Your country will never be this butthurt about anything

>Your country will never be this butthurt about anything

>Putting someone else's islands on your money
Awfully nice of them.

I have never hated any country as much as i hate argentina. Fucking waste of space.

Amerindian shithole desu


yeah well, thank you for making a thread about us


meme war
meme money
meme country
meme islands


You are the one that seems upset here desu.


>made some cash and boost our Air-Air missle program because of this war

Thanks for the war m8s. Do another anytime.




la hoja

Beaners are even more butthurt.

hey guys remember that time Argentina tried to fight a war with Britain?
fucking Argentina



Esperamos, hasta que estén débiles y distraídos, hermano. Esperamos...

at least they tried and probably did better than you macacos
besides your government refused to help because they knew brazilians would probably kill themselves and not the british

>refused to help


>Fucking waste of space.

9.984.670 km2 for only 36 155 487...


boludito do mi coraçao

lmao that english facial complexion is too accurate. so punchable

Oh my, thanks argentina

what's this? an image for ants?

pd: te amo taquero

Yes it's for ants and i love you yoo