Eternal Arsenal Thread
How can he still have a broken wrist? Does he have AIDs or something? It's been a year.
>Does he have AIDs or something?
I believe it
hagahahaha enjoy your vardy flop
bones don't heal properly when you're on PEDs
so he can whack people who chat shit
My shotter is called Pablo and lives in Camden
Could he be the guy behind the Twitter account?
afcamden's name is Dean though
why do i keep seeing 18m now?
well better than no one I suppose. Fingers and toes crossed that he keeps scoring because that's a lot of money and a long contract for a 29 year old, especially with Arsenal's medical team.
CB,winger and another midfielder (LB if necessary) now Wenger.
release clause is lower than previously thought
Vardy in the bag lads
right I'm just wondering who's said 18m first
>another midfielder
We have more than enough.
Will >we be forced to adopt the CHAT meme?
Who here honestly wants Vardy at the club? He's fucking 29
no way around m8
Joel is decent but we could do well with another decent crosser who doesn't cut inside and delivers a reliable 11-12 goals a season.
Midfield might be packed but I can see Ramsey leaving and probably another couple of attacking players.
but muh next ian wright
vardy, podolski, park, eduardo, julio baptista, reyes, jeffers
not exactly a stellar line of players
He scores goals
I can't believe Wenger fell for the Vardy meme
>I can see Ramsey leaving
Can you really?
If Joel was a regular he'd easily score those 11-12 goals. He scored like 5 just being a complete fringe player
Borussia singing Bartra
>tfw we're actually going to get rid of Campbell even though he's twice as good as Walnut
it's cursed - you're either shit or get rekt
He's a good player.
I think this just confirms Wenger is done after next year. He's going full Fergie and just buying a striker with maybe a year or two left in him in order to win the league.
It's also why he's willing to fuck over Gibbs with Rodriguez.
better than gabriel
No he isn't you retard. If he went "full Fergie" he would spend the 200 million we have sitting in the bank
>Vardy is the first english senior striker to join since Jeffers
I won't believe he's fully going for it until Ramsey is dropped forever.
Rodriguez is like 3 years younger than Gibbs senpai
Gibbs isn't getting fucked over, he wants to leave. Dude's 27 and wants to play
Arsenal would be perfectly happy having him as backup, HG too
>Full Fergie
>Spending £200m
lol ok m8
Initial report was "around 20m".
Wilf Zaha soon
>buy striker who only scores on counter attacks
>play posession football
I'd prefer vardy to zlatan. united are probably paying him close to £20m for one year.
still better to get someone younger and less of a cunt though.
>Claudio Ranieri: "It's all true," - La Gazzetta dello Sport
poor Ranieri
Who is welbeck?
Google Translate from Italian
>LEICESTER RANIERI ARSENAL Vardy / LEICESTER (England) - L ' Arsenal push hard for Jamie Vardy , now comes confirmation from Leicester . After rumors circulated yesterday evening that the 'Gunners' WOULD BE to present the 'Foxes' the offer for 23 million euro release clause provided for by this contract the attacker, the champion of England manager, Claudio Ranieri , comes out: "It's all true," the brief statement reported by 'La Gazzetta dello Sport'. Now the ball goes to the player, who currently receives about 5 million Euros per season and will have to discuss the new contract with the Londoners.
Mate you'd be retarded not to buy him.
a shit shane long
A winger who wishes he was a striker?
>tfw will get told to walk on even more than I do now
into the filter it goes
Apparently Shane Long wants out of soton, would be good depth
First Sanchez
Then Elneny
Now Vardy
Why are we signing divers now?
that's walcott lad
Vardy never dived it was a clear foul by Nacho now that I think about it
I suppose you're too young to remember pires
Pires dived once and it was blown completely out of proportion by an ABA media, much like Eduardo's "dive" vs Celtic (gentle reminder he's the only player to ever be retrospectively banned for diving), yet when it happens against us no one says a thing
>vardy is a fox
>jeffers was a "fox in the box"
>both are white
So do we have to start using "aving a party" as well?
>last year Wenger said all the best strikers these days are South American
>signs Vardy
>possession football
yeah, it's him
In fairness our best performance last season was Man U at home, when Walcott played through the middle and was BOG. If Walcott's out and Vardy's in, the thinking must be that Vardy can do that job more consistently. Harder worker and cleverer movement than Walcott. Probably worse technique generally but a better finisher. idk
the way I'm trying to look at it is that once Walcott goes, the net price for Vardy might be close to zero. could potentially sign another forward still
i am guessing rooney wont be used as much too
why do people think walcott will go so confidently?
>In fairness our best performance last season was Man U at home
For all of 20 minutes
rooney will be a centreback soon
If Jamie Vardy was called Jamuel Varduez, he'd be at Barcelona right now.
If Theo Walcott was called Theodor Walckotzky he'd be at Besiktas right now.
haha, what a great joke, I think the Neanderthals are the best joke makers
Wenger hasn't come out in support of him and he usually does when there's even a chance a player will stay
Walcott's a clean cut English guy, marketable - someone will want him.
3-0 inside 20 and a sterile 70 minutes following is basically the perfect performance. We were different class that day, didn't do it all game cause we didn't have to but always in control
Glad Vardy is willing to join >us after that vicious tackle by Nacho he suffered.
Lads, Vardy is just a smokescreen for Morata. Morata will be confirmed in 72 hours.
Nah, he'd conduct symphonies with Yuja Wang on the piano mate.
>3-0 inside 20 and a sterile 70 minutes following is basically the perfect performance.
Yeah but we only managed to do it once all season. We'd need to play like that regularly for Vardy to be able to do well.
Thanks mate.
>always in control
It was through the grace of Cech that Martial didn't single-handedly start a Fergie-esque classic United-comeback.
If Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain was called Alejandro Ojlado-Chamberleño he'd be a shitty winger at Villareal right now
vardy's missus on twitter is the new xhaka's brother or whatever leaking the photos
all but confirming a deal's done
>5 years older than him
what a moron
not really she's just asking for people to stop giving her shit
I mean... It's not a bad team?
>implying she doesn't keep on bitching about moving to LONDON
Yep, but part of that is that Walcott only put in like three good performances all season. If that's the blueprint, I'll back the likes of Ozil, Alexis, Xhaka to do what they need to so if you get a striker who'll play their role consistently too
I dunno, just trying to see the logic. For all the talk that Vardy needs a counter attacking team, that's an example of us playing with a mobile striker and dominating a game on our terms.
There was a time last season when things were going well when we saw the positives of Walcott through the middle. Maybe Vardy can do that job but better
>left wing
>Had a great time working with the lovely @fabulousmag team. Very surreal that I am on their cover this Sunday!
She was in London for a magazine shoot.
Ramsey is starting over Santi and wonga will play Vardy out wide like Welbeck who's injury is the only reason this is happening desu
Add Schmeichel as the sub behind Cech m8 :^)
>@MickTheGooner #Arsenal 'confident of Vardy deal in next 24 hours'. (Leicester Mercury)
Xhak shit get banged
I could legitimately see the new arsenal twitter regime pulling some "Chat shit" meme when he gets signed
>le sign all the players maymay
I don't think Wonga's that stupid.
The annual Wilshere to City rumours are back lads. But this time they've added in Bellerin too.
Buzzing for the Vardy-Wilshere bromance.
Arsenal's twitter team has definitely been smoking something recently.
>Speaking to Italian press, Leicester manager Ranieri is quoted as saying ‘It’s all true’ when asked about the rumours.
Post yfw it comes out that Arsenal bid £20m+£1 to activate the clause