Why is Poland such a shithole?

Why is Poland such a shithole?

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Because it's non-white

Because it's non-white

russian mentality, vodka and corruption

Poland is a land of peace. It's just cloudy in your meme photo.

b-but we don't have russian mentality, drink more beer than vodka and corruption is higher in CZ

pls no bully

russian vodka, corruption and mentality

Don't whining your the next european supêrpower

Russians drink more beer than vodka as well.

where is the city? shang hai?

yes you have

nacionalistic, always victim, religious mentality and youboth loves old myths nd legends about how awesome you are

vodka is still your national drink

you mean perception of corruption index? yeah, it looks like your media are corrupt too

What's the thing between Czechs and Polaks?

>nacionalistic, always victim, religious mentality and youboth loves old myths nd legends about how awesome you are
That's people in the north and east
South Poles are more like Czechs in this regard we just don't give a fuck

>vodka is still your national drink
No, picrelated

>you mean perception of corruption index? yeah, it looks like your media are corrupt too
No, the proper corruption index

they are ruining are reputation

poalcs bydlos abroad are tellein everoyne that they are czech

they think that we are equal

what is the methodics of corruption index? :D :D

>poalcs bydlos abroad are tellein everoyne that they are czech
I thought they are proud of their nationality.

I don't know m8

1920 never forget never forgive

>poalcs bydlos abroad are tellein everoyne that they are czech
you lost it

they think that having like 5% higher gdp per capita allows them to act as if they were Switzerland-tier compared to Poland

>what is the methodics of corruption index?
whatever it is, I think it's still more accurate than your personal opinion

He's just stating the facts desu, I can see those things as well.
I don't hold it agains Poles though, they are quite admirable in their own way. But I'd rather they not became regional power running on the russian-style nationalism sentiment.

>implying they aren't our brothers in humanity

What about regional power running on the V4-style friendliness

There's only one way you can run power on friendliness. There was an oglaf strip about it.

However to not post so negatively, it's a great [spoiler]comfy[/spoiler] thing to have regardless of otherwise power status.

I really like v4 cunts so dont see me like this bogan but still I must ask why slavs always insist on cheating/fucking with the system ?

do you think westcucks would even care? for them it's like a nigerian telling he's from ethiopia - whatever.

Communism taught our immediate ancestors that system is corrupt, dysfunctional, evil and generally not worth obeying and definitely not serving our interest. Therefore it's not only justifiable to cheat it, it's encouraged and moral thing to do.

>He who does not steal, cheats his family.

This has carried over through the transition and it's taking us time to appreciate value of rule of law and its importance for equitable functioning of market economy.

I see, thanks. What about if you're pulled over for speeding for example ? How often would people pay to their pocket, or is that socially verboten these days ?

Czechs are more better than butthurt kurwas.

No traffic cop would take a bribe from passanger car nowadays, they are scared shitless of people snitching on them. And if you offer it you might get in trouble.

They sometimes take bribes from truck drivers and such however

>more better

Yeah my polish exgf said the same. In Latvia giving bribes to traffic cops seems to be de rigueur though.

This must be recent development. Cops in Poland that stopped my family members on 2 separate occasions for not stopping at orange light did make insinuation that it could be cheaper without the ticket.

Then again maybe they'll just picking on foreigners.

I think it's less accepted now that it used to be, but don't have anything but feeling to back that up.

Инoгдa я дyмaю чтo нaдo cнoвa paздeлить чeхию мeждy пoльшeй и гepмaниeй, нo пpи этoм eщe чтoбы тyдa вoшли pyccкиe тaнки.
A впpoчeм oдин хep вы eвpoпeйцы и нe пoнимaeтe pyccкий язык и чтo я здecь пишy.

>Russian humour

Nice divide n conquer Vanya.

Czechs are our Wendish brothers.

Stop bullying us, reee

is it?

i think it looks the same now

*patriotic, and so are many people from many countries, from many different places in the world.
>always victim,
But we wuz victims, this isn't an opinion but a historical fact.
>religious mentality
Czechia is the most atheistic cunt in Europe, what wouldn't seem religious to you?
>and youboth loves old myths nd legends about how awesome you are
Again, which country doesn't? There's literally nothing wrong with this.
>vodka is still your national drink
What do you mean, "national drink"? It was invented here, but that doesn't mean we don't produce and drink anything else. It's not just you who likes beer.
Why are pepiks so condescending? Is it >le westerner meme?

>But we wuz victims, it's a historical fact
point taken. However sometimes the harm was self-inflicted.

Problem with nationalism is that it too often excuses pursuit of "national interests" to detriment of other peoples. I remember when I was watching your current presidents ads before election, it sounded like Putin's.

>old myths and legends about how awesome you are
By itself it's a nice thing to have, but it becomes a problem when you only pick the good things and refuse to acknowledge the bad things.

For instance it's fine to protest against "polish death camps", but it's not fine to pretend that there was no antisemitism among the common people at the time.

stop being such annoying faggot

Stop gradually turning into Russia then

>le 80 seconds man

80 sekund warte 300 tysięcy

ciekawe czy wykurwi na wyspy

Ciekawe czy wykurwie ci z trepa.

>z trepa
Sie nie potknij tylko, kochanie.

>but it's not fine to pretend that there was no antisemitism among the common people at the time.
That's a pretty dumb generalization, because volsdeutsche were no common people.

>but it's not fine to pretend that there was no antisemitism among the common people at the time
Still it was much lower than in the rest of Europe


yep, they are definitely "more better"

Why poland is shithole? I don't know, seriously