Its not an irony. just sperging out

its not an irony. just sperging out

Other urls found in this thread:

japs are scum

alt-right is in for a nice shock anyway
their high is already past

It was confirmed the people who did the Roman salute were Jews.

Anyway I don't think it matters much, just kike media lying as usual.

your mom's high was past long time ago

It's growing tremendously but okay boy. Guess you must be right.

a typical comment from a leaf

I thought Ukraine was Nazism central in Slavland? Wtf I hate Ukie.


What do you mean? I actually support nazism.

Don't you have a city to get back ? What are you doing on Sup Forums...

What absolutely abhorrent shitposts.
>going on Sup Forums as soon as you wake up
Get a life nigger.

I'm not buying into it, kiddo :) nice try though

What is that suppose to mean?

Up early to make the world white again :+)

it's 5 am on sunday

Well you sounded like a leftie cunt for a minute desu.

>could be doing anything
>reading philoshpy
>working out
Ooga booga let's talk to a bunch of asocial NEET's.

And I don't think the alt-right is growing as large as you think it is desu

only real autists like you sperging out defend this garbage

even many Sup Forumsacks find this too autistic

what garbage?

it's not as i said in the third post of the thread

What makes you think I'm not?

I'm starting my day, heading to the gym in about 30 mins. Spending some time shitposting with neets doesn't take all day.


this isnt your board then. move to Sup Forums though like i said this spencer shit is hated even there

>Sup Forums

Pol is just a board of people. You make it seem like a movement or group of people that share an ideology, when it's just random people with different opinions.

You make me change my opinions regarding Japan, liberal pussies Hope that you will die eventually.

you are conservashit or a neonazi wannabe pussy huh
again even a majority of polacks hate it, and despised it.

you just dont know how it went there when this got released first.

How about you pull a white dick out of your mouth first?

Sup Forums is tumblr.
Pure and simple. It's the shitstain on the website.
Our local tumblr and reddit colony.

No shit.

It's an anime imageboard without registration. Did you expect some sort of intellectual discussion? Some good things come of it but otherwise it's just as bad as the rest of this website.

Come this website is not that bad

>Did you expect some sort of intellectual discussion?
Yes? This meme needs to end about Sup Forums being le satire or whatever the fuck it is when people criticize it.

People there have real beliefs and this website need to stop pretending it's all just a meme.

You don'tuse 'nazi irony' when you are already portrayed as neo-nazis by the mainstream medias you idiotic stupid moronic imbecile.

in a way your comment makes sense, but still a majority of people consists of idiots

I didn't say it was satire, I said that Sup Forums is an anime imageboard and is exactly like all other boards in that anyone can join and post.

Sup Forums is the most popular board on here by traffic and has people who have different opinions.

You can create whatever thread you want there, does that mean you're now part of some sort of "community" or "collective"?

Richard did pretty good in the debate with Roland Martin. He could have done better though, since Roland was talking so much bullshit.

If he keeps in the spotlight and stays as articulate as he is, while not being apologetic, we might see the Alt-Right becoming mainstream.

>If he keeps in the spotlight and stays as articulate as he is, while not being apologetic, we might see the Alt-Right becoming mainstream.
god willing, comrade

>we might see the Alt-Right becoming mainstream.
Which is unlikely unless race relations in the U.S REALLY deteriorate.

>You can create whatever thread you want there, does that mean you're now part of some sort of "community" or "collective"?
But Sup Forums is majority united as ""strongly conservative"" in its userbase the same way leddit is made up of libs. Yeah there's a dissenting viewpoint here and there but it's not the majority.

Yeah but they don't really have any strong political opinions.

There's some fascists, libertarians, leftists, etc and then the rest are just moderates or people who like saying nigger and kike and hoping the problems plaguing the modern world just go away without action.

If the media keeps demonizing white people and creating things like this( a race war might actually happen.

Race war is soon.

Things like that aren't mainstream tho. 55000 views is nothing even compared to youtube.

Maybe so then. I'm just speaking from my /news/ days when there used to be regular nazi appreciation threads. I heard Israeli's aren't as much as they used to be (they used to be banned on sight on Sup Forums in those days lmao) so maybe they've moved from racial h8 to ideology idk.

Again- that's not impossible but (hopefully) unlikely to happen.

> * I heard Israeli's aren't as hated

>Again- that's not impossible but (hopefully) unlikely to happen.
hopefully it WILL happen, otherwise we're doomed

>otherwise we're doomed
Sure (you) are. The most feasible thing is tight immigration laws and deportations (which are happening now).

>people with my skin colour are special chosen ones and all the others are dumb 'n stupid
Pre-history rasheed tier ideology.

gross that these "nationalists" suck trump's dick

what a bunch of quacks

why are you avoiding to mention Sup Forums. im just telling you the fact. the day was a shitstorm. considering if many lib shills were raiding there, a bunch of regular Sup Forums posters were hellbent on criticizing and shitting on him following Trump who officially disavowed it. there were full of spencer hate threads.

this is, if anything, a good example as the level of autism irl even Sup Forums hates.

How is saying "hail" autism?

He didn't do a roman salute, he didn't tell people to do them. Wtf does it have to do with him?

ask Sup Forumsacks about that. theyd make it clearer to you than me. "hail x" irl is as autistic as anime fags shouting animes line in public and cringy enough to get hate from people, from a general point of view. and the person who disavowed it first is TRUMP. not anyone else.

and read the NYTs article for a change. it s more interesting than you might think.

"hail to the emperor" is the anthem of the president in the United States. Is that racist or nazi-esque too?

There was nothing cringy at all. But yes I guess if you're an idiot watching edited clip it makes him seem evil. He raised his hand to take a drink, and the atlantic made it look like he gave a salute.

Stop being retarded you stupid fuck.

Trump "disavowed" it because he has to, literally. That doesn't mean he cares. His official statement was he'll "look into it". Doesn't mean anything.

Richard Spencer delivered a powerful speech and if you were there or watched the full thing on youtube(guaranteed you didn't) you'd have given a roman salute and yelled sieg heil yourself. Spencer is eloquent and his speech was excellent, as most everything he says is.

>Ask Sup Forumsacks!!!

Who gives a fuck what fat retarded socially ostracized NEETs on Sup Forums say?

No one worth a damn cares about this. It already blew over. The MSM would have labeled NPI racist no matter what, even without Jew plants doing this.

Besides. SPENCER DIDN'T DO A SALUTE. Why is he responsible for what others do? It makes no sense.

Last response to you, retarded English-teacher san. Lampshade yourself.

I mean *hail to the chief

Anyways you get the point.

>acting like a nazi isnt cringy hurr
maybe in anime. in a nutshell, spencer just destroyed all of his fame and scene with the single "taboo". yeah its a taboo, which every educated people should hold as common sense, in the normal reality where you low-iq uneducated internet keyboard warrior faggots never can live.

>Trump "disavowed" it because he has to, literally.
this is what the alt-right or internet addicts easily fall for and believe. trump doesnt give a fuck about you internet mobs spewing shitty memes and live in such a shitty reality where you do.

dont forget the fact that hes a literal massive pro jew/israel. ivanka even joins in the religion. realistically, its 0% that he turns away from jews and is against them. also this is what both stupid lib and con media/pundits miss. even if its on purpose or in denial, its utterly pointless. he tends to overlook far-right ideas since hes a con, but wont ever be an anti semite and stand with anything that comes out of nazism/pro nazi.

Have you watched his speech? He didn't "act like a nazi" at all besides saying "hail trump". Which ill repeat, the ANTHEM OF THE US PRESIDENT IS *HAIL TO THE CHIEF*, so on what planet is saying "hail trump" """acting like a nazi"""?

>Trump doesnt give a fuck about you...
And neither do we.

Love how you misrepresent what I say, ignore most of my post and don't even watch the speech, or Spencer's response to what ensued.

We don't give a fuck about Trump. We're glad Trump won because it shows people willed a candidate into power, against all odds, against all enemies. It's incredible and it marks the beginning of a very promising future.

You need to do more research beyond listening to what five people on Sup Forums and short clips due to your adhd being unable to intake and comprehend a short, 30 minute speech.

Trump himself isn't anything amazing, we don't care about him as a person. It's what he symbolizes. And that's telling the Jewish media off, and being a catalyst for new political revolution. IN FACT THAT'S PRECISELY WHAT RICHARD SPENCER TALKS ABOUT.

I know I said I wouldn't reply but you are really stupid and it's clearly you don't have basic knowledge of things you're speaking about.

Read more and listen more because your knowledge goes about as far as Sup Forums, nothing in depth whatsoever. It's incredible your obliviousness to everything (calling people low IQ while being willfully ignorant, misrepresentation of posts, completely misunderstanding and misinterpretations of what people say).

You just seem like a stupid lemming who spent a little on Sup Forums to get the "inner scope" and then read the atlantic article and NYT.

Watch the speech. Watch Spencer's refutation on Red Ice radio. Read a little more

I personally don't hate Jews nor do i hate Israel itself. And i don't really think Richard Spencer hates them either.