/korea/ four heavenly kings edition

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이건 안구정화용

네이버를 영어로 만드는 법?


시계 경쟁전 돌리다 빡쳐서 왔어


저거 도대체 원산지가 어디임

me on the left

일베 얼굴 인증 대란때 올라와서 선발된 사대천왕

Android의 앱은 영어로되어 있습니다. 그러나 웹 사이트에는 없습니다.


they looks like Geek

영어 강사 병신 홍차 새끼 가서 파키년이나 따먹고 짜져

no u


What do you will do? explain your situation more

I found this stats in English board.

Don't Korean women marry with SE Asians?

왜 화가나서 심술부리는거야 익명쿤

아프간 가서 생명 수당 2억씩 받으면서 건설 수주 받고 싶으면 전망 있음 ㅇㅇ

four guardians of ilbe
마 중국어나 해라

I'm pretty sure lower right is an alien

ㅈㅅ 얘한테 말할려고했슴

No, he's Aryan


나도 몰라

영국년이 야마 돌리잖아 쓔ㅢ빨 홍차년 어디서 인종교배 시켜달라고

>Left below
my dad

(부들대는 통구이의 모습이다)

>ITT:English teachers

If I become English teacher I will become Josef Fritzl and not get a kgf?

통들거리게 하지 마라

Hey so how's the protest going? Is Park stepping down or is she issuing martial law?



She will be impeached at least april.

I cannot see the difference in their faces. What's wrong?

she's probably just gonna pop some of that presidential viagra until rightwing congressional cucks finally all get butt-fisted in april

then she'll go back popping some non-presidential viagra pills and nothing will change

no one's gonna declare martial law because you can't move fucking 5km in an hour driving in Korean urban roads. Military tanks will all get cucked in the road by angry high school SJWs

you've been drinking too much industrial alcohol again because you can't afford real voda since uncle Vlad's been taxing the shit out of you to invade Ukraine

Go home, Ivan, you are drunk

>you can't move fucking 5km in an hour
>cucked in the road
Feels just like home. HK traffic is a smouldering pile of excretement.

all is different and
bizarre can't you distingish them? :d

Int SE Asia to East Asia like Mexicans are to Americans?

Yea because SK is basically four Hong Kongs spread out in four different regions with dirtier people but cheaper cost of living that tries to speak English

East asians look better than SEA men

>because you can't move fucking 5km in an hour driving in Korean urban roads.
NYC here, I know that feel all too well.

Go move to Sullivan County and fuck some hippie sluts there, asshole

이란어 전망있을거같은데 ㅡㅡ

>Canadian men

they are Korean Canadian,right?

>dirty people that tries to speak English
Kowloon civilians in a nutshell

그래 전망 있다고 똥꼬칭구야 이란어나 이란어에 기반한 언어 쓰는 나라 많음

술 못 마시는 이란 본토 빼고 니 모가지 걸고 가야 하는 나라들이라서 문제지

May be asian

이란 경제제제 좀 풀려서 가면 할일 많음
이란이랑 한국 관계가 나쁜편도 아니고

>Mexicans are to Americans

I don't know how Americans think of Mexicans.
SE Asians are harmless tho.

Since HK's a financial city, 'small birds' in this context clearly means small-time, private investors who probably read some dumbshit SCMP article about shitty growing company that's gonna hit the rock bottom in 9 months and think they could get rich too.

The sign's telling the companies not to give them a raise so they won't get their hopes up in the first place.

Makes perfect sense to me.

아 시바 근데 내가 고졸인데 이건 상관없겠찌
근데 트럼프 당선됐자낭 ㅠ 얘 공약중에 핵협상무효 있던데

>Maybe asian

Korean Canadian detected

Finally someone understands our deep philosophy.

Thank you 친구

I seriously could not be distinguished *the first* from *the fourth* and *the second* from *the third*, if I was familiar with them. The usual Asian appearance, 5-6/10. I do not see anything ugly in them, except that *the first* and *the fourth* would be nice to lose some weight.

자격증만 따고 정 안되면 어디 외부 강좌 이런거 이수증만 따면 알아서 모가지 걸겠다는데 그래도 길 있을걸.

그건 트럼프 찐따 병신이 찍어준 찐따 양키들 상대로 하는 소리고 레이건년도 그때 우리가 장사하는거에 오지랖 피려다 말았는데 지가 어쩔거임. 미국이 저따우로 나올 수록 이란은 우리한테 더 삐댈수 밖에 없음. 우리가 대서방 창구거든.

Ping pang ping chin chan pin guk fak dup

Don't you have a daily quota to fill, burger?

Because your great compatriot Chow Yun Fat showed us how to live. And we've learned your great ways from our big brother Chow

that's is just my guess
there are many chinese in canada

I'm thinking of having a cosmetic surgery. Is it cheap? What do you think?

Brown, less intelligent, a lot aren't to attractive, poor, violent, etc.

얘들아 근데 씨발 내만 가끔 4챤 제대로 접속 됬다가 불법위해느검마 씨발 검열질로 막혔다가 왔다 갔다 하냐?

정권 뒤집히면 이 애미없는 검열부터 좀 치아주라 제발

>I'm thinking of having a cosmetic surgery. Is it cheap? What do you think?
>Post this in a korean general

really make me think

>pig speaking it's own language

what did i say wrong?

korean in this thread know nothing about plastic surgery

Depends on what country you do it at

>hippie sluts there, asshole
Why are Koreans so nasty?

Yea, what did he say wrong?

Wouldn't know plastic surgery are for sluts from Seoul my hometown's got too much respect for that shit

This happened to me when I visited Korea. Accessing Sup Forums was a huge pain.

Please fix your country asap

Lads, how come porn is more or less outlawed yet gratuitous sex scenes in your films are fine?

What kind of weird hive mind ants eat DOGS


>be korean
>can't access Sup Forums because of the racket Sup Forums makes

why live

Because we work 11 hours a day, get paid for only 7 hours, have 13 hours long school days, teachers hit you for having B+ on an exam, do bullshit mandatory military service for 2 years while getting paid 100 dollars a month (you've read it correctly; per month), and deal with employers force their employees who might have had a bad week to attend some bullshit marine corps-themed physical training camp in order to 'raise mental vigilance'.

And all of this while really, all we want to do is colonize some peaceful shithole town in West Virginia, install some high-fast internet, play Overwatch, and have some qt mountain town gfs.

It takes anger to survive as a Korean person. Deal with it, fuckboy, or rather, help me deal with it by taking my anger out on you, fuckboy.

어디를 고치려느냐에 따라 다르다. 보톡스 5만원, 눈은 50만원, 코는 100만원, 턱은 500만원부터 시작하는걸로 알고 있다.

This ministry actually triggers me pretty hard. They changed the English name so that the gender bias wouldn't be as obvious to foreigners.

We living like your 19th century's working class. this makes us bad

pls respond to

What kind of weird hive minds eat Rocky Mountain oysters

You should've fucking colonized us instead of Fascist Jap tentacle dongers 90 years ago so we would've ended up with freedom of press like HK instead of morality-policing nanny fuckstate political elite that's barely a notch above the Muslims.

Up until about a decade ago, the government tried to ban video game arcades for children because technically, electronic gambling halls operate under the same title of being 'arcades'. We live in a bureaucratic fuckhole state which recently turned out to have been under shamanistic influence the whole time.

Are you honestly surprised that the social control tends to happen in the dumbest and weirdest ways?

성기노출이 되느냐 안되느냐 차이지.

we can't see 'real sex' porn.

what to make it all in Seoul and how much is it in real money??


Are these prices real?

It's not 'porn' as long as the genitals aren't directly exposed

한국어 스레드 젠되는 속도 빨라졌네
아 딱 조타

I'm so mad

>Are these prices real?
찾아보면 더 싼곳도 있어.

>freedom of press like HK
It's slowly becoming controlled by the Chinese government. At this rate our press will become fully controlled like the major press in Singapore. I just gave up reading local news and now read foreign ones. Even our government is like a puppet to the Chinese.

Can't you just, like, build a wall brah?

Even if 100% of HK civilians want to have a big wall on the HK-China border, if Beijing says no, we can't.

was meant for


why doesn't Korea have a Sup Forums equivalent?

Can't he just pay a visit to Zhongnanhai with some Berettas and you know, like, negotiate shit?

what is koreans' opinion on this site?

We have something similar, but it's nowhere near racy and raw because


It's basically our Sup Forums

Human trash containment site.
Frustrated virgin headquarters.
