>Trusting Texans ever
Trusting Texans ever
Selling your soul doesn't make you an untrustworthy person.
>Indianan """people"""
Arizona seems to me more untrustworthy
How can Mississippi twerk when they're too fat to stand up?
>how to google something
>how to get out of florida
Kansas can't find itself
>Alabamans have to google how to fuck because their education is so shit
Based South Carolina
>how to fish
let out a solid chuckle
>how to get away with murder
fucking delaware
Every other state is an embarrassment.
New Mexico knows tfw no gf
Are you serious? That's all we have to do here.
"How to explain mansplaining"
Wow NY, and I though CA was a leftist wasteland
Americans are fucking stupid
I literally don't even know which of those midwest blobs is Indiana. I can locate Bhutan on a map but I have no clue where Indiana is.
>how to stop Trump
too late, fags
>New York
Please kill us.
This, my PA brother.
>How to make fire?
Not all Ohioans are retarded, I swear.
>How to get out of Florids?
Also Alabama confirmed for contributing more posters to /pol
right under michigan
>Rhode island
>how to get away with murder
>how to stop Trump
>how to make an igloo
>how to make fire
>how to fish
>how to be a ninja
>how to get out of Florida
>how to twerk
>how to find Kansas
>how to catch Pokemon
>how to battle in Pokemon Go
>how to join the Illuminati
>how to get rid of cockroaches (call Serbians)
>how to sell your soul
>north carolina
Not sure how to feel 2bh.
Why are Amerisharts do dumb?
look in the mirror famalam
>how to sell beanie babies
I'm okay with this
>how to surrender
>how to acknowledge agincourt
>how to delete Facebook
That's pretty funny. I guess that's from all the drama on WV facebook. :/
>how to find kansas?
>americans are so stupid they can't even find the state they're living in
>how to crab
We don't crab, you idiots. The crabs are almost all dead and Pennsylvania keeps sending us more pollution.
You'd be surprised. When I was going to high school in Maryland I told the class that I didn't like crab and they all shunned me.