Antarctica doesn't belong to any count-

>Antarctica doesn't belong to any count-

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get out of my ice

Ah yes, Argentinian claims

Worked out well last time

I'm guessing their claim is going to magically extend to that little Norwegian island any day now.

When the entire earth warms and the only habitable location is antartica it will be mighty comfy on our big islands with Norway watching the entire EU try to fit into France's little sliver of land

Like, there is some unclaimed land there. I think they are just doing it to piss us off now.

fuck off Argentina

These are the only good countries in the world (besides Argentina obviously).


>all these non-countries
Where is USA?
I believe this to be incorrect.
Every uninhabited territory belongs to USA!

t. USA

All these countries claim it, but it's really US/Russia co-owned land.

Wish we didn't have to share with them tbqh.
But such is the situation between the only two relevant countries on Earth.

and America

DESU I'm OK with Argentina, Chile and Australia claiming Antartica since they're so close to it anyways.

Everyone else can fuck off.

USA has the same amount of permanent bases as australia plus we have our historical claims backed by 4 other important countries and new zealand
suck my icy cock and maybe I'll push an iceberg your way

We discovered it though, you moosefucking nigger

hey fuck off we and the hues want a piece too

US/Russia agreed not to challenge the current treaty on Antarctic ownership.

Too bad you didn't claim it all for yourself on time eh? Now fuck off Southern Cone's and Aussie's clay.

Sure, you can get a share. Hues can't, though.

Where do you think new zealand and Australia got their portion from?

Both of them are entitled to your clay. Cede it and leave. Falklands is as close as you get.


Yeah, which also doesn't recognize any claims. Funny they don't seem to have to get permission from any of these countries to put bases on "their" territories.

Russia is a weak, poor shithole.




The peninsula is the best part of antartica you autist.

That map is wrong, Norway's claim doesn't extend to the cenrre, Australia's claim is split by France and borders New Zealand, UK claim is contested by Argentina and Chile

anctartica is huge as fuck, don't be a fucking jew

go claim a bunch of ice from russia if you have the balls

>dont be a fucking jew
Nigger, you're and the rest of your gang of banditos are claiming our fucking clay. Do us a favour and piss off you spic fuck

>woohoo whooho
these overlapping colors tho...hmmmmm

Falklands is ours

aca a nadie le importa las Falklands mete telas en el culo

Who has the best scientific research base and why is it the United Kingdom?

keep the falkies my lad
the air is cooler down here :)

remember the antartic treaty is going to expire in 2 years

>Falklands ARE ours
Take some english courses, Achmed

>That chilean flag

as if yours were any better

You wanna be mad max tomorrow you CUNT!? I'll call the president RIGHT NOW

Arent we agreed that absense of a rival/eternal boogeyman will cause boredom?

>and new zealand

why are argentines such fucking mongs

you can't just claim our territory you fucking spastics
what do you even need it for anyway? you haven't even learnt how to make fire yet let alone started antarctic research

Antartica is our sacred ancestral land, legends say the fist mate was cebated by a gaucho made of ice and shared among penguins who would later migrate to the mainland evolve into our aboriginal people.
Also isle of Mann is Argentine

The British research station discovered the o-zone hole, so they have earned the right to be there tbqh.

I don't think so. Chile and argentina are right there. It just makes sense

Thx but we will take arctic oil instead penguins thanks


stop crying dude... don't act like a kid :^)

Is this the flag of Peruvian immigrants in Argentina?
Fuck off we are full

need i remind you what happened last time you came for our clay hmmmm?

We need it to banter you, otherwise yeah no use at all for us lol

need i remind you what happened last time you invaded buenos aires :^)?

Yes, that's extremely true.
America wouldn't function without a bogeyman.

We won the world cup?
We don't have Spanish soldiers stationed in Buenos Aires no more son, fuck off with your nationalist propaganda.

What are these small meme maps.

>tfw watching B-list countries fight each other over an icy desert shithole at the literal bottom of the planet

I can see the the best portion belongs to argentina
Come get it big dawg

>p-please notice me big strong Brits

Las Antártidas son Nueva Zelandas

>can only carry helicopters
big and strong, sure. Just remember, as soon as you find oil in Antarctica it becomes ours by international law.

Britain will have 2 new carriers soon enough.

chilean clay tbqh

Maybe you ruskies and us burgers can become friends and make someone else the boogeyman, like the krauts or the jews, or even the leafs. Think how much fun it would be to gang bang Canada together.

I could get my qt Russian gf and a cabin in Kamchatka, you could get an oil market that can never buy enough, and we could both get benefit from the north west passage.

pretty sure china is the next target, bro

true, though it'd be nice if the bogeyman didn't have nukes

But will they have



Antarctica is actually 100% Aussie clay. We claimed it before the agreement not to claim it. Therefor such an agreement is null to past claims.

We should seize all non-Commonwealth claims for ourselves desu.

>mfw you would get beaten by us and France

>Norway's claim doesn't extend to the centre
It does. The claim was expanded in 2015.

China, Russia, U.K., India, Italy, Spain, Thailand all have ramps m8.

Yeah, France would side with us

but they are not part of the Commonwealth, and you are not part of the EU anymore

>implying we can't trick the French in to siding with us and then turn on them once everyone else is out of the way

there seems to be a certain name absent from that list.......
really stimulates the synapses

>you are not part of the EU anymore
stupid fucking monkey

Those claims doesn't matter shit tbqh.

There would be probably a limited resource war if people actually tried to enforce their claims.

And Brits would probably want to nuke everyone else with
>muh tridents
like the last time.

I kinda wish they actually did, it'd be pretty funny. Also safely away from here.

>that small ass french part right in the middle of australian one
>tfw cucking aussies

argentina stealing back their land after the falklands i see

>get there first
>dont even get the biggest piece
wow we really fucked ourselves didn't we lads

>not entirely norwegian clay

claims are claims
none of them are rightful by any means
you can take it by force or leave it

this is finnish clay now

We got fucked over big time

Fuck you Britain and Australia for sperging out when we wanted a reasonnably sized chunk of Antarctica.

What the fuck would Russia want with Antarctica? They have plenty of icy wasteland.

Also you wrong as shit.


Fuck off Nord you already have Svalbard.



>tfw have a little town in antártica.

All of these claims are worthless. Everybody is free to use the continent in accordance with the Antarctic Treaty, and should the area ever become economically or strategically important, the treaty and the claims will be discarded, and the big countries will do what they want.

Antarctica isn't inhabitable.

I don't know, but I find all of these stations really fascinating. It seems like an entirely different world down there. Just a few small groups of people all inhabiting their little station somewhere in the vast ice desert.
And I guess they have a need for all kinds of people there, so it might be possible for everyone to have a chance to spend some time there. It's probably the closest you'll get to visiting a different planet.

Man, I wonder how you guys survived for so long.

Nah in 2048

Has anyone here ever lived in Antarctica?
What did you do there, how did you get the job?

>north hemisphere claim on antartica
That doesn't make any sense, only southies can sperg about it.