African americans wont watch NHL

I've seen several articles on how the NHL tries to get more black players into the league so they can start getting black fans. It wasnt a coincedence that the Atlanta Thrashers had 4-6 (?) black players, most NHL teams have 0-2.

So, they want more "diversity" and more black fans.

How come there are no articles on how to make the NBA and NFL whiter? Diversity isnt needed there? White people will throw their money at athletes of any skin color while blacks may only watch other blacks compete.

I'm not even a racist, maybe a surface Sup Forums racist for the memes, but I legitimately can't watch basketball cause there are so many black players.

Blacks will literally not watch things because there aren't enough black people in them, are non-blacks just so much more relaxed that they dont' care?


>I'm not even a racist
>can't watch basketball because there are too many black people

In my city, NBA fans will watch the hockey team when they're in the playoffs

The hockeybros will never watch the NBA team

Same here. Feels like I'm watching a minstrel show.

This is plain stupid. Icefight is not a poor kid's sport at young level. The sport requires an ice rink which require expensive equipment and constant maintenance by paid people. It's not something what a debt ridden city council can build in every ghetto. Building apehoop, luckswing, divegrass fields are far more cost effective in the slums, and the future salary prospect for the talented poor kids is even better than the NHL.

This. Then again it just depends on where you live. In most Canadian cities negros are somewhat into hockey. I know bc im a negroid

yeah, you can't play hockey with milk cartons like you can with baseball, and basketball is incredibly cheap, costs almost nothing to get good enough to where you can get to AAU if you are genetically freakish enough to play high level

You are a racist. Fuck off.

It has nothing to do with black players you dipshit. Majority of black people simply aren't into hockey.

Same here

but that's cause black people are better at sports than white people


Were you born here or did you immigrate? I've always wondered where the sudden influx of black people came from starting in the early 00's.

Put only blacks in Star Wars they still won't watch it.
They don't watch NHL because they can't ice skate.
They're only good at jumping and running that's why they only watch apehoop and handegg.

Ice hockey is okay I guess but it doesn't really sync up with my schedule and I didn't grow up with it so I only watch it out of curiosity more than anything else.

Are "African" Americans just racist?

I was born here. My parents are immigrants though

the death of a black supremacist boxer is being mourned like the death of a president

that should tell you all you need to know

Yeah but you guys can play on ponds like 6 months a year

The city I live in now hasn't had an ice rink in like 10 years and the nearest one is over an hour away.

It was 110 degrees today


what does it say?

Asians don't watch it either but who cares about that? Asian people don't exist. It's all about the important minorities.

you forgot to mention golf.

No like half of the Canucks fan base are asian.

At least there's some black players in the NHL. there's litterally no asians.

This. I always see lots of asians, especially in Canadian crowds, and as Canada Anony says, there are no asian players whatsoever

today is not an usual day because today is it nosens birthday. ninen loves nosen.

i'm actually really proud pf myself that I could translate it

It says that Bulgaria cuck should hang himself