thoughts on Quebec
any Québécois want to tell me about Quebec?
thoughts on Quebec
any Québécois want to tell me about Quebec?
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Don't come here.
well i am coming in only a few weeks
Women from Quebec have the most attractive accent
Quebec City is awesome
Go to Montreal and enjoy the degeneracy. Also learn some a little french and insist on speaking it to them. My french is nightmare tier bad and I insist on speaking it when there and it makes them sick to their stomachs it's so bad.
Why does everyone talk about Quebec strip clubs?
because quebec women are the most beautiful in the world
>quebec women are the most beautiful in the world
Are you sure about that?
Hows quebec and the area compared to vermont?
>Lévis plus européen que le basé Saguenay
Quebec is the size of an entire European country.
Vermont is a tiny spec on the globe.
>complain about anglo-Canada but depend on them economically
>their businesses are super corrupt (with a particular emphasis on bribery, see SNC Lavalin)
>have an immigrant investor program that basically just gets free money from wealthy chinese people who don't move to Quebec but just buy a lot of Vancouver/Toronto real estate
>apart from Montreal, its almost exclusively french-canadian because of language barriers and insulated communities and a complete lack of job opportunities
How about compared to New England?
Quebec is the size of several european countries.
>Quebec is the size of an entire European country.
>Vermont is a tiny spec on the globe.
There are a lot of small European countries.
Texas dwarfs Quebec.
>blue eyes
>any Québécois want to tell me about Quebec?
Please stay away
We don't want you, nor do we want your attention. Please kindly delete this thread.
they like to bitch about how French use "parking", "stop" and wee-end", but in Québec, you can commonly hear shit like
>j'ai spoté une fille, elle était trop cute avec son fan, du coup j'ai cancélé mon trip avec ma gang et lui ai payé une can
m8, Québec is almost 3x bigger than France, that is already the biggest European country (if you exclude Russia of course).
Quebec is twice as big as texas
They are far and away the best, and Québécois girls are the cutest
>j'ai spoté
>avec son fan
I literally have no idea what you're even trying to say. Are you talking about an éventail ?
Also, you're completely and utterly deluded if you think European francophones are somehow immune to anglicisms. I could just as easily cherrypick a very specific sentence which would have just as many anglicisms. But it would be just like the sentence you posted: extremely cherrypicked and not at all natural sounding (not to mention probably wrong in some respects, just like the sentence you posted).
>Québec is almost 3x bigger than France, that is already the biggest European country
Yeah, and Quebec has a smaller population than the Paris metropolitan area, literally all of whom live along the St. Lawrence river in the south of the province.
>mfw all of this empty clay full of wealth and ressources for us québécois
Québécois are the best neighbors and an important part of Canada. Beautiful cities, comfy communities, good food, and great people.
>Are you talking about an éventail ?
And if I say this, it's because I heard all of them when I was there (even if, as you said, I somehow blended everything to make it more caricatural).
My point is not to deny the fact European languages have some anglicisms, it was just to say Québec is bitching a lot about this while using MUCH MORE of them than any European country.
most of it is tundra and bogs
Good, I guess the rest of Canada can stop paying for your communist social programs.
Yes, there are a lot of liberal blogs in Quebec.
I watch 19-2 whenever we get it here on the French channels in Ontario for Leboeuf. It's surprisingly good for domestically made TV.
I was comparing culture
I want quebecois gf
Fuck off we are full mate.
>Québécois girls are the cutest
Fuck off with this jew "muh shekels" shit. Just shut up and do the only thing you're good at, sending Québec, the Maritimes, and Newfoundland, money so we can actually give Canada some culture and a unique identity that isn't just America North.
Funny how the top row of meme pictures are now of culturally insignificant people.
dude have you ever been to quebec, most people here have blue eyes.
Ah yes, and here I thought every single one of the girls in a province of over 8 million would be 10/10.
1) it's full of injuns who live worse than fucking Africans and cost us a fortune compared to what they provide
2) it's extremely remote, thus making it very difficult to actually turn any sort of profit on it (just look at the insane amount of money they initially wanted to spend in the Plan Nord just on building a single fucking road)
3) Our politicians are corrupt spineless fucks who give away our ressources to foreigners in exchange for extremely temporary gains. In fact, it's been like this for pretty much our entire history (which shows just how much of a fucking colonial mentality we've always had), and it's the main reason why nowadays all of Mauricie is a shithole, as well as towns such as Gagnon, Schefferville, Thetford Mines, Asbestos, etc.
My honest opinion is that we should just entirely give up on all clay that's just populated by injuns (while still keeping our glorious hydroelectricity, of course). It would solve quite a lot of problems.
>pansexual unicorn
What the fuck is this supposed to be?
Is that Justin Bieber pretending to be Jessica Bieber?
>La Quebecois """"""Anglo""""""
>it was just to say Québec is bitching a lot about this while using MUCH MORE of them than any European country
Much more? Not really. I agree that in colloquial speech it's definitely more, but if you look at more formal speech Europeans use quite a bit more. And it also depends on the exact topic, for example when talking about auto mechanics, Québécois use way more anglicisms, but when talking about clothing French use way more.
Point is, don't overestimate your own linguistic situation; you aren't good by any means, even when compared to us (which is saying a lot).
That many exclamation points makes me think French
Francophones use them a lot more than Anglos
Jokes on you, I'm from Mississauga.
>he thinks Québécois use a lot of anglicisms
Try listening to some Acadien-Chiac from Nouveau-Brunswick
>Asbestos, QC
Je veux une femme québécoise.
Je ne aime pas le québécois accent cependant, et c'est un problème.
(Nah c'est un mensonge)
goddamn I could watch these people all day
>Je veux une femme québécoise.
Moé itou
Prendrais-tu celle là ?
It's a great place for francophones to live, not so great for anglophones
the fact that it isn't bilingual, and the only official language is french, while under a british monarchy and in a majority anglophone nation is a good symbol of how cooperative and counter-productive they are for the nation
Quebec City should have an NHL team
You're just butthurt that you failed to assimilate us after 256 year
i didn't read this thread yet i bet there's a ton of angry albertans in here already
why would we assimilate after that whole plains of abraham thingy
wesh la mifa, cimer pour les critiques
It's something I respect about them TBQHWY. Considering how cucked the rest of Canada is we sold out everything we are for multiculturalism. Considering we dont have thousands of years of history from which to draw upon we quickly destroyed or commercialized what identity anglo Canada had for bullshit made up by leftists.
why would we assimilate after centuries of being told to speak white?
fun fact: most anglos are unaware of this
>speak white
This is reddit tier victim complex kek
>why would we assimilate after centuries of being told to speak white?
because those years have past, it's that same train of thought that has led to many native tribes rejecting any sort of government intervention to better the reserves
just because the government used to intervene and it was bad, doesn't mean that years later and after many prejudices have been broken we are just going to treat you like shit
2bh look east of quebec and you'll see people who were willing to assimilate into canada and keep their unique identities
really? because if you would listen to the anglos living in montreal, you would think they were being moved into concentration camps
just because of laws that dictate that french on signs is a requirement, top kek
Les blondes femmes avec yeux sombres sont les meilleurs!!
Newfoundland and Maritimes are Anglo and didn't sell out. But you're right about it being a commendable part of Québec and New Brunswick.
Atlantic Canada = Québec > Praries > Ontario > B.C. > Territoires
If you leave you lose all that clay. Just be wary of that.
i heard that statement parroted by every anglo yet i never saw any evidence of that
ça, c'est drôle
It's irrelevant because Quebec will never become independent.
Quebec has its chance and now most of those people who could have made a difference are dead or not willing to risk their retirement.
your opinion isn't wrong
it's mostly said because there would need to be the native reserves' agreement to leave also, and many like things how they are
so if quebec ended up leaving there would be so many native bands resisting that most of the borders above the st lawrence would turn int oa jackson pollock
>anglos speaking for natives/any other minority
why would natives choose to join a newly forming nation that has an uncertain future and rejects multiculturalism, when they reside under a government that already pays them handsomely?
i don't know, try asking them about it first and maybe you'll know
>what is oka 2.0
Le nom est avant l'adjectif, mon ami
how is oka related
the oka crisis happened because some people were trying to build golf courses on their land
here are some pieces on why they wouldn't leave with you
but seriously, what would quebec offer them that the canadian government couldn't?
it would seem totally out of character for natives to join a nation that wishes to retain a singular identity and culture
>what seems to be an opinion article
>web 1.0 era site
good job
can you offer any reason why they would want to join a nation seeking a singular identity or culture?
I mean I really don't care either way but you really think they'd separate from the rest of the First Nations? What would they gain?
not having to deal with the RCMP anymore desu
>not having to deal with the RCMP
....really? having less policing in regions with high domestic abuse, drug abuse and high level corruption?
>he says as the RCMP spends their time raping their women
>police stop countless law infractions and arrest countless people for breaking the law
>a single officer breaks the law
yes, how much better society would be without the rcmp
did i mention the time the RCMP committed arson?
no, but my point still stands
how will removing a police service from an area make it a better place?
you do know that the natives have their own police forces on the reserve right
which usually don't work as well as outside police forces, and often are corrupt themselves due to lack of outside oversight
t. have had first hand experience on reserves (labrador) and have relatives who spent years teaching there
still better than dealing with the RCMP which spends its time spying on citizens and committing various other crimes
except not really, have you ever had any account with native policing before?
there is almost no professionalism to them, ignore large scale drug abuse and drug trafficking, make almost no attempt at solving domestic abuse, etc etc
if you have spent any time in or near native reserves you would be humming a different tune