Name one (1) orthodox country that isn't a shithole

Name one (1) orthodox country that isn't a shithole.

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Meaning you'd be glad to send a daughter to model in Japan at 15 so you can pay the bills of your house heating system?

It's an apex shithole.

Even more so than Pooland.



Isn't Romania kind of doing alright?

white southern sulistas do the same thing macaco
i have seem miserable 15yo white girls being forced by their parents to model right in nyc

rromania is an artificial country and a shithole

Did Jesus have four arms or something?


We do. We are a shithole, that's why.


top one represents a sign telling that here hangs the king of the jews, middle is for his arms, bottom is a footrest
something like that


Russia isn't even a christian country. As far as i know they have several official religions and russians insist their country is multi-religious all the time.


i suppose america isnt a christian country then

It definitely isn't.

Greece isn't a shit hole.

>western christians

t. nigger

Russia is christian

animals dont go to heaven

> Come on, I can definitely think of o-
> ...
Damn, I thought that one of them was half-alright, but Slovenia and Estonia aren't Orthodox.

Greece exists

>Russia is christian

that's not something positive

i think there are more muslims in russian than in eu


How is that not positive?

Wow. I did not know there were so many Muslims in Moscow.

>A few thousand mudslims make a country of 150 million people, muslim

Wew lad

Moscow, more like MOSQUEow xDDD

Some russian said there are about 2 million muslims in moscow officially, and much more illegals.

most of the steppe muslims are brotier in all honesty.
they are kinda like orthodox christians in that regard, the eastern slavs of the muslim world.

>Name one (1) orthodox country that isn't a shithole.

Ivan no one believes your country is christian anymore.

steppe muslims were subhumans with a subhuman culture

montenegro was a synonym for shithole in yugoslavia

>h-hello b-bros!


montenegro is a shithole

It's gonna be though. greek wages and everything will soon be harmonized with the rest of the Balkans.

We prefer Montafrican-americano now.

No, I saw it in one James Bond movie.

Byzantium. If, just if.

greece fell from a mountain
slavs started climbing

even turks are wealthier than balkan slavshits

It's Montsub-saharanafrica.

they don't seem to be the most observent muslims, seem to accept it as religion and not end all be all of life

kim jong un can make nk look like a paradise on a movie if he wants to

yes Greece

the scenes weren't shot in montenegro, but in italy and czechia

What was the Yugoslav pecking-order?

Serbia = Croatia > Slovenia > YROM > Bosnia > MonteNEGRO = Kososhite ?

I am not greek.

communism does that to people
ME would be a different place had it not been for the west funding fundamentalist groups

Slovenia > Croatia > Montenegro > Bosnia > FYROM > Serbia

It was even worst than Rome, wtf they invented in their more than hundred years of history? Fucking nothing. I spit on this stupid graph with gap on medieval christianity

So no different from today???

I thought Slovenia only got gud after the Yugoslav Republic, and before that it was just Croatia's hat.

serbia is a filthy shithole

You are clearly prejudiced against glorious Montenegro.

Oh, you both also hate Serbia, that's enough, please leave this thread, you filthy yugophobes.

they always had more cash because of smuggling

the slovenes invested more money in yugoslavia than the others, but in return they got to do whatever the fuck they wanted in their republic. also the gommies considered to move capital to ljubljana in case of soviet aggression

of course, here i'm writing about the second yugoslavia only

if montenegro was good, i wouldn't be in serbia in the first place

how do i hate serbia you retard

yugos are ugly and criminal slav subhumans

>yugos are ugly
alright i can accept other disqualifications but this is rich coming from the ugliest people in fucking europe.

At least they can read - hahaha, checkmate, Hans

I am a Greek

i know you are a greek, we literally have a saying "to be ugly as a greek"

All you posts clearly suggest that you are an Albanian who was cucked by some handsome Yugoslav. It's OK, Enver, shit happens.

Greeks literally invented handsomeness.

t. I am Greek


said the russian mong to the german aryan soldier

No, I'm Greek. I can post my hairy back.

is shit

good to know that you arent asian

why are all polish posts so devoid of any sense

the only thing i can see is a drawing. that's the only location where you can find handsome greeks

>grouped with literal arabs
jesus christ

It's officially orthodox after I invaded it last night.

Lol, they were the bastion of medieval culture and preservation of Roman culture. I think you don't know jack about history.

Enver, my posts cannot be senseless, I'm a famous Polish intellectual.

whites and slavs have blonde hair
mediterraneans and arabs are hairy

they invented jackshit in 1000 years though
they had to literally import italian medical codexes for example

you will get another ab-aktion if you don't start making sense t b h

Was i implying so? Read my post again you dumb rapebaby.

Romania and Serbia

brailean imbecil

Nu sunt braileanu, radu
