Why do United Statians always try to undermine our efforts?

Why do United Statians always try to undermine our efforts?
We could be first world by now if they didn't sabote us so much. :/

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America is like a baby sitter taking care of foolish little countries

Its time we stop babying you and let you guys grow up. Learn the hard way

Soon y'all we be crying back for nanny America's help in no time

The helped us to kick the commie fuck of Allende out

t. Mortadela

You don't need to be a commie to realize that USA is evil.

they should try that again

any super power would do the same

instead of asking you to fight or us bleed for us or we take our stuff all you have to do is play by the economic game in which we are the gm

slavery but the most effective kind

>We could be first world by now if they didn't sabote us so much
>Brazilians actually believe this

>Trying to destroy south america by destroying argentina.
If 200 years of argentinian governments didn't destroy argentina, that means we are, in fact, indestructible.

>instead of asking you to fight or us bleed for us or we take our stuff
You literally did that in WW2.

it was consensual

Fuck off

We are shit at mantaining a nation, man.

Just look at our big cities. Dirt, vandalism, drugs and crime everywhere.

we would have our own rockets if it weren't for the US sabotaging our underfunded,crappy space program

is this the part where sudacas pretend their sorry state isn't due primarily to their own incompetence?

>United Statians
what is that


>is this the part where sudacas pretend their sorry state isn't due primarily to their own incompetence?
>elect a nationalist government that wants to tax multinationals and raise national industries
>get couped for thirty years for communism
yeah such incompetence

>We could be first world

And nukes too

But the 1964 coup was an inside job and Jango was a shit president.

Yeah such inside job that the US aircraft carrier was stationed at Santos

Yes, the Americans supported it, they didn't want another Cuba and things might have evolved into a Spain-style civil war.

But in the end the "Operation Brother Sam" wasn't even necessary, as no one bothered to defend Jango's government.

>we could be first world

The problem is you're the type of babysitter that alternates in between fucking your brains out and playing Russian roulette as a drinking game.

Not saying there isn't a certain charm to it but you really can't blame the kids for growing all fucked up.

>they didn't want another Cuba and things might have evolved into a Spain-style civil war.
since when? we democratically elected Jango, and everybody but the military and the high class supported him
>as no one bothered to defend Jango's government.
Yeah, let's fight with rocks and torches against tanks, aircraft carriers and the US government, when most of the anti-US had already been arrested and Jango himself fled to Uruguay

I wish my babysitter fucked my brains out and played Russian roulette with me.

Would you like a free helicopter ride?

>they didn't want another Cuba
>another Cuba
you've got to be kidding me

>hindsight bias: the post

1964 was just 5 years from 1959 and Goulart's leftist rhetoric frightened the US. It's just a statement of fact.

>Goulart's leftist rhetoric frightened the US.
which was? wanting to tax multinationals? OMG THAT'S TOTALLY COMMUNISM

Why are commies so beta? Stop blaming another people for your failure.

>everybody but the military and the high class supported him

Almost a million people at the "Marcha da Senpaiília" disagree.

>Yeah, let's fight with rocks and torches against tanks, etc

If it was a coup against Vargas, that would surely happen, as he was beloved by the people.

>hindsight bias

It was the fucking Cold War, everyone was paranoid.

He was in China when Janio abdicated. He also was in favour of the dreaded land reform

>Almost a million people at the "Marcha da Senpaiília" disagree.
You literally just proved that everyone but the high class and military supported him. Or you dare to say that Paulista Avenue protest against Dilma was the representative of the majority of the population?

>He also was in favour of the dreaded land reform

Yes, it was.

Paid PT shills only achieved a tenth of the spontaneous anti-PT demonstrations.

Don't fall for communism next time...

>Yes, it was.
No, it wasn't m8, the elections are the representative of the majority. Getting a ton of people to protest doesn't necessarily proves that the majority went there to protest. Also like with Dilma, the press was also terrorizing the fuck of everything just like they did with Getúlio Vargas

We weren't communist, the military dictatorship only legitimized and martyred the commies here, Lula and Dilma are a direct product of your intervention.

Using caps doesn't make an argument out of your post, the land reform was only supported by leftists, any conservative would want to maintain the structure of large concentrated lands on the hands of a few people. Thanks for ignoring the other point btw.

>the elections are the representative of the majority
OK, but the opinions change. Especially when you blatantly lie and slander in your campaign.

>muh press
Globo was against the impeachment until this year. The first demonstrations happened in March 2015.


>any conservative would want to maintain the structure of large concentrated lands on the hands of a few people
Yeah, like the USA amirite? It's not like they did land reforms or anything in their history or in any countries they occupied

>le big bad evil USA

The villain never thinks he's the bad guy.

The reelection was right as fuck, she literally betrayed her own electoral base right after being elected by making Levy her finance minister, her approval rate was abbyssal in 2015. I cannot understand how can anyone defend the worst president we've had since Collor.

>OK, but the opinions change. Especially when you blatantly lie and slander in your campaign.
So, call for new elections then. But no, why do that when you can grasp power and create major chaos for individual profit and saving your own asses. Fuck Democracy!

Also, the funny thing is that the Military Regime~s economic policy was pretty left-wing.

Delfim Netto was a main PT economical advisor ffs.

Was it pre coup or post coup that Brazil started to bolster it's native auto industry? Shame you guys didn't keep that up like the slant eyes do with thrier firms.

>call for new elections

That would be a legit coup. There's nothing in the Constitution that says that.

Only during Geisel, Castro Branch and Costa e Silva were marked by PAEG, look it up. Figueredo was a literal who, he couldn't really do much to save the regime

>That would be a legit coup. There's nothing in the Constitution that says that.
Just like there isn't impeachment when the President hasn't committed any crime

Castelo Branco*

>Americans according to Latinos

It is a crime if the Senate says so.

Impeachment was a political vote and you lost it.

Who cares if it was a crime or not, she had to leave. The fucking constitution says that an impeached president should be substituted by her vice if their impeachment was done in the first two years of her term. Blame Dilma for being an unbending cunt who couldn't even maintain her own allies

>It is a crime if the Senate says so.
Yeah, the same senate literally said that Dilma hasn't commited a crime and literally trashed the constitution doing that, because they felt guilty of deeming her a criminal for a political scheme

too thin

Will you stop with the liberation theory garbage already? All you latinos exist because Spain and Portugal wrought nations out of your shitty, sun god worshipping city states. You're bound to the Western experience not matter what you try.

It was bullshit, but that's how politics work.

STF will probably reverse that last minute shenanigans though.

>Blame Dilma for being an unbending cunt who couldn't even maintain her own allies
2bqf If it wasn't for her being unbending we wouldn't probably ever see Cunha being arrested or the Lava-Jato getting this far

>STF will probably reverse that last minute shenanigans though.
They vowed it constitutional, specially due to the fact they didn't want to fight against Lewandowski

No, they said the impeachment didn't fall under the Ficha Limpa law, which is correct but doesn't mean she didn't commit a responsibility crime.

The simple fact that she got impeached means that they agreed that there was a crime.

Wtf she has to do with Lava Jato.

MP is independent from the Executive branch and PF is functionally autonomous.

It's because we are worried that Brazil will pass up as a first world superpower! They're harder workers, smarter, more beautiful, and more organized than Americans!
I love Brazil!

Those things are related to her decline and the quagmire the country is located in currently. Was it worth it in the long run? Maybe, only time will tell

>No, they said the impeachment didn't fall under the Ficha Limpa law
No they didn't, they said it wasn't a crime therefore she shouldn't be punished. Everything m8, Cunha literally said before passing the impeachment into Congress that he wouldn't do it, if Dilma literally switched the Minister of Justice and dismantled Lava-Jato. She could literally save herself by simply letting Cunha go

She gave the PF those powers

No, Rosa Weber just didn't give the liminar (idk the translation) because no periculum in mora.

You can see MS 34394 in STF's website.

meh, whatever they probably won't do shit. Maybe only if PSDB gets in power or shit

>we dindu nuffin, da American man be keepin us brothas down and SHEEEIIIIT

wherefore art thou proofs, brazil??

She tried to save Lula, but that backfired badly.


>save Lula
>he still isn't arrested 6 months after
nah not really, she just wanted credibility to her government which was literally destroyed by Moro's Recordings and Gilmar Mendes

>>he still isn't arrested 6 months after

But he is already a defendant in 3 different criminal cases.

If he was a still a minister STF wouldn't even look at the charges.

>he still isn't arrested 6 months after
He's a defendant on like 3 different cases you fucking dummy, trials take time.

>But he is already a defendant in 3 different criminal cases.
And I am only seeing him getting stronger and the accusation thesis crumbling due to lack of evidence and testimonies that point him as guilty, literally no one appointed him as really guilty

Arresting Lula would probably do more harm than leaving things like they are now. They've managed to unmake the legend and destroy PT on the municipal elections, do they really need much more than that?

Kek, you're delusional.

>And I am only seeing him getting stronger
Yes, yes you are.

>They've managed to unmake the legend and destroy PT on the municipal elections, do they really need much more than that?
Yeah they do, he is still number 1 at polls
No I am not, check out the news my friend and the recordings. If anything Moro got demoralized for not letting the Lula's lawyers to act

Alas, I can truly see the proofs

Thanks for correcting the record.

>It's everyone's fault but ours!

Fucking whiny babies just fix your shit and stop blaming others.

If anything Lula and PT is more related to Trump than PSDB, which is globalist as fuck

Stop bullying me!

>Fucking whiny babies just fix your shit and stop blaming others.
>elect a nationalist government that wants to tax multinationals and raise national industries
>get couped for thirty years for communism

It's just a meme, you sperg.


>Implying I support PSDB

Nah, they are literal cucks and didn't do proper opposition to PT.

sorry we exploded your rocket just for lulz
and we spy on your corrupt government.
also for entertainment
anything else i forgot from the recent history?

the fact that you just undermined your global hegemony to appease your autistic culture that can't handle brown people

dumped cotton on us to damage our industry

but you are a commie favelado nevertheless.

so you believe in conspiracy theories my friend?

I'm not tho, I'm a libertarian.

You guys didn't actually explode our rocket.

You disallowed any satellite with USA-made components from being launched by our space agency, and they forced Ukraine to not share space tech with us, in the Wikileaks leak about this it's even cited how this was part of your "long-term plan to prevent Brazil from developing a space program".

kek 2016, still pissed about operation condor and posting the wiki links as if we didnt know about it. also it had nothing to do with brazil


The OP and his buddies