>living in a cunt that still has forced military service
I seriously hope...
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And what other possible way we would be able to protect ourselves? Most kids here wants to go to army anyways
>a slave defending his owner
All blue and yellow are dull of fags it makes sense
are you implying that military training is useless?
most finns are trained to kill slavshits like you with guns and their hands and even the NEETs here could beat your ass
It's easy being next to Canada, France or Germany but being next to Russia one has to be prepared to bomb the shit out of them.
We almost re-established forced conscription last week. Surprisingly socialists were behind it
It was then abandoned because of sheer cost, it was estimated to 5-6 billions to do it. And France is already bankrupt
>trying to put American values on other countries
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
>forced military service
What's that?
>NATO member
>no army
how is this allowed
No wonder your country is in reputation of the most militarily pathetic country out there since italy
control of the North Sea
Map is wrong, the Netherlands should be the same colour as the US & Germany.
Meh ? News please.
Btw we should be in white in the map, conscription has been "suspended" by Chirac but could quickly be re-established.
>latvia and lithuania
>no actual conscription
why the fuck?
So even small european countries have an army but these lazy ass pussies north of me don't?
Hmm... so name one war you won.
We technically didnt win winter war but at least we kicked a lot of ass, like in every war we ever participated
We simply don't need it, it would be another way to throw away taxes money
Yeah I got a letter when I became 18 years old saying in emergencies i would have to become a soldier
So you are unable to name one war you won, thank you for your answer.
>File: Nowy obraz.jpg (165 KB, 571x626)
>For the Finns, this was a separate conflict, much like the Continuation War. From a German perspective, the retreat through Lapland was part of the Second World War as part of their two campaigns to evacuate northern Finland and northern Norway
kek, also it's very rude to kill your former allies who fought against your common enemy, Finnish backstabbing confirmed
I just wanted to say that I think your flag is really pretty.
Litteraly no one does conscription in Algeria, tunisia or morrocco.
Serving in Mexico is fucking shit
after the drug war began they stopped training young men into weapons and warfare because they would join a cartel and millions of young men trained in warfare is no good
now service consist in marching like idiot , doing exercise and cleaning public spaces every saturday for a fucking year
Figures a "French" poster would know. :^)
eritrea should be blood red
no other country can compare to its extent of conscription
Usually conscription is employed by shitty countries like Russia and Mexico as a cheap means of doing infrastructure projects.
>In Turkey, compulsory military service applies to all male citizens from twenty to forty-one years of age (with some exceptions). Those who are engaged in higher education or vocational training programs prior to their military drafting are allowed to delay service until they have completed the programs, or reach a certain age, depending on the program (e.g. 29 years of age for undergraduate degrees). The duration of the basic military service varies. As of July 2003, the reduced durations are as follows: twelve months for privates (previously fifteen months), twelve months for reserve officers (previously sixteen months) and six months for short-term privates, which denotes those who have earned a university degree and have not been enlisted as reserve officers (previously eight months).
>Turkish citizens who have lived or worked abroad for at least three years can be exempt from military service in exchange for a certain fee in foreign currencies. Also, when the General Staff assesses that the military reserve exceeds the required amount, paid military service of one-month's basic training is established by law as a stopgap measure, but has only been practiced in reality once so far, and only applied to men of a certain age (born in or prior to 1973). This was done in order to generate funds to recover from the aftermath of the 1999 İzmit earthquake, which took place in the highly industrialized Marmara region of the country, and had a considerable negative impact on the Turkish economy due to the severe damage it caused to a significant number of residential and industrial structures.
>Although women in principle are not obliged to serve in the military, they are allowed to become military officers.
>Conscientious objection of military service is illegal in Turkey and punishable with imprisonment by law. Many conscientious objectors flee abroad mainly to neighboring countries or the European Union (as asylum seekers or guest workers).
So I take it you can't get out by being openly gay? :^)
Bolan. At least they managed to keep their independence and not to lost 40 years of history unlike you
Small amount of lands is acceptable price to not being another post-communist shithole
>no active forces
thats what the jews want you to think but hitlers army lives in antartica
>Surprisingly socialists were behind it
Do you not understand the history of Socialism? KEK
IDK about Turkey, but Russian user said being gay doesn't get you out of the draft.
But then if the stories are true, the Russian army is one huge gay orgy anyway.
We should create an Sup Forumsernational brigade, and invade Iceland, just imagine how fun it would be, to have a country run by an Sup Forums dictatorship.
Iceland is perfect as it is senpaialam, no need to ruin it
Let's see instead with /k/ if they still have the reconquer Rhodesia project going and how we can help
What's the point of resisting when the Russians can throw an amount of drafted soldiers equal to their country's entire population at them for fun?
So you're unable to be a functioning country and the only good you're not totallly inept at is being a cumbucket for Germans and soviets. Kek. I never respected poles but wew.