Is Japan the most based East Asian country?

Is Japan the most based East Asian country?

>Still has Emperor

>Only Japan and Taiwan uses traditional characters

>Not communist

>Only true Confucian civilization left

>worshipping monarchs

2.Japan doesn't use traditional characters. THey replaced them with their own type of simplified chinese. Technically only korea and taiwan still use traditional chinese characters, but korea has reduced their usage of chinese symbols so it's really just taiwan

3.There's no true communism in all of asia really

4.confucianism is autism

>true communism

>>Only Japan and Taiwan uses traditional characters
That's not true.
Taiwan and Hong Kong use traditional ones but Japan uses slightly simplified characters called Shinjitai. (They are still closer to the traditional Chinese characters than to the Mainland commie invention)
Ive got no clue about Macau.

out of all those countries. Korea is the only economy with a future. And its already a first world

>Only true Confucian civilization left

No fucktard. Japanese simplistic is very few characters.

I lived in Japan all my life and I can read Taiwanese to an extent but mainland Chinese simokication is horrific.

As for Korea, Hanja is pretty much obsolete because young Koreans are cucks

I never said that japanese simplification was as god-awful as chinese simplification. It's not that bad. But technically they're still not a traditional character set, even if it's not as extensive as chinese simplification.

Hanja is obsolete because korean is actually readable without it, but japanese would just be a clusterfuck without chinese characters.

how is using traditional characters a good thing? Literally the most pathetic excuse of writing


朝鮮人も中国レベルの汚い人間しかいないし。 糞シナ人も礼儀が糞悪いし。

The Chinese characters give context and meaning to words.

It's like in English if we got rid of thr Latin spelling and just used phonetic.

For example if we say Cyense instead of Science, then the we have to context for the Latin word Scientia

Koreans are very cucked

it takes a long time to write all the traditional characters by hand
almost everyone who uses traditional write in some shorthand unless they are doing calligraphy

simplification is not an "invention by the commies" they only made official what was common place

Hong Kong and Korea still use traditional characters, although they have fallen into disuse in Korea due to their native written system (which is a linguistic marvel) becoming popular since Japanese occupation.

>any Vietnam
>East Asia
We are South East Asian shithole.



There are many Koreans who can't write even one's name in kanji.
Japan is society of communism than China. Seeing China, Marx must be turning in his grave.


>>Only true Confucian civilization left

>he thinks that's a good thing.

Confucianism is basically slave mentality.

>>Only Japan and Taiwan uses traditional characters

Japan does not use traditional characters in the way you are implying.

It assume that labor is vulgar in Confucianism, it disagrees with the Japanese sense of values.

So that's why y'all work to death?

> 儒教


I didn't mean to say bad things about Western.

The Meiji Restoration was a action for keeping ancient culture.
The origin of that action was for radical exclusivism.
However, after the war of revolution, that was changed into enlightened principle.
In the case of China and Korea, they instituted governments with a focus on Western thought probably.

are you talking about Korea perjaps

>Only Japan and Taiwan uses traditional characters

>Chink characters give context and meaning to words
So does every other writing system. If you can't write anything meaningful without using Chink runes, you're pretty much cuck'er than Koreans.

Still commie and bad

>Bragging about moon runes
I think I just threw up a little.

>be american
>only speak one language
>think chinese characters are 'rly hard'