Meme president is resigning

>meme president is resigning
what the fuck is going on

Other urls found in this thread:,_Michigan

>I didn't stand a chance so I can at least save face by getting out of the race in a classy way

no rerun is not the same thing as resigning

No where did he say he was resigning

What are the chances of based Le Pen winning so the allies can save the world again?

Call it whatever you want, dude is beta as fuck and an utter failure as a president.

Against a socialist she could have won, but not against a conservative, like is probably going to happen.
Socialist voters are going to grudgingly vote for him just to avoid le pen.

>dude is beta as fuck

he looks like my modern history professor

your modern history teacher is probably tapping some of your qt classmates

>unironically shilling for that harpy
kys :^)

>socialists voting for PRIVATIZE MY SHIT UP fion

Ahh Le Penis has to do is go full socialism

What's wrong with her? From what I've seen from her she seems like a nice, reasonable lady. For instance:

New Sup Forums is shit they get a couple bones thrown and forget that le pen or trump are probably shilling for the kikes as well

Her economic policies, and just outright lunacy when it comes to international relations.

Had enough of this meme tbqh, lads.
Fillon is around 1000 times better candidate.

Unfortunately, most of these populists know how to appeal to working-class retards with memes and the media. I'm honestly convinced that she'll win based on how it worked for Trump. Italy and Austria look like they'll do the same.


Reminder that there is a unified shill push on Sup Forums right now concerning the French election. All these Fillon cucks came out of nowhere among other new angles.

But he's also French, which means he still probably gets more pussy than either of us.

Holy fuck, I just looked up Le Pen's Wikipedia page and she's only 48. That's only a few years older than Turdeau. I thought she was in her 60's.

Doesn't she have a daughter who is also a politician? Would it help the FN if she ran for president instead?

Hard left is most likely to win

marion is her niece

>tfw you'll never fug her while she screams and tells you to get out of her body and her country

Too bad for you french are not retards and wont elect the daughter of a literal nazi.

Marion Maréchal Lepen

But plenty of them hate immigration and the shitty EU- and Le Pen has done a good job presenting herself as a bulwark against them. Plus, I hear that she's seriously gentrified the party and distanced herself from Daddy.

I love France!

Yeah but no, the FN will always be a troll vote and a social suicide.

I heard this guy has a 4% approval rating. I feel a little bad for him, what is it that he did to make nearly everyone hate him?

He did right wing policies while being elected as a left president yet too left for the right wing and also he's a guy who gives the impression to take it easy.

Combine all this.

Also France has been Iraq-tier in terms of terrorist attacks lately.

>social suicide
We thought the same thing about Trump voters. A lot of them either kept their preferences secret or lied to polls. I don't think I can really trust pollster predictions anymore.

Yeah no, this gave him a surge in popularity because he handled it well.
Same when he bombs african countries he's seen as strong and decisive and so he's morepopular. If we had terror attacks 24/7 he'd be popular.

You can trust former results, she'll never reach 50% in the second turn.

Overall he's a failure because the economy is still shit and he thought he could he fix it. I dont think anyone can solve it anyway.

t. increasingly nervous Russian clay

But he's right

someone please post the gif of him being pulled on that cart thing through the streets

Woah Pierre, I don't think anyone has used this argument before

I dont want to live in a world where Francois isnt a world leader

Why is he doing that?

>muh kikes

not everyone in the right wing is a fucking stormtard

Well there are proof her father was in the hitlerian youths and created his party with real nazis so yes.

trump has a jewish daughter
hillary got funded by soros

The french are retards because they keep voting socialist

Another François is on the way, dont worry :)

>"All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs."
Enoch Powell, Joseph Chamberlain (Thames and Hudson, 1977), p. 151.

I rather liked that pig fucker.

Not an argument. In reality, why is she that bad?

I want le pen to win.
I can't want the entire west to go populist.

>English language protest banner

we already saw here what happens to populists when they actually get to rule, from 21% support to 7% in less than 16 months, all election promises broken or at the very least watered down and they have already started fighting amongst themselves

This. Populists will do anything to seize power, but because they fantasize and pander, they never learn what it takes to rule. Once Trump and his patch of subhuman supporters make the rest of the US as shitty as Mississippi, no one will support Trump anymore. Rural America really fucked us on this one.

>french are not retards

And here we go again, Jean-Kevin does new thread about French politics. Do you see people from other nationalities making daily threads about their politicians, no, not enough Americans outside of Presidential campaigns, while they are relevant. Fuck you.

>dude is beta as fuck
Quelle connerie est-ce que tu viens de dire sur moi, petite salope ? Sache que j’ai fini premier de ma classe à la légion, que j’ai été impliqué dans de nombreux raids secrets contre Al-Quaïda, et que j’ai plus de 300 meurtres confirmés. Je suis entraîné à la guerre de gorilles et je suis le meilleur sniper de toutes les forces armées françaises. T’es rien à mes yeux qu’une nouvelle cible. Je te balaierai ta gueule avec précision comme on l’a jamais vu avant sur la Terre, rappelle-toi bien de ça. Tu crois que tu peux t’en tirer en me disant ces saloperies sur internet ? Réfléchis de nouveau, connard. Au moment même où on parle je contacte mon réseau secret d’espions à travers l’Europe et ton IP se fait tracer, donc prépare-toi à l’orage, ver insignifiant. Je peux être n’importe où, n’importe quand, je peux te tuer de plus de sept cent façons, et ça juste à mains nues. Non seulement je suis extrêmement entraîné au combat à mains nues, mais j’ai accès à tout l’arsenal de l’armée française et je l’utiliserai à son maximum pour balayer ton cul misérable de la surface de ce continent, petite merde. Si seulement tu avais pu savoir quel merdier ton petit commentaire "intelligent" allait remuer, peut-être que t’aurais tenu ta langue. Mais t’as pas pu, tu l’as pas fait, et maintenant tu en paies le prix, putain d’imbécile. Je chierai ma furie sur ta face et tu te noieras dedans. T’es putain de mort, gamin.

and theres also the thing that europeans are slowly becoming minorities in their own countries and no mainstream politicians wants to do anything about it
but i agree on the economy

Hollane had a hard life

Lol no one cares about that adolf, the hard left will win in 2017, mark my words

>our president just surrendered

Never in my life I have been this proud to be French

Chien bénisse

Who is Jean-Kevin

The cosmic divide between memes and reality is blurring.

third worlders dont care about marxism theyre too stupid to understand it
thats why they get exploited by capitalists so easily

>Lol no one cares about that adolf, hillary will win, mark my words
t. francois user 3 weeks ago

It's a meme name for Sup Forums like 12 years old.

Thing is, this time, it's him who's the underdog.

He knows an islamic jihad is coming to france

he aint havign none of that shit

Clinton would be at the extreme right side of the political spectrum if she was in europe, so we were not exactly shilling for her...

I like Hollande.
He isnt bad president desu.


He is, but he's a funny guy who makes bad jokes so it's hard to hate him.

>Montebourg -1917% in polls
>Méluche 15%

Montebourg is communist confirmed

They understand certain kinds of polpot-tier leftism just fine but that has become unfavourable as they had enough of that shit.


>be rural American
>live in an extremely remote unpopulated area
>wonder why multinational corporations don't build giant factories with $40/hour starting unskilled jobs in Wyoming or Nebraska or North Dakota
>make no attempt to better yourself by getting an education or training
>refuse to move to a place with a higher concentration of jobs pertaining to your skill level (like, oh idk, a fucking city)
>despite hating le evil big gummit, still manage to somehow take way more federal dollars than you contribute
>blame literally everyone else for your predicament (immigrants, globalists, politicians, gremlins, etc) but not yourself
>expect Trump to magically conjure these high-paying unskilled jobs that have been replaced mostly by fucking robots, not Mexicans
>think you deserve 5x the pay of an third-worlder for inserting part A into part B on the assembly line, and get butthurt when corporations don't see the logic in that
>forever and always refuse to admit that you're an entitled sack of shit

Rural flyover rednecks are scum of the earth and are the original gimmedats. Go to fucking university or job training like the rest of us and join us in the knowlege economy. Those jobs from 1950 are NEVER coming back, and even if they did they're not coming back to a place hundreds of miles from any population center. Fuck you you entitled inbred niggers.

No sympathy for these fucks. It took me 6 years, $100,000 in debt, and working my dick off to get my degree, but by God I did it because that's what it takes. Put down the meth and improve yourselves. Stop asking the government and industry to subsidize your inability to adapt to a new century. Christ

But it cant be that Trump got only voted in by hillybilly boomers who cant get with the times.
Your demographic doesnt looks as if you still have masses of angry white rednecks.


France is going the way of the rest of the western world and is going to elect a far right (by local standards) nationalist leader.

>54% of male college graduates voted for Trump

>sums it up for me perfectly

Tons of 60+ year olds grew up in segregation. It was ingrained in them from birth. And that is who votes in America. Old white people. Young people dont vote they just tell everybody they did on Facebook.

My dad is a 66 year old with 2 college degrees. He went to college in South Carolina and Missouri. Still has to point out to me in 2016 when we are driving in the car when he sees "A nigger with a white woman." He lives close to Detroit now.

>people dont vote
Why is that?

Get fucked calispic or jew yorker.

>He lives close to Detroit now.

Yeah, I've been to Detroit.

> And that is who votes in America.

Then dont blame them to get you dominated by their opinions lol.
Albeit Hillary was a terrible candidate so I understand the general abstinence from this political cycle.

Will be interesting when the boomers of the west die. Ours are mainly 68er hippies so while I dont believe that my ageclass is much more rightwing then them, you can expect a turn to the right in europe concerning social matters when the muslims start going to the ballot.

I don't have any problem with right-wing candidates or anti-immigration or anti-political correctness but I will never support a candidate whose economic policy is ripping up trade agreements and putting protectionist tariffs on everyone.

UKIP was actually a free market party under Nigel but now that he is supporting protectionists like Trump and Le Pen I'm not sure if he still supports that.

Its very debatable but the statistics are there. I think its because there has been relative stability and a very high standard of living since the end of WWII for most people. You get complacent because the government just seems to "work." Even now, average people who do not consider politics daily have already gone back to normal routines over the Trump election. It doesnt really matter who the president is. Your life doesnt change that much so why bother to worry about it. You just keep doing your job and living your life.

Rural America is fucked either way. So they picked the one who atleast pays them lipservice because that's more than the democucks ever did and will ever do.

>I will never support a candidate whose economic policy is ripping up trade agreements and putting protectionist tariffs on everyone.

There used to be this thing called ATI and they used to design and make electronics here in Canada. You can keep your free trade.

How's Nokia doing? Globalization works as well in practice as any other utopian fantasy.

You don't even know what you're talking about. "Rural" american includes the white suburbs. "Urban" america is mostly blacks and hispanics shooting each other. It's not the Czech republic (which I visited not too long ago).

Pictures like these where one of the things that made me realise how utterly fucked western europe will be in 50 years concerning the social fabric of society.

As far as I understand it's inverted in Europe. For example in Paris, blacks live in the suburbs, right? It's mostly inverted in Toronto (where I live) as well. Poos in the loos and a large number of chinese live in the sprawling suburbs.

Where Henry Ford made all the nigger factory workers live in the 20s. Its still a shithole today. Dearborn where all the white managers were allowed to live is now all rich Arabs. Go figure?

Wait, suburbs are classified as rural? The fuck?

>For example in Paris, blacks live in the suburbs
Yes, despite the Sup Forums memes, cities are largely whites because it's expensives as fuck.

If you really think European economies would fare better if all 27 countries had tariffs against each other and every country tried to create an autarky for itself you just don't know how economies work.

>How's Nokia doing?
How would Nokia have been doing if there was no free trade and they had to pay large tariffs on every phone they shipped which made them uncompetitive elsewhere? It would never have taken off to begin with.
Every country would have its own shitty phone manufacturer instead of the highest quality ones being used globally.

The actual agrarian population of the USA is tiny.

It wasn't the actual farmers (a tiny population) who voted Trump in. It was assorted whites who did.


>As of 2008, less than 2 percent of the population is directly employed in agriculture.

>Every country would have its own shitty phone manufacturer instead of the highest quality ones being used globally.
An oligolopoly does not produce "best" anything. You assume east asia plays by your rules.

Wasn't implying that rural America got Trump in, just that they voted for him.

Rural America votes republican 100% of the time. Liberals are savages from the big city that want to force faggot marriage on you.