Antarctic Territory edition
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Wank and a snooze
>being a mail-order drug newbie
that's why you open a PO box, ideally with a fake name/anonymously if possible or something else to obfuscate deliveries
munching a durrie
>three /brits/ up
the melancholic custodian
might do a cheeky suicide
I always thought about getting a PO box under a fake name and then getting a homeless lad to go get the package in exchange for a pint of cheap vodka
You need to show ID to pick up a package from a PO box
t. had dragon dildos delievered to one
>Maybe the penguin is disoriented, or disease had made him mad. He may have been rejected by his own tribe or he could be simply looking for something new. How long will he survive in his suicidal quest towards the far off mountains? For his death is certain as he runs into the vast icy heartland of the continent. It will be the last adventure of his short life and a lonely one at that. A lonely adventure, much like our own lives. Perhaps we are all penguins or perhaps the penguins are us. Who knows? I would like to be a penguin
arse hairs are getting really long
might show it to the barber next time i'm in, see if they can sort it out
>his country doesn't have a claim on antarctica
*claims the bottom left corner*
sounds like a lot of effort/ money just for the occasional cheeky benzo
do want to try shrooms though
afaik I don't think they aren't too militant on personal use here, especially for weak prescription drugs like benzos. maybe in the land of the """free""" they would actively chase after you
not for long, bruce
can I go to the unclaimed sector and snort cocaine
you can rent a PO box through various companies
I know Fed Ex requires ID but some others do not, and there are of course more "shady" companies which will open one for you then make the delivery.
norway more like norgay LOL
>unclaimed sector right next to nz territory
Why is Anglo youth culture so niggish? I went to international schools in the UAE where middle class to poverty tier Arabs, Nigerians and Indians went to and also a fewer amount of Americans and Europeans, and by far, the only western group that fit in with the Arabs and Nigerians niggish culture were the Anglo (Australian and British) children. Indians were actually very timid and awkward. They're behavior is the same everywhere.
>United States does not recognize these claims
Good luck when we start building Marine bases there
even though the US has no official claims they de facto have control over many areas and arguably administrate most of the the continent
North Pole > South Pole
you don't want that bit, that's where we keep all the shoggoths
>Indians were actually very timid and awkward.
They always seemed arrogant to me, and the fuckers were a bit aggro when it came to footie, though in a more subtle and devious way I think.
Need a bf
working class parents who don't care
historic culture of runtery
north pole is just sea
at least Antarctica is a huge mysterious continent
Does anybody live in the North Pole?
Fuck off billionaire
Some scientists do
Also there's a bunch of American and Russian submarines floating around under there
reee burgers get out
It's like separating a borg from its cube. It doesn't seem like arrogance, more like, the Indian way is simply the only way.
You fell for my trap. You can't just pull the usual
>our poor people are supposed to act stupid!
act. In the UAE, virtually all the westerners were middle to upper middle class with some richfags mixed in.
there is fucking nothing in antarctica, why are there so many research stations?
I think that's just decadence in general.
just did a big wee
Mostly to prepare for establishing a Mars colony
is this true?
don't worry about it
>our poor people are supposed to act stupid!
I didn't say stupid
but kids have no inherent respect for society like muzzie and far east nations do
What does Brit feel about Morrissey's solo career? A bit generic t-b-h.
it's because those Arabs/ Nigerians are part of the commonwealth so they naturally seek out brits, most of them will move to or dream of moving to London
>working parents who dont care
>kids have no inherent respect
I did say that only British and Australian children//teens fit in with them.
unironically miss sheevposting
look up Operation Highjump
>huge military operation immediately after WWII by the USA to Antarctica with very little released information
No, but I think /brit/ will know as well that Indians act like they were raised by aliens everywhere no matter how assimilated they are.
accidentally posted in the wrong thread like a certified retard
The Antarctic environment is strikingly similar to the Martian environment in that it's a freezing cold rocky desert
would you like to be one of the 45 people who stay here at the exact south pole all year round?
doxxable information
fuck christmas and any normie runt who enjoys it
well yeah they go hand in hand. we lack a culture of parent responsibility to not let our runts run wild
nothing to do with being stupid, it's just more prevalent in working class areas
Probably would if I could yeah, seems like it'd make for an interesting story if nothing else
t. abnormie runt
unironically got an itch in me arsehole and i NEED someone to scratch it
nah it would be a bit cold out
Not really, they assimilate better than any other immigrant group here.
Fuck off Yank
doing a wee cry like a poof
*stabs your neghole with an obsidian blade lased with HIV*
I wonder how those first explorers must have felt when they saw that south pole sticking up out of the ground like that and touched it for the first time.
t. pajeet
alri sanjay
*pop a bollock out of my snowpants*
*let it freeze in the Antarctic snow for a few minutes*
*shatter it with the blunt end of an icepick*
That's where they discovered the internet you know. It was inside that ball at the top.
business idea: outlaw lifeguards at beaches, leading to massive decline and eventual extinction of brown people
>tfw no penguin gf to swallow my micropenis whole like a nice anchovy
Nah apparently all those people lose their minds
Keep in mind it's 24 hours of sunlight for half the year and 24 hours of complete darkness the other half
They stopped shipping booze down there cause the different groups were forming gangs and getting drunk and attacking one another
>An annual tradition is a back to back viewing of The Thing from Another World (1951), The Thing (1982), and The Thing (2011) after the last flight has left for the winter.
Business idea: visit new zealand then come back and tell people it was "okay", critically damaging the miniscule new zealand economy
business idea: invest in rakes
Business idea: keep fracking the fault-line that runs through NZ so more kiwis die
>tfw I touched the ball
nah most of them are already autistic scientist types used to being shutins, might only be there for a six month stint
business idea: nationalize queues, privatize the NHS
business idea: aussie/nz conquest war so we can finally end this farce
Business idea: tell people new zealand doesnt exist causing their currency to plummet so low that they need wheelbarrows of bills to buy a piece of bread
Great idea
business idea: make the monarchy a referendum after the queen dies on who will be the next monarch, allow all commonwealth/former commonwealth countries to participate
don't see any profit in this to be honest
>Leopard Seal Kills Scientist in Antarctica
>The death of a British marine biologist in Antarctica last month [July 22] is thought to be the first human fatality caused by a leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx). But scientists fear further seal attacks as the number of people working in the region continues to rise.
>Kirsty Brown was dragged underwater by the seal while snorkeling near Rothera research station on the Antarctic Peninsula.
>Horrified colleagues from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) scrambled a rescue boat and managed to pull Brown from the water. Despite trying to resuscitate her for an hour, the station doctor was unable to save the 28-year-old.
Business idea: assemble an army of 10 lads with brooms and tree branches to coup d'etat the new zealand government causing kiwi refugees to take boats to australia
shut the cluck up
I will happily serve her majesty Queen Trump
business idea: find an uninhabited tropical island, populate it with giant animals, and sell $50k/person tickets for rich people to go on extreme survival hunting expeditions with nothing more than a wooden spear, a loincloth, and some matches
>queen trump
I was more thinking sultan Rasheed of Hyerabad.
ah yes they would never blow something out of proportion
Business idea: wank
Business idea: file an inquiry into the disappearance of the mexican who posts here