
Canada USA Mexico

Consequences edition

Other urls found in this thread:


>Once you see a thread about all the negative stuff about your country every single day, you just stop care about it because you already know what's true or false.
Yeah. It just gets annoying


This machine kills MiGs

can't wait to prove what state is better

>colombian getting ready to fuck his burro.jpg

They're just fishing for (you)'s from certain flags though. That's the whole purpose of Sup Forums besides generals.

cum lol

Isn't this the "furfag's dream come true?

smoking a black and mild right now lol

Whatever happened to that one trip?

>two ten paged essays due right before finals

What MK-Ultra type experiments are currently being executed by the us govt?

bajachan is really a soviet spy


me on the right

>tfw no furfag bf

for some reason all my classes except one have final papers and projects instead of tests.I only have one test during finals week and everything else is due before so I have 6 days of absolutely nothing

Canada please explain

that's what I did today

just one autist. Like mex and other generals it will die.

I think Baja is actually a couple different namefags both ironically impersonating each other

>class has final project and final exam

Quebecers are very needy, constantly demanding money and attention.

Terrible gf, we're stuck in a loveless relationship.

sorry buddy

Rate me /cum/

10/10 wouldn't throw over wall

>no beard

Fuck college
Downward spiral 4 lyf

What uni do you got to? What are you studying?


you'll make it, lad

soon you'll finish college and look back and wonder why you were ever in such a hurry

Washington State University, political science. I was just talking about it in the old thread. I'm curious if you've heard of my school

Did you get rid of your beard?

Poor choice/10

this. college goes by in no time. And fuck me, I can''t believe I've been working for 2 years already. I want to retire already

/mex/ used to be funny, and then mexican /l*t/ posters just ruined everything.

You say this because I'm not posting anime, right?

did she actually say that?


Yes, and the audio was also censored.

seriously? what a whore

I'm just waiting to go abroad again

Never heard of it 2bh, but I live on the opposite coast and I dont watch college sports or anything

>Washington State University


Any fellow university of wyoming friends?


yeah, I know.




>tfw too dumb to get above a B in most sciences
>always wanted to be a veterinarian
I'll keep trying, but I'm starting to feel like only disappointment awaits me now.


Maybe try changing study habits or something. I thought I had a similar problem in my first year of college but I changed a few things and A's started rolling in my toughest subjects
vet school is definitely hard to get into sadly

where do you study?
you probably would know us if you watched football. we are known for having one of the most loyal fan-bases. our fans are crazy though. they say it's not cougar(our mascot) football if you're sober
this protest was bullshit. there were about 9 people there and they weren't even doing anyting, just complaining that it was too cold. also the thing they wanted isn't going too happen. my school has a lot of this kinda dumb stuff because our students are either conservative or had too low of a gpa to get into UW. so the only liberals here are extremely stupid

Not really. Its an old photo

Time to go.

Have a good night /cum/
Yes, even you, California.

I hope to see you tomorrow, and this time it'll be true.


>Yes, even you, California.
whats that supposed to mean

Good night Baja

>I'll never have a beard like that
Why live

>even you, California
what did she mean by this

I can see it now
Moot is going to work his way up through the ranks of Google until he's in a position of power to buy out Sup Forums and run it ad free on Google's shekels forever

I changed my study habits and went from failing to getting B's. I'm too far in now though, I can only hope for the best.

desu. I'm thinking about going back to college for an MBA. My earnings potential will go up, and I won't have to be on such a low level of the food chain.

how would one (hypothetically of course) get the satisfaction of getting paid one gets as a wage cuck, but without the work needing to be put in, but without the soul crushing depression of being a NEET

>work his way up through the ranks of Google
nigger have you even seen his job description
he's a nothing, another of the countless silly ventures google have done over the decades

working from home

Baja loves California now.

>tfw it used to be Canada

Pic related.

Some of you said: "Good thing that Baja isn't here to see this" or something like that.

But it was too late; I was lurking that night. Don't worry. I love you guys.

Go to school and then work from home

doing what?


on what?


Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it any less true

Boston College, but I use my hometown flag because don't feel much like a Bostonian

Debilitating mental illness
Drug addiction
Start a band or make music or any other form of art you're passionate about
Get a job where you do jack shit

go 4 it. I wanted to go back to school, but I got a house with my fiance and we have too many financial responsibilities now.


Im not a slut

none of those apply to me, and Im too bad at guitar to start a band

Let me know if you see this
I hope you die in your sleep

do you want me to list the countless opportunities in every field to get a job that offers to work from home?
i'm personally aiming for a comfy sys admin job where i can be lazy at home and accomplish everything from computer unless it absolutely requires being on site

git gud

I do the same thing but just home county because my hometown flag wasn't on the thing.
>Im not a slut
your flag says otherwise

You know any programming languages or are you good at computer art?
If so, let's make an app together and become millionaires

Sup, niggas

>Im not a slut
Yes you are

/lat/ is the biggest fucking cancer I've talked to in my time here. they can go kiss my ass except for a few decent ones there


I know C++ and assembly code

thats literally it

experience has shown Im not made out to be a CS guy

hello ruski buddy. what a coincidence, I'm supposed to be studying for my russian oral final right now.

t. "us 12"er

t. actual slut

Can you write an app with that?

>t. actual slut
I haven't had sex in 2 years

Gee I have never had sex

theoretically I guess

>IT department shit = CS

>Having sex
Dumb normie


I wish I could be a slut

that alone should show you my chance of being a System Admin

I passed the one-year anniversary a few months ago.

Me neither :D