Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1764

JLPT Edition

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Special Sup Forums FAQ:
>What's the point of this thread?
For learners of Japanese to come and ask questions and shitpost with other learners. Japanese people learning English can come too I guess.
>Why is it here?
The mods moved us here and won't let us go anywhere else.
>Why not use the pre-existing Japanese thread?
The cultures are completely different.
>Go back to Sup Forums
We'd like to. Bitch to the mods.

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



I'm really nervous i hope i can pass the test tomorrow



i kinda like it here tbqh...

Fuck off, tripfag.

I have just 1 question for you guys.
Is it normal (specifically in the early stages of learning) that when you turn off Anki, you get paranoid thinking you've forgotten absolutely everything that you apparently 'learned'?

from last thread, I meant this (Person + のこと)
In some sort of way, is it used to refer to characteristics, feelings and personality too?
I also saw it on キノの旅 when he asks about the robot lady (お婆さんのこと)

In the interval between this and the last thread you could have actually gone and searched for it instead of being a retard.

>tfw the flags are pretty much trips on there own.

it's my one day off let me attention whore for a day.

You seem to be understanding it already.

I like you (and everything about you, how you talk, how you act, how you dress, etc., not just the matter that makes up your body).

>>tfw the flags are pretty much trips on there own.
Not the glorious 星条旗

>let me attention whore
you need to stop coming here

>the flags are pretty much trips on there own
>an american saying this
Fuck off, tripfag. You can attention whore as long as you're not blogging or posting things unrelated to japanese.



We really have to bring back dekinai-chan for this guy.

what is this Sup Forums shit


What does this have with learning japanese?

>I have just 1 question for you guys.
>Is it normal (specifically in the early stages of learning) that when you turn off Anki, you get paranoid thinking you've forgotten absolutely everything that you apparently 'learned'?

Sounds like you don't have anything to test your japanese knowledge on

Just like playing a JRPG, there is more to it than just fighting bosses.

Do you have a japanese friend to talk to? Or perhaps a game you play that is japanese?

Give yourself a personal challenge for your japanese training

Actually, here's a challenge for you:

I challenge you to prepare by Christmas a merry christmas message for a japanese girl you know, and give it to her on Christmas Eve.

Forgot to comment
"I like the cat video so I'm keeping it"

yeah I have this feeling too, because I never talk irl with anybody in japanese I don't feel like I "know" japanese.
But don't worry once you start using it again you realize you still know stuff.
I once stop for 3 weeks to get some fresh air, and I felt really surprise of how well I could still read stuff once back.

This is Sup Forums man. Look through their other threads, this is what they do all day. It's basically /soc/ mixed with Sup Forums but focused vaguely on geography.

Nah he just needs to see those words more. He's just starting out, he's going to forget everything unless he drills it for a few days/weeks.

>I challenge you to prepare by Christmas a merry christmas message for a japanese girl you know, and give it to her on Christmas Eve.

>just started talking to this girl
>her english is cute

i can't do it

This is the first time someone comes here and posts something completely unrelated to japanese. I know we are on Sup Forums now, but Sup Forums posters are still the majority.

Yes it's normal, especially if your production ability is shit because you don't spend much time speaking (or thinking) in Japanese. But it's not a problem unless you find that you're actually unable comprehend input suited to your current level, like texts using words/grammar you should know.


You are very talented at getting (You)s, you're on a roll for your third consecutive thread. 目覚しい能力、チャールズさん。


Is there an app for a phone that makes you write kanji with your finger?

Kanji Study
You need to pay to get access to anything more advanced than N5 though


No I have never thought that

It also gets rid of ambiguity


Do we need this everyday?

I shouldn't have to tell you losers everyday

when you havent seen an advertisement for coca cola in a while do you forget what it is

how long is the jlpt? do i need to wear a diaper or do we get bathroom breaks


You get a break between the reading portion and listening portion. The length depends on the level you take.

>The N1 is three hours long

jesus christ. good fucking luck anons

Shit hte listening isn't first? I would have liked to be able to walk out 20 minutes early from the reading section

It goes by surprisingly quickly. The essays are quite long and take a while to get through. The listening does tend to drag on, however.

Liquid in your bladder actually improves your concentration and memory by concentrating electrolytes in a blood-vessel-rich region of your body.

I suggest drinking as much as possible before the start of the test, preferably Gatorade. If you are allowed to take a bottle inside, keep sipping between every 5 questions.

Oh my god Japanese l/r's are hard

oh my fuck

The listening is last.

>The essays are quite long

You have to write essays in the JLPT? I thought it was the only the EJU that forced you to do that?

I mean the essays that you have to read are quite long. The grammar questions are only one sentence each, but the reading comprehension section consists of several one- to two-page long essays.

All Ns are 3 hours long.


Can you say "petal" or "pedal"? That's pretty much it.


>3 hours with a full bladder

so i need to wear a diaper

Good luck guys, the test starts at 12:30pm here.

All this talk of the JLPT... I haven't even thought about taking it. I should make it a goal to take the N1 next December.

>not taking it in July

>implying you can do that in America

If I'm not mistaken it's all 択一問題, you don't have to write anything, just to pick between a) b) etc... for each question. Technically you could get N1 by picking randomly and get lucky.

Personally I'm more anxious about going there and getting the urge to pee than doing the test itself. It doesn't seem too difficult given you studied accordingly and tested yourself to J-CAT and such beforehand.

You can't hold your pee for 1.5 hours at a time? Are you a woman on a road trip?

I started learning japanese 2 weeks ago. I'm using Tae Kim's guide and memrise although i will be switching to Anki once i finish tae kim's guide.

what are my chances of being N1 ready next year? if I study a bit every day? (i can't study 12 hours every day i wish i could but i have a job and starting college soon)

>what are my chances of being N1 ready next year?


That's an honest answer. Unless
>i can't study 12 hours every day

Nope, 0%

Now's not the time to be thinking about N1. Look at what's in front of you, not what's out on the horizon.

I usually have to go every 2 hours, and when I'm nervous I have to go more often. It is annoying.

well i'm sort of on a time limit. i need to have an N1 certificate before i get my bachelor's degree so I can pursue post-graduate study in japan.

I don't have an associate's yet so i'm about 2.5 years away, so that gives me the 2017 and 2018 JLPTs to reach N1

you're right though, for now i'll focus on tae kim and memrise.

Do you have an eidetic memory, or are you an autistic savant?

If your answer was: "Yes"
If your answer was: "No"
>Maybe in 3 years. Maaaaaaaybe.

Are you usually a pregnant woman? How do you find time to feed your children and study Japanese?

It says almost 2 hours straight on the first one. Commuting there takes time as well, then add the anxiety factor and yes it could become a problem.

Are you putting a screw in your ass?

Stop bladder shaming me, shitlord

what is an autistic savant? am i ready to disregard videogames, money, and females for an entire year to study japanese? yes


You'd be above par for autistic then, but savant is another matter


Why do you suddenly want to study in Japan?

what? are you asking why someone would take the JLPT, get N1, and go to japan?

you know japan is the only country that speaks japanese, right?

don't think i understand the purpose of your question.

help me understand



I think he's asking why you want to study in japan, specifically


It just seems odd that if you were going to work so hard to study in Japan you'd have had interest in Japanese for a long time. Why did you only start learning two weeks ago?

To get a job?

I am so confused. If you think it's a waste of money, the japanese government actually carries your ass for this part.

The Japanese Government will literally pay you $1,400/month for post-graduate study in Japan

It's easy money and an easy path to the japanese workforce. Plus, since it's post-graduate study, you can drop school whenever you want (i.e. when you actually get a job) and there's no pressure to get a master's degree if you don't need it

It's an easy path to an amazing future.

All I have to do is fucking APPLY MYSELF.

>The Japanese Government will literally pay you $1,400/month for post-graduate study in Japan

I need to see receipts

>The Japanese Government will literally pay you $1,400/month for post-graduate study in Japan
Gonna want some info on that, buddy.

You need to have money and women to be able to disregard them.

>I need to see receipts


Scholarship stipend ¥143,000~148,000 per month


Plus, if you do well enough on the EJU, you qualify for this secondary scholarship that gives you a bonus $500/month


Up to $2,000/month free money just for having good japanese

>the japanese workforce is an amazing future

>you'd have had interest in Japanese for a long time

I did. What's your point, user?

>Why did you only start learning two weeks ago?

time for try #4

>Gonna want some info on that, buddy.
Offered to 4,000 people every fucking year.

How did your grammar go down?

>for Privately-Financed International Students
This doesn't stack with the first scholarship, does it?

>>Why did you only start learning two weeks ago?

The price of living on the east coast. Japanese isn't taught in high schools or college here. This state doesn't give a single fuck about the country of Japan, so i'm stuck in a special kind of hell.

>Japanese isn't taught in high schools or college here.
This isn't an excuse.

Smells a little like できない right now.


tests are not a concrete way of measuring knowledge and skill, specially multiple option ones.

The questions are randomized, so maybe I just happened to see more that I knew that time

They can't tell you how good you are, but they can tell you if you suck or not.
For example: passing JLPT doesn't mean you're good at japanese. But failing it means you definitely suck.

Pretty sure its like that in most places but nice excuse.