Big lasses edition
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fucks sake lads
just found out I have to do a supplementary essay for uni
I have 6 weeks to do a 50 word essay lads, what a way to ruin fucking christmas
>French and Italian grills
this 2bh
Sid the Kid
There's something so attractive about a man who knows another language than English. What's that? You can speak another language? Well don't be such a tease, let me hear it!
everyone knows this
it's been proven
Anglo-Irishmen were heroes 2bqh
living in a house with 3-5 people is max comfy
brb family dinners
brb getting together around the playstation
brb never alone
hé schattebout x
main = putStrLn "lads"
living alone is much better
nice and quiet
stoy de acwro gwey
50 words isn't that much...
until the crushing loneliness hits
sounds awful could never walk around your house bollock naked
can't fall asleep if i can hear my own thoughts at night
>Tfw 1/8th Anglo Irish 1/8th Ulster scotch 1/8th Irish traveller 1/8th Gaelic Irish 1/8th Irish Iberian 1/8th west British 1/8th scotch Irish 1/8th Lowland limerickian
>eating out a gf with the tongue abilities and mouth movements of multiple languages
eyy senpai u wan sum succ bruv
i miss ukrainian posters
I ken tae Scots linguage m'lassie
got a 12000 word dissertation to hand in by March and i haven't even started
leave it in the last thread mate it's done
please just let us be comfy
ay mami tu amor sin beso es como pizza sin queso ;)
looking forward to triple that once they move a paki family in with ya?
on what
bellend has passed the skips stage and currently smells like a tuna mayo sandwich
doing a listen
absolute mad tune
Did about 7k words of my dissertation on the night before it was due.
Would NOT recommend. Made me ill for like four days and I started to hallucinate. Was abysmal.
dont know what this means
can't sleep posts
gotta be up for work in 6 hours
Need a bf
low income is the only one that's me
>tfw work 8-5 mon-fri for 16k
>tfw alarm in 6 hours
>tfw bit drunk and about to spark a spliff
I don't understand why a prime minister resigning in Italy (something that happens every other year practically) is sending the Euro downhill
is the italy going to leave the eurozone now or something?
Covers latino and latina, both of which are transphobic because they assume you are male or female
cringy and i say that as a radical centrist
got a 6k essay due in a week not started,
give me a fucking break I wrote a 12,000 word paper in a week
Ouch la'
What do you do?
The Prime Minister was trying to take massive control of the country and he's massively pro-EU. Now that's gone.
I got a one-word essay due in 2 minutes lads IDK what I'm going to do.
the chilean gf
any questions?
doggsable info lad :D
they wanted a referendum on leaving the eurozone yeah
also something like removing powers from their upper house
*types out a post that will enrage the micks*
Truly I am the puppet master, pulling the strings. I might move onto north and south divide in England now, that's always good for laughs as well
runt level desk job
can't really go into specifics
i unironically enjoy most seth rogen movies
Canadians are an embarrassment to Britain's otherwise clean record
>Tfw 60 word essay due for tomorrow
What's the diff?
So this is were canadian tax dollars are going
uh oh lads, gerry's being racist again, better go show him what's what
Was George Bush Junior as incompetent and apathetic and dumb to important stuff like the patriot act as the media portrays him?
More like the Alt-Wrong lol amirite
where did you acquire your obviously patrician taste?
pretty but too fat for me.
>Tfw superior comfy catholic nationalist irish
>12000 dissertation
piece of piss ffs
>tfw 30 word essay due in January and I've only written the introduction, conclusion, and the first paragraph.
antifa are on their way over racist
>the average londoner
yeah righto mate, here I am stressing over it and you're showing off...
250 word paper due next week lids
absolutely b r i c k i n g it
Pic related was me and some unionist lad absolutely wapped out as one on Paddys day x
The divide can be mended
An Anglo-Irishman became Prime minister
So are the luigis leaving the EU or what
I've got a 3000 one due in 8 hours from now
It sounds pretty easy but I really can't be bothered not to sleep tonight.
There 2 people there which is the average x
>he's here
which is, excuse my language, esjaydoubleu horse shite, since "latino" can be used to refer to both genders in spanish
business idea: faceswap these two
>you are now aware this is the average inhabitant of the north
Is that Ulsterlad?
Surprised he's hanging with you desu
can you spoiler that hog please?
lads on tour
not falling for your tricks pal
I really hope one day the northern Irish and the normal Irish can get along
I really do xxx
she looks like the kind of girl i'd get bored of shagging pretty quickly
Is it wrong for me to want this handsome french bastard to absolutely ravage my arsehole?
>tfw dropped my bracelet and can't find it
i thought up north was all eskimos
No just 2nd year College
yeah I was about to say that too. at my school I think the word count for an undergraduate dissertation is 20,000+ words, and a PhD is 100,000+, with masters being in between
didn't know kev was a blader
Dropped your gay card too haha
grow up
Why's that now
He is pretty much retired