What are the odds of this happening and what consequences will it have on our world, AKA American powerhold?

What are the odds of this happening and what consequences will it have on our world, AKA American powerhold?


2/1 if trump will stay

Interesting. I'd like to hear more from Russians on this. Apparently India is a Russian ally, but do you value China enough(more than India) to form this counter-NATO alliance?

>powerful or relevant

>Apparently India is a Russian ally
We sell a lot of weapons they buy their tea and medicine, but not friends.

At a Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) meeting in November, Turkey supported Pakistan’s membership in the group, which regulates international nuclear commerce, while rejecting India’s bid. China and Russia also sided with Ankara and rejected India’s bid to join the NSG.

Wow. That's unprecedented.

They do have nukes and a large population.

Why is this irrelevant powerless shithole in there?

Turkey makes concessions to get shillion cubic meters of natural gas at a discount.

That's funny... India keeps saying how you're great friends and all (they say that for every country Kek)

Are the poo in loos simply delusional?

>What are the odds of this happening
50/50, it all depends on how the european union will move against erdoğan

also i shall educate you fags on the billion factions we have within turkey and their relations with west/east

>akp - pragmatist islamists. they want to stick with the eu but would sell out to the east if pushed to a corner
>chp - social democrat "kemalists", contains wide-spectrum lefties and autism. they want to stick with the eu but do not like america. would not join the shangai 5
>mhp - currently akp-lite, turk-islam nationalists. their voter base wants to be neutral and increase relations with turkic nations. these guys have para-military groups under them but lately they have been inactive within turkey.
>hdp - pkkurds, want to become slaves to the west. would do anything for a military backing against turkey
communist faggots - same shit as hdp, contains university students mostly. "muh pkk is not terrorist, dey be peacegoys" is their warcry
>gülenists - reformist islamists. would want to become slaves to the west, similar to iran. their ideologies are absolutely insane and they use "taqiya" a lot
>"tarikats" - islamic cults ranging from "adnan oktar" to full on wahhabis. most want to turn turkey into saudi arabia/isis
>militarist kemalists - basically "fascist" secular turkish nationalists. contain both turkists and just secular kemalists. would hang thousands of islamists and rule the country with an iron fist. would likely keep the military alliance with nato but would be neutral otherwise. these guys are heavily tied to tsk
>socialist nationalists - kind of a meme group, but a scary type. have ties to the deep state and the mit. want to become allied to the east and drop the nato/eu completely

there are smaller groups but these are the "major" factions within turkey. if a civil war happens it would be a 3 way with akp vs kemalists/turkists/seculars vs kurds

Do you think the fact that Pakistan closed down Gulenist schools is a sign of things to come?

CHP is Ataturk's party isn't it?

Do you expect Erdogan and the AKP to maintain power? Are they popular?

pakistan always had good ties to turkey, so i see it as a jest rather than a political move

that is correct

akp will hold the %45-%50 voter base unless the economy collapses(and it will soon). half their voter-base are thought to be voting for them for the economic reasons. if they start losing power erdoğan might try to trigger a civil war though

What political party is most popular with the /tr/ crowd? Is it AKP?

>if a civil war happens it would be a 3 way with akp vs kemalists/turkists/seculars vs kurds

InshAllah may this happen

>erdoğan might try to trigger a civil war though
So that's why he purget the army. Sounds like another Syria style proxy war incoming.

turkish posters in /tr/ are mostly seculars ranging from meme-racists to moderates
most posts in that cesspool are by anti-turk shitposters though

if it happens it will spill over to the balkans. you will likely get a few million kurdish refugees from western turkey

yep, he already owns the police
the army still has a lot of kemalists though, he doesn't have full control yet

Idiot - Russia biggest fuging Empire where left hand fight against right hand. Too much political forces with antagonistic interests here - as result our Empire be friend \ foe for everyone in same time.

P.S. I understand why you are so confused - West ruled by same families last 500 years and everything stay same and consolidated.

Good. The world needs more qt3.14 paki babes

Tвoй aнглийcкий yжacнo плoх, пoжaлyйcтa вoздepжиcь oт oбзывaтeльcтв кoгдa caм звyчишь кaк дayн.

Пoзopить Paшкy лeгкo и пpиятнo.

China doesn't trust Russian, Russia doesn't trust China and Pakistan hates everyone.

They might cooperate to fend off the west, but they'll be at each other's throats otherwise.

Why so Islamie?

Why exactly is iran a slave to the west? Did I miss sth?


I would rather have Russia, China and India form some sort of a union.