Be me

>Be me
>i have the italian citizenship
>got a mail.
>"Italian referendum"

there will be a referendum in italy the 4th december i guess... should i vote?, what if i don't vote? idk a shit about this referendum... what is more beneficial for you so i can vote?, little pizza eater.

Other urls found in this thread:,_2016

Vote No to Make Italy Great Again.

Huehuehue, they want to reduce the number of senators from 315 to 100... that mean 215 politician less... i guess it is a win


Vote Yes to Make Italy Great Again.

I'm in the exact same position


Actually vote no, both commies and fascists are against it, as a contrarian user you must take their side

but why? what's wrong with this referendum?

ok... i was reading and i'll vote for the yes... renzi, i trust in you.,_2016

Vote Yes

Do you even know italian? What the hell gives you the right to vote on this

Unironically vote yes, make italy I M P E R I V M again

the citizenship gave me the rights.

Facciamo l'Italia Grande Ancora

Everyone should vote yes to make the legislative process faster and easier but people will vote no because they don't like Renzi

The Senate also becomes no longer democratically elected and completely useless, those changes address no real problem Italy has, it just gives all the power to Renzi so he can keep importing a million africans every year and seizing private property to accommodate the invaders.

He's more italian than you

Let's do italia great again? i'll vote yes so.

If you vote yes, you'll just end up with a few parties controlling everything, its antidemocratic

>less senators and weaker senate means less parties


As opposed to now where we live in the totally-democratic one party state ?

Ignore all people with flags other than the Italian one itt.

I have no Italian or even Mediterranean ancestors. Will your government give me citizenship? I do have a job.

Thats not what i said.

but that's what the referendum is about

With less senators, little parties wont be represented and it will just be big parties of mainstream ideas sharing power.

the senate is a total meme anyway, the two chambers keep blocking each other and nothing ever gets done


Votate No,che renzi vuole che mettiamo l'eu nella costituzione

ho votato già no per Italia

Vote no or don't vote at all.
Reading this thread I realized that the diaspora is much smarter than us

tanti paesi c'hanno qualche articolo che dice "partecipa allo sviluppo dell'UE" o qualcosa del genere, che te ne frega

Senate is useless. Waste of tax. Unicaramel master race.

>muh evil EU
com'è andato il raccolto quest'anno?

Male :CCCC

You should have voted no, it's too late now, i think the deadline for postal vote was a few days ago

Posso chiederti come mai sei pro-Europa?


"pro-Europa" non significa niente. Sono pro alcune cose e anti altre. Sono pro libero mercato e anti liberalismo sociale

io il contrario.
e comunque chi propone di uscire dall'europa non sa cosa dice

Io vorrei uscire dall'eu :DDD

>non sa cosa dice

sicuro? o_O

what does this actually mean? will it mean better governing for italy?

it means the senate stops cockblocking the lower chamber every time. But the government made the mistake of announcing they will resign if No wins therefore guaranteeing a No

>But the government made the mistake of announcing they will resign if No wins therefore guaranteeing a No
kek, that would happen here too

so it becomes just a way of giving the gov't the finger then

>beliving any italian to resign


Renzi is not Berlusconi, he's a cuck who has no support and he will be kicked out by the carabinieri if necessary

yes is firing 200ish senators, no is keeping them.
That's how it's reported here. For some reason keeping 200 extra senators is the anti-status quo vote though. I'm sure this makes sense somehow.

thread theme

it's basically a contrarian move against the government

>he will be kicked out by the carabinieri
>what it is political immunity

There's no benefits to having less parlementaries. The reason laws dont pass is just the ruling party being shit, get good.

you can be arrested with immunity for serious crimes like murder, treason or being a cuck

If you don't know shit about something, then don't voice your opinions about it. This applies to everything in life, not just referendums.

At the very least educate yourself about the basics before voting.

Actually this is the official 2016 referendum theme:

3deep5u desu

>being a cuck
this isn't a crime...yet.
You can only be arrested for anything else only if caught on the crime and with approvation of the majority of the parliament.
Not resigning isn't a crime, your argument is invalid.


I wasn't being serious in case it wasn't incredibly obvious. Also Renzi will resign on the spot

>Renzi will resign on the spot
I won't keep my hopes high honestly.

>Everyone should vote yes to make the legislative process faster and easier
That's a bad thing. A well-organised government should make it very difficult to change anything.


>Ignore all people with flags other than the Italian one itt.

That's a paradox.

>announcing they will resign if No wins therefore guaranteeing a No
That's the dumbest political move I've ever heard.

>A well-organised government should make it very difficult to change anything.

Apologies, I made the mistake of thinking Italy was first-world.

He already said he wouldn't resign even if the "no" wins, a few months ago

no prob pal, we all do the same mistake here

depends on how baly he loses. If it's like 65% no he'll be out of the door the same day, his own party hates him

The mail won't arrive in time for the referendum.

>naples can't do anything right so let's take away the powers from every region
Great thinking right there

ITT: terroni palesemente analfabeti funzionali che propagandano per il NO senza aver presenziato ad un solo dibattito pro-contro, mentre prendono le loro informazioni sul referendum da informarexresistere, il blog di grillo e huffpost italia.

>se nn è d'accordo con me è 1 terone xddd
t. terrone che vota sì

Whatever makes shitaly and shitalian people suffer like the pig disgusting rats that they are, vote for whatever option there is to bring thay shitty pseudo country one step closer to being wiped out from earth.

Da questo possiamo dedurre che puoi essere abbastanza ritardato da votare sì a prescinderere da dove vivi

>argentine butthurt cuck