Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1766

JLPT Results Edition

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Special Sup Forums FAQ:
>What's the point of this thread?
For learners of Japanese to come and ask questions and shitpost with other learners. Japanese people learning English can come too I guess.
>Why is it here?
The mods moved us here and won't let us go anywhere else.
>Why not use the pre-existing Japanese thread?
The cultures are completely different.
>Go back to Sup Forums
We'd like to. Bitch to the mods.

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>We're still on Sup Forums

How did your JLPT go, 同級生たち?
Who /完全不合格/ here?

Why can the potential form of 五段 verbs ending in る be expressed with られる?
What makes them so special?

A board, is a board
No matter where you post

N2 here.
Did great on reading, horrible on listening.
Some questions completely flew over my head.

Beginner here. I'm beginning to love kanji because it makes it so much easier to read. Kind of feels like optimizing code.

However, i've noticed some kanji characters are followed by a single hiragana character like い. Am i correct in assuming that's for conjugation like spanish?

Those are 送り仮名

Time to start watching more anime per day

>there are people in this thread who took something other than N1

>when N1 isn't even hard

>and you still have the Kentei 1 to worry about

Absolutely agree, man. Did great on reading. Yet the listening part was really hard. I remember being surprised at just how complex it was.

It might be my own fault of course, considering that last year I took the N3 and aced the listening section, so I assumed the N2's would be relatively easy. Guess I was wrong.

Tfw no Japanese bf

Tests are simple illusions created by ningen to shroud reality. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes.

Same, except I didn't do so well on reading either, but I was expecting it to be a lot harder.
90% of the listening questions were complete guesses from me.

>there are multiple people in this thread who paid for the test but didn't take it

Let's try again on a board where would get banned.

>Thread OP wars
Great job, burgers.

A fun read with enjoyable character designs.

Can't have a general without spergs.

this seasons awful and VNs are more interesting though
I was able to pass N3 by guessing on listening so maybe the same will happen this time.


I am doing it for her.


Honestly if I passed I'd be surprised as fuck. I'm definitely not N2 level when it comes to Japanese, and I winged a lot of shit, relying on my great test-taking skills. Hell, I pretty much winged the entire test.


I wonder if i should quit both jobs so i have more time to study nip

i think it's all gonna depend on how the financial aid situation goes.


I shut down and became ひっき again recently. Currently recovering and will apply for a job soon. Thanks for reading.

>someone paid to take the N5 and cucked out







is that short for hikokomori?

you fucking BASTARD. this is the ONE day of the ENTIRE YEAR to take the JLPT and you fucking cucked out

how low are you

Where is that pussy Brazilfag that gave up and decided to pussy out of his JLPT?

Show yourself coward.

Why tho?

BTW if you're NEET learn a trade also and not just Japanese.

>registered for college
>spending all my time studying japanese and absolutely no time preparing for my classes next semester

i care more about studying japanese than studying what the college is going to teach me

this won't end well

Unless you're retarded you can learn whatever the university is going to teach you during the fucking classes themselves.

>Unless you're retarded you can learn whatever the university is going to teach you during the fucking classes themselves.

Not the case with the professor of this philosophy class.

I failed this guy's class before and i'm giving it another shot.

He has the most weirdest class format i've ever seen. There's no attendance check -- you're free to skip all his classes and only come for the tests if you want. But his tests aren't even based on his lectures in class or the text. It's a weird philosophy thing that you have to think out of the box type shit.

Well I wouldn't actually use the certificate for anything. I just wanted it. But right now even going outside fills me with dread so I didn't go. Maybe next year if I feel like it. I can only go up from here.
I got overwhelmed by school. My intake of Japanese and things I actually enjoyed went down dramatically. I couldn't do anything.
Now that I dropped everything I can breath again and have been enjoying Japanese again. If I took the test I probably would have failed.
And I do have a plan. Get a job, get good and become manager. They make enough money for me to live on because I'm a person with very few desires.

Sorry for blog, but since we're talking about JLPT and all.

>BTW if you're NEET learn a trade
What and how?

>Well I wouldn't actually use the certificate for anything

>he won't apply for an international job and put on a resume 'Skilled in Japanese' and present copies of his N1 and Keitei 1 certificates and instantly get transferred to japan

wait...did you seriously just drop out of college? you fucking kidding me?

That's not how it works in the real world, user.

>tfw don't want to live there anymore
>just want to be comfy in my room and pursue my hobbies
I do want to visit Kyoto though.

>That's not how it works in the real world, user.

It is if you're a woman

Read a story about a woman that applied for a job and told them on the resume "i'm applying to this job because it has a japanese branch" and they fucking sent her there after only 3 weeks on the job

Women have it easier because men just automagically assume the woman they're hiring is going to be hot.

90% of the time they're wrong. (9% of the time they have bfs)

>It is if you're a woman
Oh, I get your point.

Of course, of course.

Sad to see you're going to become pic related.

Never stop following your dreams, user

Ambitious women would drop their panties without a second thought. Bfs are just for a show.


You have another year. I've been studying on and off for two or so. Im more focused on real life now but im still going for n2 at least by 4 years in.

Just keep trying and pushing yourself. You knew it was going to be hard before you started.

You should get a trip so anons can filter out your avatarfagging and blog shit. It would be the decent thing to do.

What does this post have to do with studying japanese?

>show up early so that I can hopefully get a good seat
>seats are assigned
>get stuck at the very back

this is even more reason why the jlpt doesn't mean shit

[spoiler]i still passed fo sho though[/spoiler]

Sometimes you need to get off in your high horse dude. DJT has always been like that.

I either don't really have a dream or the "dream" I had was just something I thought of because I needed to work towards "something". I don't really feel bad, more like relieved. I'm sure I have more than one thing wrong with my brain but it's seriously fun for me to sit around and daydream. And I have creative outlets to put my despair into too so don't worry. I just don't think there's anything "out there" that would make things great and happy. I just want to be at peace.
I'll never stop learning, it's just that college wasn't right for me. Hopefully I'll be fine despite that. Good luck to everyone else who is working at it.

>seats are assigned
>get stuck at the very back
>listening test
>can't hear anything
>another sound echoes from the other room
well shit

You should get a trip so anons can filter out your whining

>tfw front seat

Post your age and current state of study.

25 - beginner

younger than you - better than you

You need to be 18 for this site. See you in a year.



>there was an empty seat in front
>a guy in front of me with hearing problems wants to transfer
>proctor says no, go fuck your own shit
>sucks to be you dude

20 - Low-intermediate


19, started studying a year ago and took the N1 today, hope I passed!





23 - 85% sure I passed N2 today

>take N2
>heard time is a commodity at this level so quickly move through the questions because of time
>finish 30 minutes early


>he doesn't know japanese by the 4th week inside the womb

>a year ago
You didn't.

That's only true for stupid classroom learners. For us eroge masterrace, it's normal to finish 20-30 minute early on reading, assuming you are good enough to pass the test to begin with.

I finally found the image for it

>>i have exactly one year

You're about to become a door, user




I remember months ago anons used to say you could easily get N1 or even fluency in a single year and I really fucking believed them


Only if you spend 10-12 hours a day reading VNs. We've been over this.

Yeah it's a bit of a meme.
I'm 27 and have been studying for 4 years and took the N4 for the second time today, it takes time.

>you could easily get N1 or even fluency in a single year

You can. With a good strategy.

You need to spend an entire year and not play video games, have a social life, get girlfriends, or do anything but study.

it's technically, -technically- possible.

22 - I don't even know anymore

>4 years of japanese study only netting you the N4

jesus christ

>studying for 4 years and took the N4 for the second time today
Good one.

19 - New South Wales

The official term for this is 'pulling a moogy'.


hmm yesss

You can become fluent in Japanese in just six months, user


Honestly it doesn't really count for anyone who is obsessed with japanese media before starting anyway.

Like we all know Fin could have gotten N1 in a year starting from when he "officially" started studying if he had actually tried.

>DJT has always been like that.
No, DJT became like that sometime between when it was welcome on Sup Forums and when it was kicked.

is this really fucking necessary

We already went over the fact that polyglot fluency is nothing close to N1

Let us know how that works out for you. Hopefully not an update everyday though.
And shouldn't you be studying right now? No point in replacing all those things with pointless /djt/ time.

>just six months

I became fluent in Japanese in only six weeks, once.

I actually like that guy. And iirc he's talking about basic conversation which I think you could do in that amount of time. It would just have to be basic everyday stuff.
