What is the worst region/state in your country?

What is the worst region/state in your country?




Ile-de-France and Mayotte (both black muslim shitholes)



alcoholism, drugs, lots of natives and a ~20 per 100k homicide rate

the black mark on Canada

Southern Ontario

If Trump nuked it by accident I would celebrate

Everything west of Québec

>by accident

None, actually.

>lots of natives
Isn't Nunavut....only natives?


Say that again, partner.

no, some whites too, because big bucks for working up there

There are white people working there. I know a couple who are up there, he's a principal and she's a social worker.

Guyana, New Caledonia, La Réunion, La Martinique, corsica, etc.

Basically any non European part of France is shit.

>La réunion

shit, really?


Corsica is the best part of France though

St. Pierre et Miquelon is great

>Shitty weather
>shitty economy
>Shitty people
>Boring AF
>Ugly AF


Rio de Janeiro(city)

>high risk of getting robbed
>unpolite people
>pride on their "thug" culture
>brings more shame and bad stereotypes for the entire country than good stuff.

I'll never set my foot in that shithole. The state itself is fine tho, just avoid Rio and it's outskirts.

Calabria by far, then Campania and Sicily, but Sicily is doing better than the past, Campania is getting worse

that's Brazil as a whole, all the same monkey shit, stop trying to impress first worlders and get back to /luso/


Texas is the only reason america is relevant.



>>Shitty weather
>>shitty economy
>>Shitty people
>>Boring AF
>>Ugly AF
Lol... Isn't that just all of Germany...?

Québec, you get angry looks and they laugh at you if you say anything in English or if you're not fluent in french

apart from guyana martinique and mayotte you're wrong

Mississippi. It's the fattest, blackest, and stupidest state in the union, if the whole place flooded tomorrow, it would only improve the country.


OK, Mexicans, now it's your time to say "Coahuila".

This, all the RM is shit


Name one (1) good thing to come out of Alabama. You can't.

The band

Saw them in concert once, they were great.

? Personally Ive never been but Ive only heard good stuff from there.
Curious about NWT or Yukon since nobody ever talks about them, even on the news

>non-European part of France is shit
so all of France is shit?

you spelt california wrong partner

plus antofagasta and valpo

Puebla, Df y Oaxaca.

Your right but I can overlook these states just because they're so irrelevant but that's all the south

the real shit stain is the east coast especially jew york and new Jersey

I agree with OP fuck Texas, but I think California and New Jersey are worse

rio de janeiro

Mexicans are so lazy this is what their bantz look like

California is better than your state hands down

California sucks because of the people, environmental issues, government etc

You don't sound biased at all considering you have no idea where I'm from

I don't need to know where you're from to know it can't stand next to California

>inb4 someone from a shithole flyover state says california

Seconding this, people in California tend to think they are the best simply for where they were born or moved to, and they can't manage their environment for shit yet the majority of people there are super concerned about the environment. They water their massive fucking lawns, use a shit ton of gas traveling around their massive state, build houses wherever the fuck they want despite the obvious environmental barriers, and LA has the worst pollution of any city in the U.S., in fact the first 5 of the top 10 most polluted cities in our country are in California. Also the state feels insanely empty, everything was built so recently and there is an intense lack of history or culture since everyone is a transplant or immigrant.



Would I be correct in saying that anything south of Rome, especially Campania, is the shittiest region of Italy?

Or did my tour guides lie to me to keep my turistico money in Tuscany?


People who move here aren't Californian
And there is history, older than anywhere in the US. The original CA missions are older than east coast settlements

The Northern Province

As a non-American I love how salty Californians get one someone implies their state isn't the best in the union.

Londoners get the same way when other Brits call their city shit.

>The original CA missions are older than east coast settlements

>And there is history, older than anywhere in the US.

>The original CA missions are older than east coast settlements
The oldest European settlement in the U.S. is St. Augustine in Florida

>And there is history, older than anywhere in the US.
Just because it is old doesn't mean it is relevant. It's just remnants of a once thriving culture before the settlers came and killed them all. Those missions were primarily funded by Spain to convert natives to Christianity, they considered them savages and basically enslaved them. It's sad and dark history and has little to do with the success of the U.S.. Most history, if not all, in the U.S. is on the East Coast i.e.. Boston, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and small rural towns that are hundreds of years old or were part of major conflicts *cough* Antietam.


is the

best state


Bedok, Geylang, Marsiling and Woodlands
>lazy people in general
>people shitting in elevators
>people acting poor or sick to be on TV
>corridors blocked by trash
>high crime rates



So you basically pushed off the fact that Californian estates and missions were founded earlier because it's "dark history " the natives were just converted here while those east coasts settlements are built atop the bones of native Americans
And the Florida ones came from the same culture as Californian missions and is in fact Californian clay

Not to mention the raging wildfires half the year, regularity of earth quakes and being on the cusp of a major one any time now according to the USGS.

The people are the worst part though. They are all bleeding hearts that act like the stickers on their macbook and tweets represent their progressive superior outlook on the world but it is all a facade they adopt to feed their superiority complex

>florida is california clay
>worst state in the union is deeply desired by second worst
you cant make this shit up

And worst of all, now that California is going to shit instead of trying to fix their state people are just abandoning it and shitting up the rest of the union. Californian transplants are the reason why states like Colorado, Oregon, Washington and states like them are turning blue.

I nominate Arizona as the best state.

> the natives were just converted here while those east coasts settlements are built atop the bones of native Americans

Holy shit, do you actually believe that?

Can you not?








Our capital area. Disgustingly filled with immigrants and Pseudo enviromentalists.

whole country

All these flyovers and shit holes jealous of Cali

Since when is your capital area California


y Arica

Why do you think people are jealous of you? Having the most people isn't an accomplishment, especially if over half of them are pretty much subhuman. I'd much prefer to live in an irrelevant flyover state, it sounds comfy.

You decide.

The capital area.

probably kansas

>his state will never be as beautiful as California
>his state will never be as successful as California
>his state will never be as fun or exciting as California
>he'll never be Californian

This too. Keflavík is subhuman trash

>how to spot a narcissist?


>Being so far up your own ass you think your state is better than all 49 others.

Enjoy your high taxes, drought, and wildfires user.

ignore commiefornians. they're brainwashed


Arizona is a shit hole tho but I agree with the rest. My state is middling at best as well..

