Other urls found in this thread:

No, instead we stop the game every 30 seconds for a "message from our sponsors"

>none of the men in this picture play for Chelsea anymore

that's not even their current sponsor and none of those players even play for chelsea anymore lol

>i like to watch sweaty fat niggers run around in random directions for 3 hours while i eat my burder


Get shot faggot

>this 3 seconds of actual sports action is brought to you by pizza hut, chevrolet and hot pockets - the janitors choice.
>stay tuned for the budweiser 10 minutes of people walking around with no sponsors on their shirts after the 5 minute commercial break.

>wants to start thread about sponsors
>chooses an image scanned from a 1996 issue of Shoot for the OP

lmao pavel is angry

that 10c/hour tech support job not paying the bills? even when you dont have to pay for plumbing or toilet paper???

>non intrusive advertising is bad

Pretty solid bants desu

>while i eat my burder
a typo, but this sounds to me exactly like something an indian would say




>being genuinly mad

>the american can not handle the bantz so he has to resort to racist rhetorics

what a surprise

what a surprise

>tfw no Apple Jersey
Why live?

pavel is a slavic name...

butthurt burger making errors I think

shit bantz anyway

This thread is now about lizards

Why does he wear that dorky helmet?

they both used "racist" rhetoric you kraut dipshit

Hardly notice them mate. We watch the ball, not the chest of a man.

>OP made fun of a sport I liked
>instead of defending that sport or proving OP wrong I'm just going to make fun of another sport which OP never even mentioned
pretty sad tbf

Anything is better than a thousand commercials followed by the SPRINT HALFTIME REPORT BROUGHT TO YOU BY SPRINT, GET A NEW DEAL FOR ONLY 19.99 A MONTH


>philadelphia puts the first nail in the coffin of american sports
Somehow I'm not surprised

Had a skull injury, now it's just a safety percaution


Sponsors are part of sport unfortunately, you can physically have them on the athlete's uniform and around the edges of the pitch or you can have them in adverts interrupting play every 5 minutes and in the names of the stadia.

I could understand this if it meant less commericals. But its literally only happening to give the owners more revenue. And its only going to get worse because corporate greed has such huge sway. In 15 years every major American sports jersey will be plastered with ridiculous ads.

Commercials fit naturally into every American sport because of the stoppages of play. Meanwhile soccer is just one continuous event. Don't be stupid and try to act like having ads on jerseys is superior just because it fits into soccer better than American sports.

>I like to shit in the streets while I code on my MacBook.

There are worst things in the world, Raj

Sponsors are important because football clubs need funding. America doesn't have clubs but franchises which are essentially companies under the league's ownership. At lower levels sponsors pay for footballs, kit and referees. It's another sign of the natural growth of football in the world.


>commercials are ok on the bench, on the water/gatorade tanks, on the stands, in the stadium name, on the coach tablets, on the staff clothes, on the towels, on every product sold in the stadium, as part of the name of every replay, timeout, 2 minute warning, play of the game, player of the game and choice highlight, next to the score meter, next to the real and TV clock, as sliding rectangles reducing the game to a tiny square, as 5 minute adverts every 3 minutes, during halftime, and the pre-, halftime and post-match studio discussion

>but NOT on the kits

You have a problem with that? When I buy paint I don't care if the company logo is on the bucket but I don't want it on the walls of my house too.

Lel, good bantz apu

what a fucking stupid analogy

why tf are you talking about paint lol

>that fucking webm

Dr Pavel?

The sponsorships serve no purpose. There will still be commercials because of the natural stoppages of play in American sports. The only thing over-saturation of ads does is give a couple extra million dollars to billionaire sports owners. American franchises don't rely on ad revenue to survive. It figures retarded yurocucks can't understand even the simplest of concepts if it isn't exactly like soccer, the one sport they've ever known.

Pretty much this. It could be ten times as boring as baseball fans like to claim and it would still be better than a 2 hour game being dragged into a 4.5 hour broadcast with ads running over half the time.

I love handegg but between fantasy and the nonstop ads it is utterly unwatchable. I remember an Auburn fan talking about how he was at the National Championship game against Oregon a few years ago, and he couldn't believe how many stoppages there were and how much it completely ruined the pace of the game.

>Americans unironically complaining about advertising

>The only thing over-saturation of ads does is give a couple extra million dollars to billionaire sports owners. American franchises don't rely on ad revenue to survive
this is literally true for top European soccer teams as well. Why would you turn down $150M a year from Nike if you're Barcelona?

But you people fail to realize there are hundreds of thousands of pro soccer teams who don't have sugar daddy sponsors and rely on shirt sponsors and gate admission to get by

Do you not understand that commercial revenue goes to the networks and are completely separate from logo sponsorships on jerseys that go to the teams or something?

>sugar daddy sponsors
*sugar daddy owners

why can't you just handle the banter?

What I don't understand is the purpose of your post. It makes little difference to me, the precise reason why every North American sports broadcast is twice as long as it needs to be.

Arguing with you is obviously a waste of time, but 4/10 for making me want to respond. Advertising is part and partial to all sports. The difference with soccer is that there are no time outs. The only place to run adds are on the field signs and on the player shirts. Not unlike NASCAR which is a hugely popular sport in this country. On top of which, the NBA has okay'd adds no player jersey's within the next few seasons.

Yet for some reason, they do it on soccer shirts, and it's hurr durr yuropoors so stupid OMFG IMHO WTF LMAO.

>Not unlike NASCAR which is a hugely popular sport in this country.
NASCAR broadcasts have commercials all the fucking time, like once every ten minutes or more. I know this because I once had to watch one race.


*part and parcel

>At least ad money in the USA goes to the TV networks
>Stupid eurocuck sponsors putting money into the clubs and the sport itself hahaha

Oh America

I know it has commercials, I'm just pointing out that it also has 428 ads plastered all over every car.

You literally just repeated what I said you retard. American sports and soccer are inherently different and yurotards can't understand why Americans don't want jersey ads.

The point is that jersey sponsorships wouldn't stop commercials because they inherently serve different purposes. Something most people in this thread don't seem to understand.

I'd rather have the ad on the jersey and nonstop gameplay than 1 second of play followed by a timeout, then a commercial break.

Yes because Americans don't put any money into the franchises or anything. Even though they're run as business and derive their profits almost exclusively from the fans buying the $100 jerseys and $1,500 personal seat licenses. Let's give the billionaire owners even more money they can pocket because its "supporting the club and sport".


Because NA sports seem specifically set-up to have as many stoppages as possible. Basketball in particular is flat-out obscene and a handful of simple rule changes would make the game far more interesting and watchable. Less time-outs, bigger court, running clock are just a few.

Hockey has had three lockouts in the past 20 years and the game is as popular as it has ever been, in large part because of rule-changes that were designed specifically to shorten and speed up the games. No ads in overtime, etc. When Don Cherry is saying the currentyear playoffs are as good as he's ever seen, you know your on to something.

Network revenues and interests are often at odds with the fans' interests, who knew.

None of that has anything to do with jersey sponsorships. The britbonger and you implied that having ads on jerseys is a good thing and that its going to get rid of commercials. That is not at all what is happening here. Regardless, the NFL is by far the most popular sport in America and has the most stoppages so people don't seem to care that much.

this is what FPBP looks like


I didn't imply anything, I'm pointing out how it's a red herring and that a rules system set up for fan enjoyment rather than network executives bottom line solves a ton of issues. Hockey growing in popularity after several lockouts is evidence of this. Even then, it certainly isn't free of ads and when you watch international hockey (with ads on the jerseys) there are far less (and shorter) commercials.

>snake charmer bringing on the bantz

Id rather see a sponsor on a jersey than pause the game every minute for fucking ads.


>part and partial

Kys friendo

Samsung has a team?

I never really notice them, it's better than interruptions in my opinion.

More shitty thing Europoors do is change their kit every season to sell more shirts. They have no tradition and just appeal to the latest fads and whatever their American/German overlords think is trendy at the time.

>he thinks bantz is just throwing insults at the other person

check your mascara friedrich