based James Rodriguez
>not mexico
>based Atletico for Copa Libertadores

Seriously fuck Argentina and Mexico. I would root for Texas but they lost to Mexico during the last few minutes of the game, so fuck them. They also lost against Jamaica.

So who here /Columbia/ bros?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=euromoney country risk

It's Colombia, retard.

>Mexico hates Colombia

No their pretty similar if anything.

Both listen to cumbias and shit, good food, fine women.

Also never met a Mexican that has talked bad about Colombians

>cheering for the team who just beat you
Literally the definition of a cuck. I guess I should expect nothing less from an """american""" """soccer""" """fan"""

>american soccer fags


le fight and win amirite?

>>not mexico
I'm sold



>implying our soccer genius manager will not do the sensible thing and rearrange his entire formation so Dempsey isn't wasted, bench Jones for Nagbe, and get wood off of the wing and we win the copa for the usa

But we don't hate Colombia m8

im pretty sure none of those girls are colombian, they're probably the local college sloots. C'mon, 2 is a chink

>Washington, District of Colombia

That's how it's spelled in Spanish/TSUguese bro. It's Columbia in English.
Ex: DC = District of Columbia.

Colombians are cool. It's Salvadorians you need to look out for.

Think about it, being defeated by the champion is honorary. If /lat/ or yuro fags were to talk shit, we literally have the excuse to have lost against the very best. Memes aside I think they were pretty good.

And Hondurans

Columbia is a state you tard

Trust me I've lived in Queens and met many girls picture tier.

Except they aren't the champions, Chili are the champions you retard

>not believing that we will win
Kys cuck

No it isn't.

t. someone who speaks english

i agree, colombia is gr8

OK Wikipedia says you're right, irrelevant Australia.

Lets move there brah

You know it to be true.

Except argentina wins

>Arjentina winning a final with Messi in the field


oh wow will you look at that senpai.


Argentina is gonna knock out Mexico...it's like Spurs finishing under Arsenal...meant to meme my fellow bean

>tfw no qt Colombian gf


>independiete el valle vs faggot tiger Mexican team
except you won't pass Chile, and much less Ecuador.

how will he be on the field when he's in jail?

Hhaha good one lad.

No, they like Ñeros and Narcos.

oh shit, somebody's got electricity tonight.

what if i have a lot of money?

What's a Nero and how do I become one? Is that like athletic or something? Like a roman gladiador? I'm willing to get /fit/ for one of them qts

Don't say it too loud or there might be a blackout again.

That'll work.

Romanian cyka

I'm sorry to hear that /vene/bro




Y-yeah, something like that

Life is suffering

Fuck off, aweoneao

lots of south Americans look Asian

¿Vas a LUZ, primo?

Sorry, man. I feel for you Venezuelan bros. You live in pretty much what's a failed state and I hope things get better for you guys. No country deserves what you government is doing to you.
But I found the Amerifriend comment funny.

We love you too Texas. I really feel bad for Vene/bros/ but they did vote for the gibsme consecutively before they realize what they had done. I say let this be an example for the region so others don't fall on the same trap.


Everything okay, we'll somehow get out of this. I hope so at least.

>implying that Chavez was ever elected fairly after his first term

>american summerfags shaming us all

I said I was sorry!

Somebody post Colombian culo.

>>mexico and argentina hates them
but we dont hate them, actually we dont give a fuck about them
great coke tho

Argentina es papa y lo sabes

I thought you bullied them a lot.

the only one we actually like to bully is Uruguay, but because we like those fellas and they are our insurgent province
then you have Brazil whom we share an eternal rivalry

any other country is irrelevant footbal wise

>Rooting for a country where kidnapping for ransom is 20% of GDP

No thanks. Chile is probably the only livable country down there, but it's like choosing between Arkansas and Mississippi only worse.

A big fat source is needed

>Brazil is safer than Uruguay
>Colombia is safer than Uruguay
>fucking Ivory Coast and Botswana are safer than Uruguay
ayy lmao

didn't see that

need a 2016 map, western europe going red.

That's cause majority of cartel violence is against each other

Stop lying anti trump la raza protester. Mexico is shit and we all know it.

>Country risk
>Venezuela has been in literal shit
>no food
>still green

>giving you Las Islas Galapgos and Montanita for foreigners
>many US citizens revoke their citizenships to get an Ecuadorian one to prevent the American government getting their shekles on retirement


Yeah this is bullshit

He's just jelly we /Colombia/now. #nevermexico

I don't hate Colombia, desu. Why would I? They are bros.

They are like the Sweden of the Americas

oof number 1 is a qt 3.15

Isn't that URGAY? aka little argentina

>fine women

Country risk calculates political and economic stability, not crime. Chile is darkest green because having 20 years of peaceful transference of power is considered an achievement down there, and they have the strongest GDP as well.

lmgtfy.com/?q=euromoney country risk

We don't hate mexicana either

Look whose talking. It's impressive Canada national team even has a Wikipedia article.

it's /Culombia/ m8


US just needs a real fucking squad. I just don't understand how we're having this issue. Even if you take a .001% of the population as a pool that's hundreds of thousands of players with potential.

>there are colombian 4chaners who are still >no gf virgins

No it isn't. Saying "Columbia" instead of "Colombia" is like saying "Christian Ronald" instead of "Cristiano Ronaldo". You don't translate names.

>qt girls

you are shitposting wrong Jordi. Colombia has some of the most beautiful mestizas on earth. Its the likes of Mexico that have hideous women.

Girl on the right can get the pipe

Same could be said about americans, your women have no morals and are degenerate, you would have to try to not be a virgin there tbqh fampai

Maybe, there are hot mestizas, but what about the rest of women?, Europeans look on average much better.

LOL many gringos come here to live in Mexico too. We safe now????

How good is Haiti?

Would a colombian qt go for some white german cock?

>white german euros

beaners call New York "nuevo york" on the spanish channels.

Always have to bandwagon Chile due to flag broship.

We don't give a fuck about Columbia, let alone hating it

Forgot England lel

>Copa America

damn your paki genes are showing off isnt?

the ride never ends

>Ecuador beating Costa Rica

id love to see a CRC vs MEX or Chile semi, would be goat

So it is spelled Columbia. Argay confirms


They said as long as are either rich or fit then yeah.