Why do American males suck ass at soccer?
Why do American males suck ass at soccer?
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because nobody from the first world gives a fuck. when you have money and a triple digit IQ, there are better sports to be involved in.
too busy playing real sports
Our 5th tier athletes play it
Our people don't care. Only illegals and faggy hipsters do
> t. Fat niggers
They play real sports
We don't give a shit about soccer and you should hope it stays that way because if we did it would be like the women's team and you would have a new reason to hate us.
Euros won't understand, but if you come to this country, you would truly see how little people care. Other than Messi, Ronaldo and Beckham, people are clueless to who is great in the world of "football".
Look at ESPN tweets when they post about soccer or tennis. Every post is people calling it pussy sports or complaining. Yeah ESPN is for degenerates, but it is also pretty mainstream.
>t. Ahmed
PS. 90 days til college football!
all the big niggers play is football because it's much more lucrative
i have lots of senpai in USA and by the sounds of it soccer is valued a lot more there than handegg and baseball is here
the only real sport that crossed the pond was basketball and thats just for the nigs
>let ME tell you about YOUR country
We are the ones that live here. I actually don't mind soccer but most people I interact with don't give a fuck about it outside of the World Cup.
>sounds of it soccer is valued a lot more there than handegg and baseball is here
That's not surprising. Enough euroboos in Cascadia and spics here to keep some interest afloat. Too bad a lot of those Hispanics cheer for Mexico like the faggots they are.
well you're senpai are wrong
playing soccer here is like being in dance class or marching band, you're kinda looked down upon by everyone because you weren't good enough to do a real sport
Truth. The soccer kids in high school were looked at as girls by the jocks.
Although marching band was definitely a tier below soccer. Those people were pathetic.
we're conditioned to play baseball at a young age, little league is how i made all of my friends. when you get to high school, the "cool" sports to play are football, basketball and track.
More than 5 countries play it
Soccer is a young person sport too but you outgrow it around 12 and begin playing sports with more contact or baseball.
More than 5 play basketball, baseball and hockey my friend. Just because yoy suck at all three doesn't mean they don't exist.
all i said was its valued more than your sports are here, not that everyone in your country loves it, just that no one thinks of them as real sports in yurop
thats because no one cares if our sports are valued elsewhere
America is objectively the most competitive and greatest country in the world, if you're the best at something in America you're the best in world by default.
i dunno i never played soccer as a kid, i didn't even know it existed until i was 10 or 11.
And you're not the best at 2 of them. Clap clap.
/thread, try harder Eurofats
>divegrass is played and loved all over the world
>handegg is played and loved all over America
Every time
What sports are you the best at? Don't even bring up fucking darts lol
fair enough, i'd probably want to ignore everyone else too if my 'football' was just a shit rugby and my baseball was for faggots
>greatest country in the world
kek you fell for this meme
To be honest, college football is way better just for the historical aspect and bad blood between schools. I find myself not really giving a fuck about the NFL, but when my team plays Michigan, Notre Dame or Ohio State, I get hyped as fuck.
Probably feels like some of the rivalries you guys have between clubs.
stay salty, ill keep on enjoying being free and great
>63 points behind Japan so that means we are shit
Whatever you say brotha.
why is it so hard for non-americans to understand we burgers don't give a shit about soccer
literally the least cared about sport here in burger land
if we cared about it as much as third worlders we would be #1 in it
Real question. Why do you think American football has never caught on in europe? It's basically an evolved version of rugby with positions for all types(small/speedy,big/lumbering).
Reason why their sports aren't big here, it was not ingrained into them from the day they were born like it is here.
Plus the jews and their commercials here
Maybe they just want to hit their heads to the point of becoming retarded.
Really? Baseball is consider a real sport for someone besides american and japanese? I mean Italy is 9 in that ranking and here is probably play by less than a hundred people
its seen as a sport for pussies because of all the breaks between plays and the massive padding that comes with it
i don't know if you've actually ever watched rugby but it can be played by any body type depending on their technique
american football is literally just rugby where health and safety's gone mad
it would never catch on here
the rest of the world is comprised of a bunch of poor dindus, so there you 'ave it
Latin America and Taiwan/Korea like baseball
Dominican Republic and Cuba are legit great as well as Japan and the US. Venezuela is pretty sick too.
Just like soccer in your country, these countries start playing baseball at like age 2. These kids are in the poor streets just playing baseball all day with a stick and rocks and shit.
What it represents is a slim dream of leaving their shithole. You become good at baseball in Cuba or Venezuela, you can maybe make it in MLB or NPB.
As for Italy, think of it in the sense of soccer. Americans who are too shitty for the USA team play for italy if they have some sort of heritage to Italy. Like Chris Collabello I think..
it's because """"""""italian""""""""" americans play for our NT
but yeah only US, Japs, some Caribs and Dutch for some reason care about it
here. Dad played in Italy and mother from there. He is too shit for the US, so he could play for Italy.
The whole Netherlands team is comprised of fucks from Aruba and Curacao. And those fucks are actually pretty ok
Prolly like the Netherlands in cricket who are all Pajeets or Aussies with Dutch heritage. They'll be Italian Americans.
brits are too much of pussies to play a real sport so they'd rather play divegrass
Netherlands Antilles my friend. Those guys play baseball all day of their childhoods. Xander Bogaerts is having a sick season.
I'm too much of a pussy to play a real sport so I'd rather play divegrass
Because it's a recent addition to our culture. Nobody in the US gave a shit about the sport until we got the World Cup and even then it was niche.
Meanwhile handegg and baseball have been part of our culture since the early 20th century.
Has it grown? Yes? Will it ever be as big as handegg here? I don't know.
american football revolves around the forward pass, it is not like rugby. the earliest form of american football was inspired by rugby but it has evolved significantly since the late 1800s.
I can understand for countries that are your neighborhoods, but I'm actually surprise for all the others, especially for us.
Literally, I've never met or know about someone who played baseball even for a short period of his life
But ok, we are in the World Top 10. Nice
Because unlike anywhere else in the world, only rich kids play footy in the US.
>But why? How come soccer can’t be more like basketball in America? How come athletes from the country’s huge urban areas aren’t embracing a sport that requires nothing but a ball to play? How have our national soccer teams not found a way to exploit what should be a huge pool of talent?
>The cost of youth soccer these days is outrageous. Borge’s $1,395 team is a bargain compared to many travel programs where the base fee is $3,000 a year. “How can you charge that for just a year?” Scurry asks. “That’s ridiculous.” Across the Potomac River, in Maryland, parents can pay up to $12,000 a year on soccer after adding the cost of travel to out-of-state tournaments.
>ESPN estimates nearly a third of young Americans play soccer, so why can’t a sports powerhouse of 320m people produce a Messi – or even a João Moutinho?
>Top Drawer Soccer and many parents and coaches surveyed agree that the biggest problem for talented young American players is the pay-to-play model. Players who are under 15 and want to compete at a high level need to impress in a tryout and then their parents need to shell out between $1,000 to $1,500 per year.
Marching band was 90% stoners when I was in school.
Also I was in marching band and a stoner.
Your team is comprised of Americans who are too shit for our team.
You apparently even have a Hue from Sao Paulo on your team lel
he's just jelly that he didn't get any of that clarinet and flute pussy.
Christ that sucks balls
>only third world countries play divegrass
>look at these powerhouses playing our sport!
>Italy has Anthony Rizzo
The fuck? He is good enough for the US
Memes aside, our young players don't get enough good games against top level opponents unless they are lucky enough to train in Europe.
That's why most American players are strong, fit, and fast, but lack technical ability.
Tell me about band camp
Did a cute, slightly autistic redhead stick a trumpet up your arse at any point?
>All Americans are the same
Pay denbts bitch
Mah nigga. Band girls were freaks.