Mexican Sports Teams When?

What American league will be the first to go to Mexico?

Mexico isn't poor anymore. They have cities better off than Detroit and New Orleans.

4/5 leagues are already international by being in Canada. Mexico City, Monterrey and Guadalajara could all have a MLB or MLS team. Mexico City could have any of the 5, maybe even multiple.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Blue Jays get shoved out of sustainability by O's supremacy
>move to Tijuana
>San Diego gets a cross-border rival for interleague play

And all was right as it should be.

build wall

Blue Jays (or whatever meme Mexican name they give them, Tijuana Chupacabras? Baja Bombers?) would become an AL West team. Move the Cleveland Indians to the AL East to replace the Blue Jays, and move the Astros back to a central division in the AL Central to replace the Indians

I like it

>That flag
>that statement
Stfu you stupid canuck you ever been to New Orleans? Shouldn't even compare the 2.


If Trump gets elected our national relations with Mexico will go to shit

I took a boat trip there, you buthurt cajun

Monterrey is a wealthier city, and isn't going to be washed away.

>mexico isn't poor anymore
Go fuck yourself

Honestly, it will likely happen.

Well you seem to have functioning internet

probably an mlb team in monterrey

You have a few wealthy areas now.

Sports leagues need to keep growing, and they are running low on expansion sites in America. Some cities are declining, and their teams might need to move.

Even Palestinians have Internet at home.

>1% of the population having trillions of dollars in drug money makes everybody rich


Stay cucked and singing the virtues of the third world Canada

Other than the drug money, you could say the same about your country. CIA does

...except we're wealthier...and we perform services other than dealing drugs to make that money

Did you really think you were smart and saying something other people didn't know or something?


those graphs arent of 1%, northern states are wealthier than the rest of the country.

It's ironic that you claim that 1% has all the wealth because in america 1% of the population holds all the wealth at least, but you're too proud to acknowledge it.

Whats the difference anyway? A set of people demolished the american economy and got bailed out by the government and the other got rich by selling drugs. Some americans benefit greatly by these drugs as well.

Both illegal, but I guess since americans do it than its ok


I'm aware of this difference in wealth between the richest and the poorest. Again, do you think you know something the average person doesn't know when you say that? The point is that the average person who isn't in these top tiers are still more wealthy in the US. The average Mexican is poor. Just facts

Also what do you mean "those graphs aren't of 1%"? Where the fuck did I say that? I'm saying the absurdly rich people boost the average a lot. Why are you so fucking smug and stupid when you lack reading comprehension?

It's time to add 8 more teams to the MLB and ditch the wildcard system

My suggestions: 2 Mexico DF teams, 2 Monterrey teams, a team in Hermosillo, a team in Veracruz, a team in Guadalajara, and a team in Guanajuato

My math was fucked, just add 6 more teams (forget one of the Monterrey teams and the Guanajuato team)

make war with mexico again

Shut up jalapeno

Pro tip. It is the drug cartels in the north retard.

A fucking leaf I swear.

i got what you jneed

So there have always been rumors of mlb expanding to mexico city, but the problem is that it has even higher elevation than coors field. The elevation is such a pain for pitchers that generally no one would want to play there and that's not how you get a team started.

despite california having a bunch of teams already I do think that baja could handle an mlb team

are detroit and new orleans really THIS bad?

i mean, i know they're shitholes, but worse than mexico?

>5 leagues


There's only 4, leaf.

>Mexico isn't poor anymore. They have cities better off than Detroit

that's hardly an accomplishment, literally any city in the world is better than detroit

that is certainly true OP but the problem is cities like monterrey and mexico city with pockets of wealthy areas also have as much violence and corruption as any other cartel town

obviously the news overblows the chance of getting kidnapped or decapitated but how are you going to attract players in your city with all that shit going on around them when they can just go to detroit or oakland with the same chance of violence but not having to worry about their passport or not speaking the language?

Other than Mexico City and Monterrey, the cities that care about baseball are somewhat small, which lead to very small markets, and most don't even have a decent stadium.

Only possible in the Estadio Azteca or maybe the Omnilife in Guadalajara, but it is expensive as fuck to sustain a team.

Not enough interest.

Never ever.
