Is this the shadiest man in all of sports?

Is this the shadiest man in all of sports?

How the fuck does he keep getting away with everything?

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Nobody can sue you when you do it all for free

bob arum is

I don't understand what's shady about him? He acts as an agent for some of the best players in the world and gets huge fees when they transfer.

He's clearly just a very good negotiator with great contacts.

>He acts as an agent for some of the best players in the world and gets huge fees when they transfer.

understatement of the century. He's basically a modern day slave trader who manipulates the media in order to sell mediocre players to huge prices.

See fucking Bebe for example. He was literally a homeless guy playing 3rd tier football but got transferred to United for 9m simply because Mendes made up some stories about Real Madrid, Barcelona etc. being after him.

Do you really thing all these Portuguese players playing in big leagues while the NT being shit is logical?

>He's basically a modern day slave trader
He basically is not that.

He influences transfers beyond what is necessary/ethical. He doesn't just get a transfer for one player or one manager, he manages to make them all related so that there's a constant chain of money flow. He acts in his own best interests rather than the player's (see falcao)

Third party ownership is literally slave trading.

It literally is not.

ask falcao

What about Falcao? He agreed to a contract with Mendes and then he agreed to a contract with Monaco (and got well compensated for it).

It was L I T E R A L L Y nothing like slavery.

Or Tevez. Different agent, but same story. Agents and clubs nowadays are owning players from the ground up.

You have fourteen year olds that are forced to play for one club only till they're eligible for signing, all protected by fair play rule. Only way out is by a signed transfer from that club, and you won't get that easily. The player is then forced to do anything that club will tell him to, or he'll be quickly forced to sit on the bench. That way noone will ever see him, even if he's next Maradona himself.

But really south muricans are far worse as Mendes. The stories you here from there are nightmarish.

This explains the reason he moved pretty well

Yeah Juan Figer used to own a club in second division or something where he'd sign his high profile players so as a result of that when those players got signed to a big club he got the commission AND the transfer fee.

I think FIFA banned him though, he's not active anymore

So a player agreed to a deal with investors. Investors paid him a shitload of money and did well to promote him in Europe and now they're the devil incarnate because they want some return on their huge investment?

Lmao, fuck off. There is literally nothing wrong with that.

so it's ok for a person to be moved around like cattle and told what county he has to live/work in etc? I agree for the kind of money Falcao is getting people would do nearly anything, but it's about free choice which he just didn't have

>but it's about free choice which he just didn't have
He did have it when he agreed to a deal with them in the first place. He chose short term gain (supplemented wages and promotion in Europe) over long term career choices.

They held up their end of the deal and the Atletico/Monaco transfers was him holding up his.

If he had been alive in the 16th Century he'd be shipping boats full of Africans in chains to Brazil

it's basically the players only choice unless they happen to bump into a european scout or a big team takes them on though. your argument is basically saying that it's ok to do whatever to someone as long as they agree while they are desperate and need a lucky break, I can't imagine all this was explained to him either at the time

This is the logic used by Qatar
The workers are better paid than at home and have jobs unlike home, so its ok to control their lives

And your argument is that it's ok to bail on a deal with no consequences whatsoever after the other party had put millions into it.

He accepted the trade off, plain and simple.

If the workers agree to it, then yes it is ok.

I don't know about the worker situation in Qatar but I know that Falcao agreed to it.

I'm not arguing that, i'm arguing it should be illegal to do this. A system that would make more sense it to agree to take a fraction of players wages/loyalty fees etc off them in return for getting the player a club, new agent, marketing them etc it would make much more sense than being able to control the players life

If the system was illegal then there'd be a good chance that Falcao would be living in poverty after a failed footballing career.

or if the system was different he could have agreed to say, a 6 year deal where the company paid to get him into europe, new agent marketing and in return they took 50% of his wages/loyalty bonuses. would incentivise them to make sure he's happy because their taking his wages, something directly affected by his footballing ability/marketing and they would want to sign him onto extensions etc. imagine if they had got him the transfer to monaco/madrid/wherever earning 300K p/w thats 150K for them that's a shade under 8 million a year without having to pay anything to the player etc, as well as probably owning his image rights as well as bonuses etc. gives the player more choice, earns the company money and gives them incentives to make sure he does well and it gives the player less restrictions and more freedom of choice

Falcao agreed to a deal that prioritised his short term wealth over long term career choices. Why are you proposing a deal that prioritises his long term term career choices over short term wealth? This is the exact opposite of what he wanted at that time.

He made a conscious choice, stop acting like you know better what's best for him. Freedom of contract is a beautiful thing, leave it the fuck alone.

He prioritized long-term wealth in the only way he could, which was getting a move to europe. it was literally his only option, i'm proposing a system that's fairer to the players in terms of not being forced to do anything, which the investors could have made him do and did make him, and also adds incentives for the investors financially. are you sure you aren't american because you sure sound it

Modern Portuguese spice trading in full strength lads

He is under investigation ATM.